Monday, December 01, 2008

Long-Term Nicorette Gum Users Losing Hair and Teeth

by John R. Polito - December 1, 2008

What follows are the words of a 44 year-old woman addicted to Nicorette gum. "Originally I took it to quit smoking. I now have a major addiction to Nicorette, severe hair loss (have lost over 50% of my hair), high blood pressure (for which I now have to take high strength medication), severe problems with teeth and jaw from constant chewing (had to have 2 teeth pulled out and enamel has eroded). Previously I had perfect blood pressure (120/80), my teeth were excellent (not even a filling), and I had beautiful thick curly hair!"

"Nicorette did help me to quit cigarettes initially," she writes but "I have been addicted to Nicorette chewing gum now for over 16 years!! My doctors cannot explain my severe hair loss or my extremely high blood pressure. My diet is healthy, I exercise regularly and all my blood tests show up fine. But after reading all of these entries I now understand what the problem is. It is the nicotine I am ingesting!! I chew 2mg x 10 pieces of Nicorette each and every day!! Sometimes more. Would I recommend this product - NO ABSOLUTELY NOT! It is very expensive, very addictive, and destroys your health!"/.../

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