Monday, November 19, 2007

Public health: ethical issues

Introduction - Nuffield Council on Bioethics: "Public health: ethical issues Introduction How and when should the government intervene in our lives to help us be healthy? Some people object to the ‘nanny state’ and want to be left to make their own lifestyle choices. Others think that the government should do more to tackle problems such as childhood obesity and the binge drinking culture. And what are the responsibilities of the food and drinks industry? In July 2004, the Council held a Workshop, involving a range of experts, to examine the range of ethical issues raised in the context of public health. As a result of the discussions that took place, the Council formed a Working Party in February 2006 to examine the issues further. Following a public consultation and meetings with a variety of stakeholders, a report with recommendations for policy makers was published on 13th November 2007. Download report Last Updated Fri, 16 November 2007"

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