Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rheumatic Fever

Bongani Mayosi / University of Cape Town

A Change of Heart Disease

A persistent—yet preventable—condition finally gets some attention

Bongani Mayosi / University of Cape Town
Nine years ago, Bongani Mayosi was performing ultrasound scans of children’s hearts at the Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, when he noticed that every second or third patient he saw had an inflammatory disease called rheumatic fever (RF). The prevalence of the disease “shocked me to no end and led me to believe that we ought to do something about it,” says Mayosi, now a professor at the University of Cape Town./.../

Millennium Success: The World Gets Healthier, Richer

A woman lies on a hospital bed in Rwinkwavu, Rwanda
Jose Cendon / AFP / Getty Images
The United Nations has no shortage of critics — indeed, it often seems it has nothing but critics. It's slow, feckless and largely pointless. It's anti-Israel (unless you think it's anti-Arab), a tool of the big powers (unless you think it's been hijacked by small states), anti-U.S. (unless you think it's in America's pocket). There are people who don't even like its flag.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women

Theme: Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women
Monday, 31 May is World No Tobacco Day 2010. This year's theme is "Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women". The tobacco industry targets women to replace the up to half of current users of tobacco who will die eventually of a tobacco-related disease. The World Health Organization urges governments, civil society and the general public to protect women and girls from tobacco marketing and smoke. 
- For more information, click here 
- World No Tobacco Day 2010 a

World Drug Report 2010

World Drug Report 2010

23 June 2010 - Today, at the National Press Club in Washington, UNODC launched the World Drug Report 2010. Taking part in the launch were UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa, Viktor Ivanov, Director of the Federal Drugs Control Service of the Russian Federation, and Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.
The Report shows that drug use is shifting towards new drugs and new markets. Drug crop cultivation is declining in Afghanistan (for opium) and the Andean countries (coca), and drug use has stabilized in the developed world. However, there are signs of an increase in drug use in developing countries and growing abuse of amphetamine-type stimulants and prescription drugs around the world.

INTERSTROKE: Ten modifiable risk factors explain 90% of stroke risk

INTERSTROKE: Ten modifiable risk factors explain 90% of stroke risk

JUNE 18, 2010 | Michael O'Riordan
Beijing, China - A large case-control study evaluating risk factors for stroke has shown that 10 risk factors are associated with 90% of the risk of stroke and that of these modifiable risk factors, hypertension is the most important for all stroke subtypes and is a particularly dangerous risk factor for intracerebral hemorrhage [1]./.../

Social determinants of diabetes and challenges of prevention

The Lancet, Volume 375, Issue 9733, Pages 2204 - 2205, 26 June 2010

doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60840-9Cite or Link Using DO
Nigel Unwin aEmail AddressDavid Whiting bGojka Roglic c
Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for roughly 90% of all cases of diabetes, is still widely perceived as a disease of affluence that is strongly associated with obesity and physical inactivity.1 This perception is mirrored in policy for international development, with the UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) making no mention of diabetes or related chronic diseases. Notably, diabetes was one of a small number of priority public-health conditions that were assessed in a recent publication developed to inform the work of the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health. The chapter about diabetes illustrates why this disorder and related chronic diseases are key targets for reduction of health inequity worldwide, and specifically in countries with low and middle incomes.2/.../

Novel Drug Promising as Metformin Add-on

By Kristina Fiore, Staff Writer, MedPage Today
Published: June 24, 2010
Reviewed by Dori F. Zaleznik, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston.
ORLANDO -- Adding dapagliflozin, an investigational selective sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitor, to metformin may improve glycemic control in diabetic patients who aren't responsive to metformin monotherapy.
In a phase III trial, mean glycosylated hemoglobin decreased significantly for patients on three different doses of the drug compared with those on placebo, Clifford J. Bailey, MD, of Aston University in Birmingham, U.K., and colleagues reported online in a special American Diabetes Association issue of The Lancet.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Millennium Development Goals Report 2010


Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia 

United Nations, New York June 23, 2010
Available online PDF [80p.] at: http://bit.ly/bmwAhK
The report is available in all UN languages. ArabicChineseEnglishFrenchRussianand Spanish
The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 was launched in New York by the Secretary-General on 23 June 2010. The report, which presents the yearly assessment of global progress towards the MDGs, warns that while some progress has been made, it is uneven. And it pinpoints the areas where the accelerated efforts are needed to meet MDGs by 2015.
 “…….The Millennium Declaration represents the most important promise ever made to the world’s most vulnerable people. The MDG framework for accountability derived from the Declaration has generated an unprecedented level of commitment and partnership in building decent, healthier lives for billions of people and in creating an environment that contributes to peace and security.
The Millennium Development Goals are still attainable. The critical question today is how to transform the pace of change from what we have seen over the last decade into dramatically faster progress. The experience of these last ten years offers ample evidence of what works and has provided tools that can help us achieve the MDGs by 2015. The Millennium Development Goals summit in September will be an opportunity for world leaders to translate this evidence into a concrete agenda for action….”
This report is based on a master set of data that has been compiled by an Inter-Agency and Expert Group on MDG Indicators led by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, in response to the wishes of the General Assembly for periodic assessment of progress towards the MDGs. The Group comprises representatives of the international organizations whose activities include the preparation of one or more of the series of statistical indicators that were identified as appropriate for monitoring progress towards the MDGs,

