Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Arogya World is a global non-profit working to prevent chronic diseases through education and lifestyle change. Our mission is reflected in our name: "Arogya" in Sanskrit means to live a life without disease.
Arogya World banner
December 2016
Making great strides to improve the health of 1 million by 2020
The Arogya World Team--Geeta Bharadwaj, Nandini Ganesh, Nalini Saligram and Usha Chander--helped us get to the milestone of 79 Healthy Workplaces, spanning 2 million employees, in 2016. (Photo courtesy Ilene Klein)

2016 has been a wonderful year for Arogya World! We have made great strides in advancing our work to build the ecosystem for NCD Prevention in India. Read our 2016 Accomplishments report.  
We can't do this without the support of our band of dedicated colleagues, passionate board members and advisors, and our many partners, and donors. Please consider making a gift to Arogya World in your year-end giving plans, and selecting us as the charity of choice when shopping Amazon Smile!

Thank you! And have a wonderful holiday season.

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