Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2526 - AMICOR 14

Enormity of US Military

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 29 segundos atrás
Enormity of US Military impedes nuclear abolition Posted on November 28, 2011 | 1 Comment * (Essay 27)**Bernard Lown, MD* Among antinuclear activists there is a sense of jubilant expectation that at last a demonic class of genocidal weapons will soon be consigned to the junk heap of history. Left behind will be a shudder of memory of how close humans came to an abyss of self-extinction. Outlawing the nuclear genie will not rebottle it. The potential nuclear nightmare will need to be secured everlastingly against perverse miscreants. Nonetheless, the removal of nuclear weapons from mi... mais »

Agua y saneamiento: políticas públicas

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 16 horas atrás
PAS/OMS lança a publicação “ Agua y saneamiento - Evidencias para políticas públicas con enfoque en derechos humanos y resultados en salud pública” [image: null] Esta publicação foi desenvolvida a partir de um estudo de evidências realizado pela Academia de Medicina de Buenos Aires, Argentina. pedido da OPAS / OMS. O estudo contou com a supervisão e apoio técnico da Dr. Evelyn Chapman coordenador para as Américas do EVIPNet e do Eng . Paulo Fernando Teixeira, assessor regional da Área de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Saúde Ambiental (SDE) da OPAS / OMS. Contou tambem com a colabo... mais »

Dra. Ana Lucia Robinson Achutti

Aloyzio Achuttiemphotos - 2 dias atrás
[image: Posted by Picasa]

Alzheimer: deep brain stimulation

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 2 dias atrás
[image: After deep brain stimulation near the formix, the hippocampus grew in two out of six people with Alzheimer's (Image: UBH Trust/STONE/Getty)]Alzheimer's damage reversed by deep brain stimulation - 23 November 2011 by *Jessica Hamzelou* - Magazine issue 2840. *Subscribe and save* - - After deep brain stimulation near the formix, the hippocampus grew in two out of six people with Alzheimer's *(Image: UBH Trust/STONE/Getty)* BRAIN shrinkage in people with Alzheimer's disease can be reversed in some cases - by jolting the degenerating tissue with elec... mais »

Air Pollution & Diabetes

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
Diabetes Incidence and Long-Term Exposure to Air PollutionA cohort study * 1. Zorana J. Andersen, PHD1⇓, 2. Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, PHD1, 3. Matthias Ketzel, PHD2, 4. Steen S. Jensen, PHD2, 5. Martin Hvidberg, BS2, 6. Steffen Loft, DMSC3, 7. Anne Tjønneland, DMSC1, 8. Kim Overvad, PHD4,5and 9. Mette Sørensen, PHD1* ** *1Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark **2Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark **3Section of Environmental Health, Department of Public Health, University of Co... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 5 dias atrás
[image: Face book founder Mark Zuckerberg]Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's public page does not reveal how many friends he has Facebook users average 3.74 degrees of separation Continue reading the main storyRelated Stories - Facebook 'eliminates porn attack' - Raids follow up Facebook tip-offs - How Kevin Bacon sparked a new branch of science There are on average 3.74 degrees of separation between any one Facebook user and another, a study suggests. The number of degrees represents the number of people in a friendship chain, excluding the people at either end. Or, as th... mais »

InterAmerican Heart Foundation

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 semana atrás
*Estamos de Parabéns! A Fundação InterAmericana do Coração, a Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia e o grupo AMICOR. Dr. Carlos Alberto Machado foi eleito para o Comitê Diretor.* InterAmerican Heart Foundation En Orlando, el 14 de nov 2011 se votaron nuevos vocales de la FIC: Dr. Salvador Cruz-Flores (EUA) y Dr. Carlos Machado (Brasil) ingresan. Continúan Lic Yvonne García Richaud (Mx) y Dr. Fernando Montenegro (Ecuador)

Enormity of US Military

Enormity of US Military impedes nuclear abolition

 (Essay 27)Bernard Lown, MD
Among antinuclear activists there is a sense of jubilant expectation that at last a demonic class of genocidal weapons will soon be consigned to the junk heap of history. Left behind will be a shudder of memory of how close humans came to an abyss of self-extinction. Outlawing the nuclear genie will not rebottle it. The potential nuclear nightmare will need to be secured everlastingly against perverse miscreants. Nonetheless, the removal of nuclear weapons from military stockpiles will be a mighty civilizing step for humankind./.../

Agua y saneamiento: políticas públicas

PAS/OMS lança a publicação “ Agua y saneamiento - Evidencias para políticas públicas con enfoque en derechos humanos y resultados en salud pública”

Esta publicação foi desenvolvida a partir de um estudo de evidências realizado pela Academia de Medicina de Buenos Aires, Argentina. pedido da OPAS / OMS. O estudo contou com a  supervisão e apoio  técnico da Dr. Evelyn Chapman coordenador para as Américas do EVIPNet e do Eng . Paulo Fernando Teixeira, assessor regional da Área de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Saúde Ambiental (SDE) da OPAS / OMS. Contou tambem com a colaboração, entre outros  do Prof Mauricio Barreto da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil 
 Uma motivação importante para o desenvolvimento do documento foi a necessidade de produzir provas para orientar a tomada de decisões e formulçaõ de políticas públicas que garantam a "saúde para todos", que, naturalmente, só será possível garnatindo também que todas as pessoas tenham acesso à água potável  e saneamento básico. 
Outra grande motivação foi a aprovação durante a 64ª seção na Assembléia Geral das Nações Unidas realizada em Julho de  2010,  de uma resolução considerando o acesso à água e ao saneamento como um direito humano./.../

Estamos contentes por ter contribuído para este documento que serve como modelo de estudo para a discussão de outros direitos públicos no domínio da saúde.

