Monday, August 30, 2010

Diretriz de Revascularização Miocárdica da Sociedade Européia de Cardiologia.

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Boletim Especial ESC 2010- nº 02 | Suécia, 30 de agosto de 2010
Voce está recebendo o segundo boletim informativo da Sociedade Brasileira de Hemodinâmica e Cardiologia Intervencionista sobre o ESC 2010, que está sendo realizado em Estocolmo, Suécia, através dos nossos enviados especiais:
Dr. Guilherme Attizzani
Editor do Portal
Dr. André Manica 
Co-Editor do Portal
Dr. Carlos A. Campos
Co-Editor do Portal

Objetivos do Milênio

Brasília, 25/08/2010Série de artigos debate Objetivos do Milênio
Iniciativa do Centro Internacional de Políticas para o Crescimento Inclusivo publica 17 textos sobre os ODM no site Mercado Ético
Governo do Rio de Janeiro/Divulgação
Leia também
'É hora de implantar as políticas pró-ODM'

ODM precisam incluir perspectiva de gênero

'ODM deveriam incluir qualidade do ensino'

'Agenda pós-ODM deve pôr metas na lei'
da PrimaPagina
CIP-CI (Centro Internacional de Políticas para o Crescimento Inclusivo), um órgão do PNUD em parceria com o governo brasileiro, e o site Mercado Ético estão publicando uma série de 17 artigos em português que debatem os desafios, os impactos e as perspectivas para os ODM (Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio)
Os ODM são um conjunto de metas socioeconômicas que os países da ONU se comprometeram a atingir até 2015, englobando temas como renda, educação, saúde, meio ambiente e igualdade entre os sexos. Os textos sobre as metas da ONU foram originalmente publicados em umaedição especial da revista Poverty in Focus, feita pelo CIP com o Instituto de Estudos do Desenvolvimento, do Reino Unido. Agora, eles foram traduzidos para o português e estão sendo disponibilizados no site do Mercado Ético, que vai publicá-los de segunda a sexta, até 8 de setembro./.../

Região Sul do Brasil tem o maior gasto com cigarro

Artigo apontado pela AMICOR Mariana Carneiro

Região Sul do Brasil tem o maior gasto com cigarro, segundo pesquisa

Fumantes da região Sul gastam cerca de 100 reais por mês com cigarros

Estudo divulgado nesta segunda-feira pelo Instituto Nacional de Câncer mostra que os fumantes de cigarros industrializados gastam, em média, R$ 78,43 por mês com o vício. A pesquisa mostra, também, que homens costumam gastar mais que as mulheres, eles cerca de R$ 89,27 e elas 62,80. /.../

Professionalism and Self-regulation

Vol. 304 No. 2, July 14, 2010TABLE OF CONTENTS
 •Online Features

The Role of Professionalism and Self-regulation in Detecting Impaired or Incompetent PhysiciansMatthew K. Wynia, MD, MPH 
JAMA. 2010;304(2):210-212. doi:10.1001/jama.2010.945
The term professional is used in various ways. A professional might be a certified expert, someone devoted to the continuous study ("practice") of a complex craft, or someone granted the authority to carry out tasks and provide services that others are not allowed to perform. A professional might subsume personal interests to pursue a client's or the public's good. Or a professional, as compared with an amateur, might simply be someone paid for what he or she does.
Given this range of meanings, questions about which occupations are professions, and what comprises professional behavior, are long-standing.1 Yet medicine is almost universally recognized as a "classic" profession.2 Moreover, regardless of how profession is defined, professionalism, like other "-isms" (consumerism, humanism, egotism, Catholicism, and the like), is a belief system. Specifically, professionalism can best be understood as an ideology declaring an important role for professions and professionals in organizing and delivering certain goods and services in society.
The word professional provides some insights into this ideology. To profess, from the Latin pro-fateri, means to speak forth or "to declare aloud or publicly."3 A profession, then, is a group of individuals speaking out, together, to declare and make public the shared values and standards that govern their work. A professional is a member of this group and professional actions are those that are in conformance with the shared and declared standards and values of the group. These standards are usually articulated in such public documents as codes of ethics, which aim to create an explicit covenant of trust between professionals, their clients, and society.4/.../

Hot Line Actually Only Lukewarm

By Peggy Peck, Executive Editor, MedPage TodayPublished: August 29, 2010
STOCKHOLM -- Intracoronary bone marrow cell transplantation extended survival in patients with chronic heart failure due to ischemic cardiomyopathy -- that was the good news. The bad news was that the finding was not "new" at all -- it had already been published.
Late today the European Society of Cardiology said it would sanction the researcher who reported the stem cell study by barring him from presenting research at ESC congresses for two years.
The ESC guidelines for Hot Line trials specifically state that the information submitted should be new, unpublished data. Yet, the STAR trial was accepted for presentation as a Hot Line trial at the ESC annual meeting here./.../

It's Not Butter and It's Not Better

By Peggy Peck, Executive Editor, MedPage TodayPublished: August 29, 2010
Reviewed by 
Adam J. Carinci, MD; Instructor, Harvard Medical School.

