Sunday, January 13, 2013

Aaron Swartz +

The best tribute to Aaron Swartz
January 15, 2013 by Giulio Prisco

AaronSwartzPIPA If you are a scientist, you can pay the best and most effective tribute to the memory of Aaron Swartz by sharing PDFs of your published work on via the hashtag #pdftribute on Twitter. Researchers are now offering open-access versions of their work using this hashtag. I also suggest to boycott the pay-walled journals of the … more…

Aaron Swartz, Tech Prodigy and Internet Activist, Is Dead at 26

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Aaron Swartz in 2009.

A computer prodigy, Swartz co-authored an early version of the popular Internet tool RSS at age 14 and would later become an early leader of Reddit, the social website that has become a locus of Internet activism.Aaron Swartz, the brilliant young software programmer and Internet activist who inspired awe and reverence from leading figures in the technology world, died in his Brooklyn apartment on Friday, his family said in a statement. New York City’s chief medical examiner ruled the death a suicide by hanging. Swartz was 26 years old./.../

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