Sunday, May 29, 2022

3.086 - AMICOR (25)

  3.086 - AMICOR (25) em construção

#Dra. Valderês A. Robinson Achutti (*13/06/1931+15/06/2021

No Uruguai, junto à muralha do forte
Dia 13 de junho, dia do aniversário dela (estaria fazendo 91 anos), segunda feira, dia de Santo Antônio, na Igreja do Pão dos Pobres, 17 horas, missa para lembrar um ano do falecimento.
(clicar  em Apresentação de Slides)

#Maria Popova

Your Brain on Grief, Your Heart on Healing

“Grief is a heart-wrenchingly painful problem for the brain to solve… to live in the world with the absence of someone… ingrained in your understanding of the world… For the brain, [they are] simultaneously gone and also everlasting, and you are walking through two worlds at the same time.”

Your Brain on Grief, Your Heart on Healing

“‘Tis good — the looking back on Grief,” Emily Dickinson wrote as she calibrated love and loss. But she did not mean that it is good to ruminate and wallow — Dickinson so deftly played with the surface of meaning, so delighted in startling us into a flinch or furrow before plunging us into the deeper truths she fathomed. She meant, I think, that a love lost is grieved forever, whatever the nature of the loss — this she knew, and turned the ongoingness of it into a lifetime of art — but by looking back, we are reminded over and over that the sharp edge of grief does smooth over time, that today’s blunt ache is worlds apart from the first stabs, until grief becomes, as Abraham Lincoln wrote in his stirring letter of consolation to a bereaved young woman, “a sad sweet feeling in your heart, of a purer and holier sort than you have known before.”


Microplastics are so ubiquitous that scientists are starting to talk about a “plastic cycle” as if it were a natural and enduring feature of the environment, like the water and nitrogen cycles. Could the presence of microplastics in our environment serve as a signature of the Anthropocene, a new geological epoch inaugurated by human activity? 

“Absolutely,” Katharine Gammon said, in our conversation about her recent story. “Every time we take a plastic bag from the grocery store we’re making a 500-year decision in an instant because you know that’s going to be around for far longer than you or your kids or your grandkids.”

We discussed, among other things, what all this means for those working on policies to protect us from microplastics, as well as what other stories Gammon is reporting on. Watch here.

–Brian Gallagher, associate editor

What is our hidden consumption of microplastics doing to our health?

Continue reading →


The brains of human beings are different from those of every other species of animal, because all species’ brains have been tuned to their lifestyles through millions of years of evolution.