Saturday, February 05, 2011

World Migration Report 2010


Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia 

World Migration Report 2010
The Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change
International Organization for Migration - Geneva Switzerland, 2010
Available online [PDF 295p.] at:
“……Ten years ago when we published our first World Migration Report 2000 there were 150 million migrants. Now, the number of migrants has grown to 214 million, and the figure could rise to 405 million by 2050, as a result of growing demographic disparities, the effects of environmental change, new global political and economic dynamics, technological revolutions and social networks.
In response to these trends, many States are likely to need to invest in developing their migration management capacities. Already, many States report that they require assistance to develop the capabilities to respond to a diverse range of new migration challenges.
Part A focuses on identifying core capacities in key areas of migration management. The aim is not to prescribe ‘one-size-fits-all’ policies and practices, but to suggest objectives of migration management policies in each area, to stimulate thinking and provide examples of what States and other actors can do.
Part B draws on the most up-to-date data to provide overviews of global and regional migration and remittances trends. In recognition of the importance of the largest global economic recession since the 1930s, this section has a particular focus on the effects of this crisis on migrants, migration and remittances…..”

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