Friday, April 30, 2021

3.027 amicor23

 #Julia Belardinelli Achutti

Nossa primeira neta que nasceu na véspera do Seminário Nacional de dez dias, em função do qual AMICOR foi criado inicialmente para Discutir a Declaração de Gramado.

#From: Quanta Magazine

My Bookmarks



Cosmic Map of Ultrahigh-Energy Particles Points to Long-Hidden Treasures


Ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays twist and turn on their way to Earth, which has made it nearly impossible to identify the colossal monsters that create them.

Read the article

#From: Aeon Magazine

Human evolutionEssay
Brains in a dish
What pea-sized brain organoids reveal about consciousness, the self and our future as a species
by Alysson Muotri

#From: Edge 578
Hands On

Patricia S. Churchland

During my first neuroanatomy lecture, the patient presented to us was a former dean of the medical school who had suffered a small brainstem stroke. As he started to identify the stroke location, the former dean suddenly began to sob piteously. Deeply concerned, we waited in utter stillness a long minute until, abruptly, his sobbing stopped. Unbothered by the interlude, he calmly went on to explain that the episode was caused by the stroke—damage to a tiny region of the brainstem which released reflexive crying when triggered by high levels of adrenalin. Conscious control was futile. A not uncommon sequel of a brainstem stroke, the condition is known as pseudobulbar affect. Adding to our bewilderment, he commented, almost as an aside, that throughout the crying episode he had felt no sadness whatever, though he did admit to finding pseudobulbar affect a nuisance. This was the first result in my new neurophilosophical world: The disconnect between despondent behavior and despondent emotions was the sort of event that many philosophers, trusting entirely in their own imagination, said was inconceivable and could not happen. But it did happen, right before our wondering eyes. This was the first of a host of “philosophically impossible” revelations from brain-damaged patients.

PATRICIA S. CHURCHLAND is professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of California, San Diego, and adjunct professor at the Salk Institute. Her research has centered on the interface between neuroscience and philosophy, with a current focus on the association of morality and the social brain. She is the author of Conscience: The Origins of Moral Intuition

#Do Hospital Moinhos de Vento

Monday, April 26, 2021

3.026 AMICOR 23

#From: Brett Chamberlin, The Story of Stuff Project <>

Today I’m pleased to share The Story of Plastic (animated short), a companion piece The Story of Plastic documentary film! We'd love for you to give it a watch, and consider sharing it today or tomorrow, Earth Day. Subtitles are available in Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, and Swahili. 

É preciso se inscrever para participar

#Do Centro Histórico e Cultural da Santa Casa

Há tempos que os físicos não conseguem decifrar o mistério do que aconteceu nos momentos em que uma pequena semente explodiu como o universo. Agora, um cientista acha que sabe por que eles não poderão chegar a uma descrição física deste fenômeno chamado inflação: o universo não permite.

Especificamente, o cientista descreve uma nova conjectura em relação ao universo jovem, “o observador deve ser protegido” de observar diretamente as menores estruturas do cosmos.

Em outras palavras, por definição, os físicos talvez nunca possam construir um modelo de inflação usando as ferramentas usuais, terão que descobrir uma nova maneira./../
No momento, a TCC não está provado, é apenas uma conjectura. Ela se alinha com outras idéias da Teoria das Cordas, mas a teoria das cordas também não é comprovada (na verdade, a teoria ainda não está completa e nem sequer é capaz de fazer previsões). Mas ainda assim, ideias como esta são úteis, porque os físicos fundamentalmente não entendem a inflação, e qualquer coisa que possa ajudar a aguçar esse pensamento é bem-vinda. [Space]

#De Fronteiras do Pensamento

Visualizar como página web

Prepare-se para a live assistindo a um vídeo de Llosa disponível no canal do Fronteiras no Youtube:

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Monday, April 19, 2021

3.025 - AMICOR 23


#De: Prof. Luiz Eduardo Robinson Achutti (nosso filho)

Entrevista para Jornalista Cubana Maribel Acosta Damas

El desgarramiento de Achutti, fotógrafo viajero de las muchas pieles

Por Maribel Acosta Damas(*) / Colaboración Especial para Resumen Latinoamericano Cuba. 

