Thursday, October 31, 2019

perinatal depression

Focus on preventing perinatal depression

The evidence from clinical trials is strong: we have the tools to prevent depression, says clinical psychologist Ricardo Muñoz. We also have the perfect place to start: with expectant or new mothers. It’s a time when many women are at risk, interventions could be wrapped up with existing prenatal care to reduce any stigma, and mothers’ good mental health will benefit their own children as well.
Nature | 11 min read

The Fifth Dimension

Visualizing beyond the edge of the universe and the place of non-space
Ella Alderson in PredictMember only content6 min read

Fecal Transplant

Two people became ill after a poop transplant, and one of them died. Experts explain what went wrong and why…
Dana G Smith in ElementalMember only content6 min read

Carlos Drumond de Andrade

Carlos Drummond de Andrade – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Prontosil Rubrum

Gerhard Domagk, c. 1960.
Prontosil Structure.svg
Outros nomes
  • p-sulfamidocrisoidina
  • 4-((2,4-diaminofenil) azo)benzenosulfonamida
Número CAS 103-12-8,
33445-35-1 (cloridrato)
Fórmula molecularC12H13N5O2S
C12H13N5O2SHCl (cloridrato)
Ponto de fusão
248-250 °C (cloridrato) [1]
Solubilidade em águaCloridrato: 1 g em 400 mL de água (aumenta significantemente em temperaturas elevadas).
Solúvel também em etanol, acetona, gorduras e óleos.[1]
1895: German bacteriologist and pathologist Gerhard Domagk, recipient of the 1939 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his discovery (announced in 1932) of the antibacterial effects of Prontosil, was born.

Prontosil, also called sulfamidochrysoidine, trade name of the first synthetic drug used in the treatment of general bacterial infections in humans. Prontosil was introduced into medicine in the 1930s.
Prontosil resulted from research, directed by German chemist and pathologist Gerhard Domagk, on the antibacterial action of azo dyes. A red azo dye of low toxicity, Prontosil was shown by Domagk to prevent mortality in mice infected with Streptococcus bacteria. The dye was also effective in controlling Staphylococcus infections in rabbits. Within a relatively short period, it was demonstrated that Prontosil was effective not only in combating experimental infections in animals but also against streptococcal diseases in humans, including meningitis and puerperal sepsis. Later it was found that Prontosil is disrupted in the tissues to form para-aminobenzenesulfonamide (sulfanilamide).
Prontosil has been replaced in clinical use by newer sulfonamide drugs, including sulfanilamide, sulfathiazole, sulfamethoxazole, and others.

RS Saúde Pública

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12 de novembro – às 19hs

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Universe 5%

“It is just embarrassing to live in a Universe where you only know 5% of it.”
Cosmologist Ofer Lahav welcomes the first observations by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). The telescope will conduct the largest spectroscopic survey of galaxies ever to try to uncover the nature of dark energy. (BBC)
Read more: Dark-energy mapper will reconstruct 11 billion years of cosmic history (Nature, from August)