Saturday, March 03, 2012

The Six Epochs of Life

The Six Epochs of Life — a mural by Nick Mayer inspired by Ray Kurzweil’sThe Singularity Is Near

February 21, 2012
The Six Epochs of Life mural was commissioned by Martine and Bina Rothblatt in the summer of 2008 to be painted on a bare concrete wall at Estate Marbina Abenaki’s Terasem Center of Critical Consciousness.
The primary wish that the Rothblatts had for the mural was that it illustrate the Six Epochs of Life described in chapter one of Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity Is Near.

Use the viewer below to pan across and zoom in on the mural panorama. Select from the two images below: the actual mural in full color, and the artist’s sketch. Elements of the mural are annotated by Nick Mayer: match numbers in red to his descriptive tour below./.../

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