 / Fotos: Cortesía del entrevistado.

Luiz Eduardo Robinson Achutti es hijo de una generación de intelectuales y artistas brasileños que apostó a la utopía de un mundo mejor. Es Profesor titular del Departamento de Artes Visuales del Instituto de Artes de la Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Sur (UFRGS. En su recorrido por la fotografía de prensa primero y luego por la fotoetnografía, fue incorporando pieles al recorrer su país y muchos otros. La mirada antropológica pasó a ser parte de una obra que tiene anclada su raíz en la vida humana. Medio siglo es mucho tempo para mirar y narrar. Ahí ha estado Achutti. Contando. Visitó Cuba por primera vez en 1986 y se metió en la piel de la isla, sin divagaciones, dejándose llevar entre la gente en un camino preciso y extraordinario. Igual su lente relató los viajes por los países del antiguo Campo Socialista./.../

#Earth Day  22/04

#From Britannica:
#Da: Academia SR Medicina
 Conferência: "GenÉTICA: Como isto nos afeta?" 
 Profa. Mayana Zatz -  é biologista molecular e geneticista brasileira, professora do Departamento de Genética e Biologia Evolutiva do Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo.
  Apresentador: Acadêmico Jorge Neumann
 Coordenação/Comentários: Acadêmico Roberto  Giugliani
Tentarei obter o vídeo que merece e precisa ser divulgado
Enquanto não consigo vai outro dos vários links disponiveis da conferencista:

#From The Planetary Health

A framework to guide planetary health education

Caixa d

Enrique Falceto De Barros

this is an inspiring step for a transdisciplinary, horizontalized and
collaborative planetary health movement for the great transition.
you are invited for the Planetary Health Week online!
register today.
Feliz Dia da Terra! - happy Earth day!
Enrique Falceto de Barros
#From: Human Development Report Office por
Reuters Newsmaker with Achim Steiner
THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2021 / 9:00 – 10:00 EDT, 14:00 – 15:00 BST
Please join us for a Reuters Newsmaker on Earth Day 2021, featuring Achim Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme and former executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme.
Axel Threlfall, Reuters editor-at-large, and Katy Daigle, Reuters climate change editor, will lead a wide-ranging discussion with Steiner on the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its threat to human development, peace and security from the impacts of climate change, and environmental degradation. Audience Q&A will follow.

After registering, you will receive your unique link to the discussion.

The thorny thought experiment has been turned into a real experiment — one that physicists use to probe the physics of information.

Photo of Rafflesia arnoldii growing on vines in Indonesian forest.

DNA of Giant ‘Corpse Flower’ Parasite Surprises Biologists

The bizarre genome of the world’s most mysterious flowering plants shows how far parasites will go in stealing, deleting and duplicating DNA.

An illustration showing pink and purple particles flowing around a geometric computer chip.

Latest Neural Nets Solve World’s Hardest Equations Faster Than Ever Before

Two new approaches allow deep neural networks to solve entire families of partial differential equations, making it easier to model complicated systems and to do so orders of magnitude faster.

A drawing of a mouse, with lines representing sensory data rotating 90 degrees to become lines of memory data.

The Brain ‘Rotates’ Memories to Save Them From New Sensations

Some populations of neurons simultaneously process sensations and memories. New work shows how the brain rotates those representations to prevent interference.


John Banville
His Own Worst Enemy

In Van Gogh’s letters, his tone is consistently that of a man still aflame after a violent argument.

#Da: Academia SR de Medicina

Temos nova Diretoria Parabéns e sucesso permanent! 

#From AEON Magazine

This week in
Friday 23 April 2021

Mathematics for gamblers
If philosophers and mathematicians struggle with probability, can gamblers really hope to grasp their losing game?
by Catalin Barboianu

Thinkers and theoriesEssay
Coleridge the philosopher
Though far more often remembered as a poet, Coleridge’s theory of ideas was spectacular in its originality and bold reach
by Peter Cheyne

Photo of radio telescopes at the Allen Telescope Array with a starry sky featuring the Milky Way in the background.

How Radio Astronomy Reveals the Universe

Radio waves, longer and less energetic than visible light, give astronomers access to some of the most obscure physics in the cosmos.