Monday, December 29, 2008

Morris Collen, M.D: Drug Interactions

Pioneering Researcher at 95 Returns to Lifelong Quest in Drug Interactions

By Crystal Phend, Staff Writer, MedPage Today
Published: December 24, 2008
Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor 
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

OAKLAND, Calif., Dec. 24 -- When Morris Collen, M.D., peers into his medicine cabinet at the assisted-living facility apartment where he lives, his thoughts are far from the typical musings of a 95-year-old. He is thinking of adverse drug interactions.

He considers his eight daily prescription drugs, the eyedrops, and the multivitamins he takes, and he wonders how each affects the others, and what this hodgepodge is doing in his body./.../

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