Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Global Economic Cost of Cancer


Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia 

The Burden of Cancer in Developing Countries
Available online PDF [72p.] http://bit.ly/g52KBP
The Global Economic Cost of CancerAmerican Cancer Society and Livestrong - 2010
Available online PDF [14p.] at: http://bit.ly/ggFGOX
 “…..Cancer is a growing cause of death worldwide. The cancer burden in low- and middle-income countries is increasingly disproportionate. Globally in 2009, there were an estimated 12.9 million cases of cancer, a number expected to double by 2020, with 60 percent of new cases occurring in low- and middle-income countries.
….Not only do these countries carry more than half the disease burden, they lack the resources for cancer awareness and prevention, early detection, treatment or palliative options to relieve the staggering pain and human suffering if the disease is untreated -- .
……Cancer also has the most devastating economic impact of any cause of death in the world, according to the recent landmark report, "The Global Economic Cost of Cancer," released by the American Cancer Society and Livestrong. Premature deaths and disability from cancer cost the global economy nearly 1 trillion dollars a year. The data from this study provides compelling evidence that balancing the world's global health agenda to address cancer more effectively will save not only millions of lives, but also billions of dollars.
……By making cancer a global priority, as with many other non-communicable diseases, cancer deaths can be prevented an estimated 40 percent or more.
……Capacity building is essential. Ministries of health, education and finance need to be engaged in developing and supporting plans that include both training of personnel to diagnose and treat cancer patients and strategies to reduce costs and strengthen health systems.. ….” From http://huff.to/i59qlW 

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