Esta publicación ha sido posible debido el interés y apoyo del Área de Desarrollo Sostenible y Salud  Ambiental de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) que encomendó un estudio sobre investigaciones basadas en evidencias asociadas al acceso a agua y saneamiento con políticas, derechos humanos y salud pública. El grupo del Instituto de Investigaciones Epidemiológicas de la Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires, Argentina, coordinado por Zulma Ortiz realizó el estudio que reconocemos como valiosa e imprescindible contribución a los fines de esta publicación.
Agradecemos la valiosa colaboración de Carlos Corvalán, Agnes Soares, Kira Fortune, Ludovic Reveiz, Javier Vázquez y Luis Gabriel Cuervo. Además, reconocemos las revisiones técnicas de James Bartran, Mauricio Barreto, María Inés Azambuza, Alosio Achutti, Julio Monreal y Luis Antonio Grassi que 
han hecho posible ajustar el documento para los fines que se propone de promover evidencias a los tomadores de decisión para que todas las personas tengan acceso al agua y saneamiento. También reconocemos el apoyo decidido y constante de Janet Khoddami, Ofelia Nieto, Rosa María Villalta y Molly Miller por la revisión y edición del documento.
Molly Miller por la revisión y edición del documento.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Alzheimer: deep brain stimulation

After deep brain stimulation near the formix, the hippocampus grew in two out of six people with Alzheimer's <i>(Image: UBH Trust/STONE/Getty)</i>

Alzheimer's damage reversed by deep brain stimulation

  • 23 November 2011 by Jessica Hamzelou
  • Magazine issue 2840Subscribe and save

  • After deep brain stimulation near the formix,
    the hippocampus grew in two out of six people
    with Alzheimer's
     (Image: UBH Trust/STONE/Getty)
BRAIN shrinkage in people with Alzheimer's disease can be reversed in some cases - by jolting the degenerating tissue with electrical impulses. Moreover, doing so reduces the cognitive decline associated with the disease.
"In Alzheimer's disease it is known that the brain shrinks, particularly the hippocampus," says Andres Lozano at Toronto Western Hospital in Ontario, Canada. What's more, brain scans show that the temporal lobe, which contains the hippocampus, and another region called the posterior cingulate use less glucose than normal, suggesting they have shut down. Both regions play an important role in memory.
To try to reverse these degenerative effects, Lozano and his team turned todeep brain stimulation - sending electrical impulses to the brain via implanted electrodes./.../

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Air Pollution & Diabetes

Diabetes Incidence and Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution

A cohort study

  1. Zorana J. Andersen, PHD1
  2. Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, PHD1,
  3. Matthias Ketzel, PHD2
  4. Steen S. Jensen, PHD2
  5. Martin Hvidberg, BS2,
  6. Steffen Loft, DMSC3
  7. Anne Tjønneland, DMSC1
  8. Kim Overvad, PHD4,5and 
  9. Mette Sørensen, PHD1
1Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark 
2Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark 
3Section of Environmental Health, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 
4Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark

  1. 5Department of Cardiology, Centre for Cardiovascular Research, Aalborg Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
  1. Abstract
OBJECTIVE Animal and cross-sectional epidemiological studies suggest a link between air pollution and diabetes, whereas the limited prospective data show mixed results. We studied the association between long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and incidence of diabetes.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We followed 57,053 participants of the Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health cohort in the Danish National Diabetes Register between baseline (1993–1997) and 27 June 2006. We estimated the mean levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at the residential addresses of the cohort participants since 1971 and modeled the association between NO2 and diabetes incidence with a Cox regression model, separately for two definitions of diabetes: all cases and a more strict definition where unconfirmed cases were excluded.
RESULTS Over a mean follow-up of 9.7 years of 51,818 eligible subjects, there were 4,040 (7.8%) incident diabetes cases in total and 2,877 (5.5%) with confirmed diagnoses. Air pollution was not associated with all diabetes cases (hazard ratio 1.00 [95% CI 0.97–1.04] per interquartile range of 4.9 μg/m3mean NO2 levels since 1971), but a borderline statistically significant association was detected with confirmed cases of diabetes (1.04 [1.00–1.08]). Among confirmed diabetes cases, effects were significantly enhanced in nonsmokers (1.12 [1.05–1.20]) and physically active people (1.10 [1.03–1.16]).
CONCLUSIONS Long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution may contribute to the development of diabetes, especially in individuals with a healthy lifestyle, nonsmokers, and physically active individuals.
  • Received June 17, 2011.
  • Accepted October 7, 2011.
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