Poverty Lines across the World


Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia 

Martin Ravallion
The World Bank - Development Research Group Director’s Office
Policy Research Working Paper 5284 - April 2010
Available online PDF [38p.] at: http://bit.ly/aO2sTz
“………..National poverty lines vary greatly across the world, from under $1 per person per day to over $40 (at 2005 purchasing power parity). What accounts for these huge differences, and can they be understood within a common global definition of poverty?

For all except the poorest countries, the absolute, nutrition-based, poverty lines found in practice tend to behave more like relative lines, in that they are higher for richer countries. Prevailing methods of setting absolute lines allow ample scope for such relativity, even when nutritional norms are common across countries.

Both macro data on poverty lines across the world and micro data on subjective perceptions of poverty are consistent with a weak form of relativity that combines absolute consumption needs with social-inclusion needs that are positive for the poorest but rise with a country’s mean consumption. The strong form of relativism favored by some developed countries -- whereby the line is set at a fixed proportion of the mean -- emerges as the limiting case for very rich countries….”

Secondary Smoke is hazardous for your heart

This has the films, the papers, and a collection of other resources such as AHA policy position paper, journal articles, and manuals on how to implement smoke-free hospitals

Alice Grainger Gasser Project Manager World Heart Federation | 7, rue des Battoirs | P. O. Box 155 1211 Geneva 4 | Switzerland Phone +41 22 807 03 33 Fax +41 22 807 03 39 E-mailalice.graingergasser@worldheart.org Web www.worldheart.org 
The World Heart Federation is committed to helping people achieve a longer and better life through prevention and control of heart disease and stroke, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Second hand smoke & Children

  pdf print mail

Searching for Smoke-free Resources? Head to the GSP’s Online Clearinghouse


In January, the Global Smokefree Partnership (GSP) launched its online clearinghouse, a database of key resources on smoke-free issues. GSP members can search for resources using different criteria, including keywords, organization, author(s), and language. The resources in the database currently include articles, guides and reports produced by the GSP and its partners. The clearinghouse is a living resource, and the GSP will add new materials on a regular basis. Please check it often for updates and the latest information. To visit the clearinghouse, click here.
 Click here to view the animation on Secondhand smoke and child health. 

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Artigo meu no ZH de domingo.

20 de junho de 2010 | N° 16372


“Engana-me...”, por Aloyzio Achutti*

“Engana-me que eu gosto...” Ditos populares podem lidar com importantes questões. Estamos mergulhados em mensagens enganosas ou de meias verdades na propaganda comercial, no discurso político, na fé religiosa, nas juras de amor, em muitos prazeres fugazes, na embriaguez da voracidade, em nossos sonhos, e até nas tais evidências científicas.

O disfarce, o drible, a artimanha, a estratégia, o esconde-esconde, a surpresa, fazem parte do jogo, e a vida precisa nos ensinar o que convém e o que deve ser evitado. Precisamos nos conformar: a dúvida, a incerteza e a dificuldade de reconhecer o falso e o verdadeiro são desafios permanentes. A filosofia e a religião desde sempre tentaram encontrar saídas, e a ciência surgiu para minimizar as dúvidas, mas a expansão do conhecimento traz mais novas perguntas do que respostas definitivas...

A segunda parte da expressão é ao menos curiosa: gostar de ser enganado?!... Pela frequência e liberdade com que os limites do razoável são ultrapassados, é realmente muito provável ser a responsabilidade não somente do enganador, mas haver algum gozo ou vantagem em ser enganado. Existe gente ingênua que facilmente cai no “conto do vigário”, mas não existe tamanha ignorância assim no mundo para se subestimar tanto a audiência.

Frente às dificuldades, a fuga da realidade é uma saída bem conhecida: drogar-se, dormir, negar, iludir-se, fazer de conta para não enfrentar o sofrimento ou ter que tomar uma decisão de risco. E não é uma raridade. Quantos jogam dinheiro fora em vários tipos de jogos e sorteios com quase nenhuma chance, a não ser a da banca? Fanatismo político, paixão pelo time, fidelidade à marca, fazem-nos cegos porque preferimos jogar no que gostaríamos que fosse verdade.

