Thursday, March 08, 2012

Urbanization & CVD

Urbanization and CVD

At the World Heart Federation, we are proud to announce the publication of our new reportUrbanization and Cardiovascular DiseaseRaising Heart-Healthy Children in Today’s Cities. 

The World Heart Federation is delighted to share with you our new report that shows how urban life impacts heart-healthy behaviour. 

With this publication we recognize the challenges and constraints faced by city dwellers in making heart healthy choices, particularly children. We also dispel the myth that cardiovascular (CVD) can be prevented through “simple” behaviour changes.   To address the worldwide burden posed by CVD and to ensure sustainable development in our cities, the report calls for urgent action by all stakeholders to address the negative socio-economic implications of urbanization in order to protect our children’s heart health. The world’s cities are pivotal places where positive change is occurring and can continue to happen. We present several case studies showing that informed action by governments and key stakeholders who take a whole-of-society approach, can dramatically reduce the level of CVD risk. 

To support policymakers, city planners, and other stakeholders concerned with making cities more heart healthy, the World Heart Federation has devised the S.P.A.C.E strategy, which incorporates five critical elements:
  • Stakeholder collaboration
  • Planning cities
  • Access to healthcare
  • Child-focused dialogue
  • Evaluation
Download the executive summary >

Follow our CEO’s blog and watch her video post about the new report >

Reporting on the impact of urbanization on health?  To arrange an interview with a World Heart Federation expert pleasecontact Charanjit Jagait >

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