Tuesday, March 06, 2012


The Earth Is Full (Video)

Posted: 02/29/2012 9:27 pm

Although I've done a hundred or so public talks around the world in the last few years around my book The Great Disruption, speaking at the opening session of the annual TED event is an experience and opportunity like no other. Another speaker backstage, feeling similarly hyped about the opportunity, described it to me as being like "the world series of public speaking"!
For me the pressure was really on because I was going into the lion's den of "techno optimists" -- those who believe that technology can solve everything. My message is a tough one for this audience -- that sure technology will do wonderful things for us, but the reality is we are going to face some very difficult consequences of our overloading of planet earth, and its too late now to stop those consequences. I argue strongly that humans are amazingly capable and will recover from this inevitable crisis and indeed in the end build a stronger and happier society.
My focus in life is to motivate and inspire people to act on the urgent challenges of climate and sustainability and it is a real honor to speak to the TED crowd. This passionate and engaged community has an amazing capacity to make a difference in the world with their creativity, influence, innovation and entrepreneurship so I was delighted to make a contribution in the opening session./.../

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