STOCKHOLM -- Adding margarine enriched with omega-3 fatty acids as a dietary intervention did not prevent second heart attacks in older men and women at risk for worsening heart disease, researchers said here.

The study results are doubly disappointing since the margarine intervention did initially reduce events, but by 30 months the evidence of that benefit had disappeared, said Daan Kromhout, MPH, PhD, of Wageningen University in the Netherlands./.../

Friday, August 27, 2010

Why more equality?

The Spirit Level slides (ppt)

This PowerPoint file contains 36 of the more important graphs shown on this web site and/or published in The Spirit Level.  We hope you will use them in talks, lectures or discussion groups to help increase people's understanding of the effects of inequality. 
The slides can be downloaded and are provided on condition you acknowledge their source.  We strongly recommend that you use them in conjunction with the book which explains the relationships shown in the graphs.

brain networks : exercise training in older adults

Plasticity of brain networks in a randomized intervention trial of exercise training in older adults

Michelle W. Voss 1*Ruchika S. Prakash 2Kirk I. Erickson 3,Chandramallika Basak 1Laura Chaddock 1Jennifer S. Kim 1,Heloisa Alves 1Susie Heo 1Amanda Szabo 4Siobhan M. White 4,Thomas R. Wojcicki 4Emily L. Mailey 4Neha Gothe 4Erin A. Olson 4Edward Mcauley 4 and Arthur F. Kramer 1Department of Psychology, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. 2Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University, USA 3Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, USA 4Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Research has shown the human brain is organized into separable functional networks during rest and varied states of cognition, and that aging is associated with specific network dysfunctions. The present study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine low-frequency (.008<.08 Hz) coherence of cognitively relevant and sensory brain networks in older adults who participated in a one-year intervention trial, comparing the effects of aerobic and non-aerobic fitness training on brain function and cognition. Results showed that aerobic training improved the aging brain’s resting functional efficiency in higher-level cognitive networks. One year of walking increased functional connectivity between aspects of the frontal, posterior, and temporal cortices within the Default Mode Network and a Frontal Executive Network, two brain networks central to brain dysfunction in aging. Length of training was also an important factor. Effects in favor of the walking group were observed only after 12 months of training, compared to non-significant trends after six months. A non-aerobic stretching and toning group also showed increased functional connectivity in the DMN after six months and in a Frontal Parietal Network after 12 months, possibly reflecting experience-dependent plasticity. Finally, we found that changes in functional connectivity were behaviorally relevant. Increased functional connectivity was associated with greater improvement in executive function. Therefore the study provides the first evidence for exercise-induced functional plasticity in large-scale brain systems in the aging brain, using functional connectivity techniques, and offers new insight into the role of aerobic fitness in attenuating age-related brain dysfunction.

software gratuito de análises estatísticas

11/08/2010 18:58

Ipea lança:Ferramenta IpeaGEO permite visualizar dados em seu contexto geográfico e está disponível para download
O Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea) lançou nesta quarta-feira, 18 de agosto, o software IpeaGEO, ferramenta de análises estatísticas com foco na análise espacial. O programa permite ao usuário ordenar e visualizar dados em seu contexto geográfico, seja por região, estado, município, ou área do mapa. O lançamento ocorreu às 14h e teve transmissão ao vivo pelo sítío do Ipea.
O programa, gratuito, foi criado pela Assessoria de Métodos Quantitativos da Diretoria de Estudos e Políticas Regionais, Urbanas e Ambientais (Dirur). A ideia é fornecer uma alternativa a softwares já existentes no mercado. Além de ser livre (o programa está disponível para download no sítio do Ipea, pelo, o IpeaGEO apresenta como diferenciais a inclusão de técnicas espaciais inéditas e o foco no território nacional./.../

Give your talk an evidence-based boost

In April, we released Gapminder Desktop - the tool Hans Rosling uses to present global trends.
In a new video, Hans shows how you can use the tool from your own laptop and he gives 5 tips for a successful bubble-graph presentation.

ESC: Heart Disease Tracks Y Chromosome

By Crystal Phend, Senior Staff Writer, MedPage TodayPublished: August 26, 2010
Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and
Dorothy Caputo, MA, RN, BC-ADM, CDE, Nurse Planner

STOCKHOLM -- Certain genetic patterns carried on the Y chromosome from father to son may hold the key to the "male disadvantage" in heart disease, researchers suggested.
Men carrying the I haplogroup within the male-specific region of the Y chromosome also carried 55% higher age-adjusted coronary artery disease risk (P=0.0002) compared with all others, Nilesh J. Samani, MD, of the University of Leicester, England, and colleagues found in pooled results of two British cohorts.
Y chromosome haplogroup didn't correlate with traditional risk factors in the study, indicating it is an independent predictor not explained by age, LDL or HDL cholesterol, hypertension, or smoking status, the researchers suggested.
"Genetic variation in the Y chromosome is a novel independent risk factor for coronary artery disease," they concluded in a presentation slated for the European Society of Cardiology meeting here next week./.../

