Saturday, November 03, 2007

2369 – AMICOR10 – 03/11/2007

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Cardiosource coverage of the 2007 AHA Scientific Sessions begins Sunday, November 4

New Expert Opinion and Case Study posted.
Cardiosource coverage of the 2007 AHA Scientific Sessions begins Sunday, November 4—don't miss it!
Attention all ACC members: Don't miss out on your FREE subscriptions to the new
JACC Journals! Due to postalregulations, ACC members must sign up for their free subscriptions.

Labels: cardiology congress

posted by Aloyzio Achutti at 9:38 AM

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Televisão Online

"TVtuga, onde poderá encontrar diversos canais de televisão que são transmitidos pela Internet, gratuitamente. "

posted by Aloyzio Achutti at 9:33 AM

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Excess Body Fat Associated with Increased Risk for Six Cancers

By Peggy Peck, Executive Editor, MedPage Today Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco October 31, 2007
Add Your Knowledge™
Additional Other Cancers Coverage

Walter C. Willett, M.D.Harvard Medical School
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31 -- Obesity is on course to overtake tobacco as the leading risk factor for cancer in America, according to a report issued today.

Labels: Cancer, Prevention

posted by Aloyzio Achutti at 9:41 AM

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Poverty Collection

PLoS Journals : Poverty Collection: "Poverty Collection The Council of Science Editors has organized a Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development on October 22, 2007. More than 200 science and health journals, including three PLoS journals, are participating by publishing new articles. We have also collected together related articles with a poverty theme from the archive of all the PLoS journals. Global Theme Issue Related PLoS Articles "

posted by Aloyzio Achutti at 8:31 AM

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cesar Victora

(Na série especial de ZH "Mentes Iluminadas" está um AMICOR:)

Labels: epidemiologia

posted by Aloyzio Achutti at 7:40 AM

Monday, October 29, 2007

Social Determinants of the Premature Cardiovascular Mortality

De: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) []

Enviada em: segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2007 18:38


Presentacion: Factores Sociales Determinantes de la Muerte Prematura debida a Enfermedades cardiovasculares
Porto Alegre – Brazil

Prof. Sergio Luiz Bassanesi
Departamento de Medicina Social
Facultad de Medicina Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Monday 29 October 2007 in Room C
PAHO/WHO - Health Surveillance and Disease Management Area, HDM
Recording link to Elluminate web conference session:

Link to: PPT presentation:

Labels: Cardiovascular Diseases, epidemiology, inequality

posted by Aloyzio Achutti at 9:21 PM

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Genome-wide association with select biomarker traits in the Framingham Heart Study

Emelia J Benjamin1,

Systemic biomarkers provide insights into disease pathogenesis, diagnosis, and risk stratification. Many systemic biomarker concentrations are heritable phenotypes. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) provide mechanisms to investigate the genetic contributions to biomarker variability unconstrained by current knowledge of physiological relations.

Labels: GENOMA, risk factors

posted by Aloyzio Achutti at 9:12 AM

Diabetes na Prática Clínica

De: Reginaldo Albuquerque []

Enviada em: sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2007 21:

Caro amigo:
.... o ebookeletronico que lançamos no site da SBD. Chama-se "Diabetes na Prática Clínica" e endereço é:
O leitor pode baixar e montar o seu banco de dados das imagens para futuras aulas. Estamos com 30 mil páginas lidas desde o lançamento em 15/10. Veja que não se trata de PDFs. Foi necessário desenvolvermos uma ferramenta que permite aos leitores fazerem comentários e aos autores realizarem as atualizações.

posted by Aloyzio Achutti at 7:07 AM

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