Friday, March 30, 2012

New Genetic Discovery

New layer of genetic information discovered

March 30, 2012
The structure of a ribosome (credit: Dale Muzzey/UCSF)
A hidden, never-before-recognized layer of information in the genetic code has been uncovered by a team of scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) thanks to a technique developed at UCSF called ribosome profiling, which enables the measurement of gene activity inside living cells — including the speed with which proteins are made.
By measuring the rate of protein production in bacteria, the team discovered that slight genetic alterations could have a dramatic effect. This was true even for seemingly insignificant genetic changes known as “silent mutations,” which swap out a single DNA letter without changing the ultimate gene product.
To their surprise, the scientists found these changes can slow the protein production process to one-tenth of its normal speed or less./.../

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