Sunday, August 25, 2013

2616 - AMICOR 16

Cyro Martins 105

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 9 segundos
*CELPCYRO - 105 Anos de nascimento * Em 05 de agosto de 1908 nascia, no município de Quaraí (RS), Cyro dos Santos Martins, que se tornaria personalidade marcante em nosso meio, por sua atuação como médico psicanalista e escritor, comprometido com sua profissão e sua paixão, a literatura. Com elas fez sua trajetória de vida - dos pagos que nunca esqueceu aos lugares que o trabalho e a curiosidade viajante chamaram-no a conhecer. E a disponibilidade para o contato humano propiciou-lhe amizades que ele cultivou e sempre fizeram-no lembrado. Exemplos disso são as festas que lhe oferec... mais »

consciousness survival?

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há uma hora
Ask Ray | How can my consciousness survive indefinitely?August 23, 2013 Dear Ray, Should my brain be downloaded into a computer, my consciousness would not follow along, since if it did, I — the conscious I that I know and love — would be in two different places at once, both in my body and in the computer, presumably a contradiction of some sort, and the I in the computer may think and react identically to me and it may live hundreds of years, or more, but he will of course have different experiences than I will have, beginning at the time of the download. (credit: iStockphoto) So I... mais »

molecular ‘switch’

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há uma hora
A molecular ‘switch’ to reprogram control pathways in cells "Molecular network diverter" can tweak the control systems that regulate the inner workings of cells, leading to future medical interventions to switch off diseased states or turn on healthy processes August 20, 2013 A modular technology that uses three biological components to control a signaling pathway inside a cell: the transducer (left), an RNA-based system that gathers information about the chemical environment of the cell; the promoter (spring), the molecular agent that helps to initiate and modulate the desired chang... mais »

NSA spy power

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há uma hora
NSA scans 75% of the InternetAugust 21, 2013 (Credit: iStockphoto) The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday the existence of several NSA programs that allow for far greater surveillance than the government has admitted to, and, importantly, detail how the government forces Internet service providers (ISPs) to hand over raw data,*TechCrunch* reports. The programs have the ability to “reach roughly 75% of all U.S. Internet traffic,” according to the Journal, “including a wide array of communications by foreigners and Americans.” That content includes the writing of emails — not merely th... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 horas
*Rev DERC 2013;19(3):65-96* [image: Rev DERC 2013-19-3-65-96 - CAPA.jpg]*Rev DERC 2013-19-3-65-96 - CAPA.jpg* 287K Visualizar Compartilhar Baixar [image: Rev DERC 2013-19-3-65-96 - TODAS AS PÁGINAS SEM A CAPA.pdf]*Rev DERC 2013-19-3-65-96 - TODAS AS PÁGINAS SEM A CAPA.pdf* 5793K Visualizar Baixar


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us about Sex, Diet, and How We LiveAugust 21, 2013 Author: Marlene ZukPublisher: W. W. Norton & Company (3/18/2013) *[+]*An exposé of pseudoscientific myths about our evolutionary past and how we should live today. We evolved to eat berries rather than bagels, to live in mud huts rather than condos, to sprint barefoot rather than play football—or did we? Are our bodies and brains truly at odds with modern life? Although it may seem as though we have barely had time to shed our hunter-gatherer legacy, biologist Marlene Zuk reveals that the stor... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Brain circuit that controls anxiety levels discovered Research could help find better drugs to treat anxiety. August 23, 2013 *[+]* The tips of long neuronal extensions from the amygdala (green) contact neurons of the hippocampus (blue). This communication pathway helps to modulate anxiety. (Credit: Ada Felix-Ortiz/MIT) Researchers at MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory have discovered a communication pathway between two brain structures — the amygdala and the ventral hippocampus — that appears to control anxiety levels. By turning the volume of this communication up and do... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
Don’t panic but psychology isn’t always a scienceby vaughanbell [image: Photo by Flickr user nickwheeleroz . Click for source.]Every so often, the 'is psychology a science?' debatesparks up again, at which point, I start to weep. It's one of the most misplaced, misfiring scientific discussions you can have and probably not for the reasons you think. To understand why it keeps coming around you need to understand something about the politics of studying things. Science has higher status in academia and industry than the humanities so suggesting to a practitioner that "they're not a sci... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
The Psychology of Freedom By William Skaggs | August 20, 2013 | *Lembrei-me de um amigo já falecido Ernst Greiner, de cujas conversas tenho saudade. Um vez chegou em nossa casa dizendo que descobrira uma grande novidade: que a Liberdade era provavelmente o maior valor, maior mesmo do que o amor.* ------------------------------ I’d like to examine the concept of freedom in a somewhat unusual way — from the viewpoint of motivational psychology. The starting point is to realize that there are basically four ways of influencing behavior: reward, punishment, restraint, and compulsion. Re... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Se você não estiver visualizando a imagem acesse este *link* . *Nota Oficial do SIMERS* ------------------------------ O Sindicato Médico do RS (SIMERS) divulga nota oficial sobre a manutenção dos vetos da presidente Dilma à Lei do Ato Médico. *CURANDEIRISMO OFICIALIZADO * Depois da liberação de mais de R$ 2 bilhões pela presidente para destinação dos parlamentares, vergonhosamente, o Congresso Nacional volta atrás de sua própria decisão e curva-se à vontade de Dilma. Trata-se de uma página que mancha a história da democracia brasileira. Os vetos determinam que diagnósticos e tratamen... mais »

Carlos Dora: Transporte Público

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
*Selecionado pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja. Dr. Dora fez uma revisita em parte da amostra domiciliar examinada em 1978. Aqueles que então tinham mais de 50 anos e residiam em Porto Akegre e na Região Metropolitana.* 19/08/2013 - 03h16 Transporte público de qualidade reduz doenças e mortes, diz membro da OMS *CLÁUDIA COLLUCCI* DE SÃO PAULO Mais do que reduzir a poluição e melhorar a qualidade do ar, uma rede de transporte público eficiente ajuda a combater problemas de saúde pública como acidentes de trânsito, estresse, sedentarismo e obesidade. É o que mostra uma compilação ... mais »

Transgenic Crops and Weeds

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Genetically Modified Crops Pass Benefits to Weeds Herbicide resistance and other genetic modifications could confer an advantage on plants in the wild By Jane Qiu and Nature magazine 2 inShare Share on Tumblr [image: Wild rice] Weedy rice can pick up transgenes from genetically modified crop rice through cross-pollination.Image: Flickr/John B. A genetic-modification technique used widely to make crops herbicide resistant has been shown to confer advantages on a weedy form of rice, even in the absence of the herbicide. The finding suggests that the effects of such modific... mais »

Bacterial tradeoffs

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Bacterial evolution offers clues to tradeoffs in financial investmentsAugust 14, 2013 [image: BacteriaExeterIstainCompetingPopulation] Bacteria have the potential to teach valuable investment lessons (credit: University of Exeter) Scientists have found that bacteria have the potential to teach valuable investment lessons. The research, published in the journal *Ecology Letters*, takes advantage of the fact that bacteria, like humans, have limited resources and are constantly faced with investment decisions. Bacteria though are successful with their investments and have colonized every... mais »

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