A virtualidade da literatura, das artes e da mídia fornece-nos recursos eficazes para criar e viver numa realidade paralela. A companhia – principalmente se for de muitos, em massa – pode nos liberar de tomar uma decisão pessoal, e nos deixarmos levar...

Seres racionais: não somos tão racionais assim. Há caminhos alternativos em nossa mente, assim como aquele da dependência química ou psicológica, se alguma vez deu certo ou trouxe algum tipo de prazer. A informação é essencial, mas pode ser mal conduzida por um conluio tácito entre a esperteza de quem veicula a mensagem e a lucidez de quem a recebe. A boa educação pode estruturar a personalidade, tornando-a menos suscetível, mas o equilíbrio emocional é crítico na escolha da opção mais acertada em vez da efêmera e enganosa ilusão.

SBC: Nova Diretoria

À Diretoria 2012-13 da SBC, recém eleita, o cumprimentos e
votos de sucesso, dos Amigos do Coração (AMICOR)

DIRETOR PRESIDENTE - Biênio 2012/2013 
Processo Eleitoral De 7 a 18 Junho
Resultado final apurado em: 18/06/2010 18:05


Jadelson Andrade
Sergio Montenegro

Friday, June 18, 2010

José Saramago, Nobel Prize-Winning Writer, Dies

José Saramago arriving for the opening of an exhibition dedicated to his work at Ajuda Palace in Lisbon in April 2008.

José Saramago, Nobel Prize-Winning Writer, Dies

The Portugese writer, 87, was known as much for his unfaltering Communist views as for his surrealist, sardonic novels.

Urban Health and Social Capital: Understanding Early CVD Mortality in Southern Brazil

 WCC 2010


Urban Health and Social Capital: Understanding Early CVD Mortality in Southern Brazil
Lucia Pellanda, Brazil
Presentation Slides

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

WCC 2010 Oral Presentations

The AMICOR Dr. Lúcia Pellanda has four Oral Presentations in Peking.
Pages e77 and e98

Urban Health and Social Capital

Aloyzio Achutti, Maria Ines Azambuja, Sergio Luis Bassanesi, Lúcia Pellanda. School of Medicine of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul State (Porto Alegre, Brazil)

386-Postprandial Lipid Metabolism in Overweight Adolescents
Bianca Schauren1, Vera Portal1, Flavia Beltrami2, Tiago Dos Santos2, Lucia Pellanda1 1Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul/ Fundaçao Universitária de Cardiologia (IC/FUC) (Porto Alegre, Brazil); 2Universidade Federal de Ciencias da Saude de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) (Porto Alegre, Brazil)

Overweight, Anthropometric Variables, and Blood Pressure Levels in 

Brazilian South Schoolchildren
Lucia Pellanda1,2, Vania Schommer1,2, Sandra Barbiero1, Rosemary Petkowicz1, Anelise
Damiani2, Allana Andreolla1, Tiago Dos Santos1,2, Claudia Cesa1 1Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul/ Fundaçao Universitaria de Cardiologia (IC/FUC) (Porto Alegre, Brazil); 2Universidade Federal de Ciencias da Saude de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) (Porto Alegre, Brazil)


22q11.2 Syndrome Screening with Polymerase Chain Reaction

Janaına Huber1, Lucia Pellanda1,2, Andres Delgado Canedo3, Vivian Catarino Peres1, Alexandre Luz De Castro1,2, Tiago Dos Santos1,2, Angelica Baumont1,2, Lauro Da Fontoura Beltrao1,2, Tiago Pires Dalberto4, Beatriz D’agord Schaan1,5 . 1Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul/ Fundaçao Universitaria de Cardiologia (IC/FUC) (Porto Alegre, Brazil); 2Universidade Federal de Ciencias da Saude de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) (Porto Alegre, Brazil); 3Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) (Sao Gabriel, Brazil); 4Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) (Porto Alegre, Brazil); 5Hospital de Clınicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA/UFRGS) (Porto Alegre, Brazil)

Oral Presentations From the WORLD CONGRESS OF CARDIOLOGY Scientific
Sessions 2010 
Circulation published 14 June 2010, 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.192773

Study: Lifestyle May Not Prevent Alzheimer's

A nurse's aide helps an Alzheimer's patient at a care facility
Andrew Holbrooke / Corbis
A comprehensive analysis by an independent government panel has found that there is not enough scientific evidence to date to support the advice doctors currently give — such as exercising, doing crossword puzzles or eating a Mediterranean-style diet — for preventing or controlling symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and dementia/.../

Monday, June 14, 2010

Transcend - Ray Kurtzweil & Terry Grossman

New health book, TRANSCEND, by Kurzweil and Grossman published

TRANSCEND: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman updates and extends Fantastic Voyage book