Friday, March 09, 2012

Alzheimer biomarker

 March 8, 2012 — In a study of patients with very mild Alzheimer's disease (AD), baseline levels of visininlike protein 1 (VILIP-1) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) strongly predicted the rate of cognitive decline over roughly 3 years, report researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
Memory and other cognitive abilities declined faster in patients with the highest levels of VILIP-1, a neuronal calcium-sensor protein that is a sign of neuronal injury.
"VILIP-1 appears to be a strong indicator of ongoing injury to brain cells as a result of Alzheimer's disease," lead author Rawan Tarawneh, MD, now an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Jordan, in Amman, said in a statement. "That could be very useful in predicting the course of the disease and in evaluating new treatments in clinical trials."/.../

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