Sunday, March 11, 2012

Higgs boson

Elusive Higgs boson in sight?

March 8, 2012
The CDF detector (credit: Fermilab)
After 40 years of searching, physicists have the elusive Higgs boson in their sights. Wade Fisher, Michigan State University assistant professor of physics, presented the team’s results today at a physics conference in La Thuile, Italy.
The Higgs boson is a hypothetical particle thought responsible for giving mass to matter, a critical but still unproven component of the long-standing Standard Model of particle physics.
If a Higgs boson is created in a high-energy particle collision, it immediately decays into lighter more stable particles before even the world’s best detectors and fastest computers can snap a picture of it. So to find one, physicists retraced the path of these secondary particles and ruled out processes that mimic its signal./.../

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