Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sweet! Galactic Molecule Could Point to Alien Life

Galactic molecules. Credit: NASA

Galactic molecules. Credit: NASA

An organic sugar molecule which is directly linked to the origin of life has been detected in a region of our galaxy where habitable planets could exist. Using the IRAM radio telescope in France, an international team of scientists found the molecule in a massive star forming region of space, about 26,000 light years from Earth. “This is an important discovery, as it is the first time glycolaldehyde, a basic sugar, has been detected near a star-forming region where planets that could potentially harbour life may exist,” said Dr. Serena Viti, one of the paper’s authors. Glycolaldehyde can react to form ribose, a key constituent of the nucleic acid RNA, thought to be the central molecule in the origin of life./.../

1 comment:

  1. The picture is really nice. Combination of science, physics, chemistry, biology and etc.

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