Thursday, March 29, 2012


Q&A: Psychiatrist Dr. David Healy Defines ‘Pharmageddon’

A Q&A with the author of Pharmageddon about how the pharmaceutical industry has co-opted medicine.
Phil Ashley / Getty Images
Dr. David Healy has spent decades delving into the dark corners of the pharmaceutical industry, where, for instance, drug companies have tried to hide the worrisome connection between antidepressant drugs and suicide. In the psychiatrist’s best-known previous books, The Antidepressant Era and Let Them Eat Prozac, Healy explored the often vexing history of the mental health field and its troubled relationship with Big Pharma. In his latest book, Pharmageddon, he presents an even bleaker picture of the way industry has co-opted medicine in general — not just mental health. Healthland spoke with Healy about his findings./.../

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