Mental Health in Europe

Mental Health in Europe

Students participate in a mental health awareness exercise in England.
The past few decades have seen a steady rise in the overall global burden of mental health problems. At the turn of the third millennium, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that mental health problems were at an aggregate point prevalence of approximately 10 percent of all adults worldwide, or 450 million people.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gestão Social em Saúde e Proteção Social

Especialização em Gestão Social em Saúde - Edição 2010/2011 

   Curso de Pós-Graduação “Lato Sensu” com o objetivo geral de possibilitar ao aluno o desenvolvimento de  capacidades analíticas e propositivas para  identificar demandas sociais e de  saúde  criando  alternativas para o seu suprimento através da articulação do setores público,do setor privado e das organizações da  sociedade civil ,a partir de  metodologias que fortaleçam as redes de cooperação ,solidariedade e controle social no campo da saúde coletiva e da proteção social.

   Coordenadora: Profa. Jacqueline Oliveira Silva


The whistle-blower website WikiLeaks on Wednesday posted what it said was an internal CIA report into the perception that the United States exports terrorism, but one U.S. official said it does not divulge spectacular developments.
The three-page document, dated February 2, 2010, asks, “What If Foreigners See the United States as an ‘Exporter of Terrorism?’ ”
“These sorts of analytic products — clearly identified as coming from the agency’s ‘Red Cell’ — are designed to simply provoke thought and present different points of view,” said CIA spokesman George Little.
A U.S. intelligence official said, “it’s always disturbing when classified information is inappropriately disclosed.” However the official added, “this is not a blockbuster paper.”/.../

Tabagismo x Justiça Brasileira

Mensagem da

Dra. Mariana Lourenço de Lima Carneiro

Sobre a luta anti-tabágica uma notícia triste: as decisões judiciais estão sendo proferidas no sentido de negar procedência aos pleitos dos fumantes, a indústria da morte segue vitoriosa nas demandas indenizatórias... Os médicos precisariam elaborar laudos mais objetivos e claros afirmando o nexo causal entre o tabagismo e a morte do ex-fumante (tabagismo como causa mortis) ou mesmo entre o fumo e a dependência química da nicotina que por si só já configura uma doença (psíquica/física),ao meu ver não precisaria sequer existir uma doença tabaco-relacionada, como câncer por ex., para caracterizar o dano (moral sobretudo). Tínhamos que nos unir: juristas e médicos, quem sabe informando mais os nossos magistrados (palestras dos médicos especialistas para os juízes e desembargadores, acadêmicos de Direito, advogados,etc). 
Eu penso que o erro vem da ignorância, sociedade mais civilizada (e mais justa/democrática) é bem educada...Então temos educar este povo!Mas sinto que ainda estamos longe de conseguir exterminar este mal...luta inglória essa...e agora o crack está dizimando os jovens...Problema de saúde pública grave, não é mesmo?

Daily Coffee Limbers Up the Heart

Daily Coffee Limbers Up the Heart

By Crystal Phend, Senior Staff Writer, MedPage Today Published: August 25, 2010
Reviewed by 
Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco and Dorothy Caputo, MA, RN, BC-ADM, CDE, Nurse Planner

STOCKHOLM -- A daily coffee habit may counteract aortic stiffness in older adults with hypertension, researchers reported.

One to two cups a day correlated with greater aortic distensibility compared with rarely consuming coffee (P=0.45) in a cohort of men and women 65 and older on the Greek island of Ikaria.

But a higher dose -- three to five cups a day -- had no effect on flexibility of the aorta, according to Christina Chrysohoou, MD, PhD, of the University of Athens, and colleagues./.../

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



24 August 2010
Adolf Hitler may have owed more to the ’subhuman’ races he tried to exterminate than to his ‘Aryan’ compatriots, according to new finding published in Belgium this week.
In research for the Flemish-language magazine Knack, journalist Jean-Paul Mulders traced Hitler’s living relatives in the Fuhrer’s native Austria, as well as the United States.
“The results of this study are surprising,” said Ronny Decorte, a geneticist interviewed by Knack.
“Hitler would not have been happy.”

50 Best Websites 2010

50 Best Websites 2010

From the helpful to the distracting, the big-hitters to the unknowns,
this is TIME's road map to the best the Web has to offer


Vimeo is the video-streaming service of choice for creative types — the indie darling to YouTube's blockbuster. For casual viewers, Vimeo is the place for shorter, artsier clips. Search for "President" and you'll find yourself watching a humorous animated pop-up book that catalogs George W. Bush's presidency. Enter the same term into YouTube and you'll find relevant music videos and old news clips. See the difference? The site recently announced a new embeddable HTML5 player, compatible with Apple devices that don't support Flash, and a new Vimeo channel for Roku set-top boxes that streams staff picks as well as your account's queue straight to your TV.
View the full list for "50 Best Websites 2010"
