Sunday, May 24, 2015

2707 - AMICOR 18


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 25 minutos

*Enviado pela AMICOR Jussara Koff* *Quantas Raças há no mundo?* Área de anexos Visualizar o anexo ETNIAS11 (1).pps ETNIAS11 (1).pps 4.3 MB

Museu das Águas

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 8 horas
*Aos amigos das Águas e do L.A.T. Grassi: * Para quem tiver interesse: entrevista com L.A.T.Grassi e a vereadora Sofia Cavedon no canal 16, TV Câmara (dos Vereadores) sobre o *MUSA* *(Museu das Águas)* dia 26 (3a.feira) às 21h, com reprise dia 28 (5a. f.) às 20h, dia 30 (sábado) às 13h30 e dia 1º (domingo) às 10h30. Ou em

Neuroticism Genoma

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 22 horas
The Network Reader Meta-analysis of Genome-wide Association Studies for Neuroticism, and the Polygenic Association With Major Depressive Disorder - This genome-wide association analysis identifies a novel locus for neuroticism and shows polygenic association with major depressive disorder (MDD).

Dementia and Marijuana

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Marijuana Doesn't Curb Agitation, Aggression in Dementia Pauline Anderson May 21, 2015 EDITORS' RECOMMENDATIONS - Cannabis Use Linked to Memory Dysfunction - Marijuana Compound a Novel Treatment for Alzheimer's? - Alzheimer's Disease News & Perspectives Topic Alert "Alzheimer's Disease" is already on your Topic Alert list. - [image: Personal Alert] Add Other Topics DRUG & REFERENCE INFORMATION - Neurological Manifestations of Vascular Dementia - Vascular Dementia - EEG in Dementia and Encephalopathy Low-dose oral tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) does not reduce ... mais »

Moore's Law

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Moore's Law Keeps Going, Defying Expectations It’s a mystery why Gordon Moore’s “law,” which forecasts processor power will double every two years, still holds true a half century later By Annie Sneed | May 19, 2015 *Credit: Jon Sullivan/Wikimedia Commons* SAN FRANCISCO—Personal computers, cellphones, self-driving cars—Gordon Moore predicted the invention of all these technologies half a century ago in a 1965 article for *Electronics *magazine. The enabling force behind those inventions would be computing power*,* and Moore laid out how he thought computing power would evolve over t... mais »

Ten Commandments

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
One of earliest known copies of Ten Commandments sees the light of dayBy William Booth A replica of a segment of the 2,000-year-old Ten Commandments scroll is shown in 2012. The oldest complete example of the Ten Commandments usually resides in complete darkness in a secure vault, but it will be on rare display in Jerusalem at the Israel Museum’s new exhibit, “A Brief History of Humankind.” (Menahem Kahana/Agence France-Presse via Getty Images) By William Booth May 21 at 4:54 PM JERUSALEM — One of the earliest known copies of the Ten Commandments was written in soot on a strip of g... mais »

SBC: Projeto Memória

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
*Projeto Memória* Prezado associado, A Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia, resgatando uma dívida associativa acumulada por quase setenta anos, dará início, como atividade componente do Museu do Coração, ao *Projeto Memória*. Por meio deste projeto, nomes importantes da Cardiologia brasileira, que tenham contribuído de forma inconteste para o desenvolvimento de nossa SBC, serão entrevistados por nosso corpo editorial. As entrevistas serão armazenadas em um banco de dados e ficarão sob a responsabilidade do *Museu do Coração*. Com o material produzido pretendemos traçar um retrat... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
Pesquisadores identificam linhagem do vírus chikungunya no Brasil Cepas em circulação vieram da Ásia e da África e podem ter entrado no país por Oiapoque e Feira de SantanaRODRIGO DE OLIVEIRA ANDRADE | Edição Online 13:00 20 de maio de 2015 © EDUARDO CESAR [image: XXXX] Um dos mosquitos vetores do vírus chikungunya, o*Aedes aegypti* encontram-se amplamente disseminados pelo Brasil Quase um ano após a confirmação dos primeiros casos de febre chikungunya no Brasil, pesquisadores do Instituto Evandro Chagas, de Belém, ligado ao Ministério da Saúde, e da Universidade de Oxford, na Inglate... mais »

Alzheimer Association

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
Alzheimer's Association Caregivers for Alzheimer's and Dementia Face Special Challenges You are not alone. Whether you need information about early-stage caregiving , middle-stage caregiving, or late-stage caregiving, the Alzheimer's Association is here to help. Read more:


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
*Enviado por meu amigo Alexandre Guszynski* La Santa Sede en la LXVIII Asamblea de la OMS Ciudad del Vaticano, 20 de mayo 2015 (VIS).-El arzobispo Zygmunt Zimowski, Presidente del Pontificio Consejo para la Pastoral de los Agentes Sanitarios y jefe de la Delegación de la Santa Sede en la LXVIII Asamblea de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, que se celebra en Ginebra del 18 al 26 de mayo, ha intervenido en el debate sobre la epidemia de virus Ebola que en los dos últimos años ha causado 9.380 muertes y más de 23.000 contagios en todo el mundo, la mayor parte de las cuales en la regió... mais »

O Esconderijo do Pescador

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR EXTENSION - Há 4 dias
*Hoje, com muito prazer recebemos a visita da mãe do autor deste livro, que antevejo ler com muito interesse e prazer. Ele é neto de uma antiga e querida cliente nossa falecida há vários anos, a pianista Luiza Amália Leite Pereira. * *(Eitora Novo século. SP. 2013)*

Lifetime cost of the Woman's Period

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
*Num mundo capitalista - Cerca de US$20 mil - pensando bem não parece muito para cobrir 6 anos e um quarto de vida de cada mulher e 450 óvulos ou fonte potencial de novas vidas...* Here's How Much A Woman's Period Will Cost Her Over A Lifetime [image: finalperiod] On average, a woman has her period from three to seven days and the average woman menstruates from age 13 until age 51. That means the average woman endures some 456 total periods over 38 years, or roughly 2,280 days with her period -- 6.25 years of her *life*./.../

Galacti9c Death

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Cause of galactic death: StrangulationMay 13, 2015 [image: Cause of galactic death: Strangulation] Artist's impression of one of the possible galaxy strangulation mechanisms: star-forming galaxies (fed by gas inflows) are accreted into a massive hot halo, which 'strangles' them and leads to their death. Credit: University of Cambridge As murder mysteries go, it's a big one: how do galaxies die and what kills them? A new study, published today in the journal *Nature*, has found that the primary cause of galactic death is strangulation, which occurs after galaxies are cut off from the r... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Scientists uncover surprising new details of potential Alzheimer's treatment Taking a new approach, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have uncovered some surprising details of a group of compounds that have shown significant potential in stimulating the growth of brain cells and memory restoration in animal models that mimic Alzheimer's disease. The new study points to promising new directions using a known therapeutic strategy for Alzheimer's disease—a disorder that will affect nearly 14 million Americans by 2050, according to the Alzheimer's... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
Science's Path from Myth to Multiverse In his latest book Nobel Prize winner Steven Weinberg explores how science made the modern world, and where it might take us from here By Dan Falk and Quanta Magazine | May 14, 2015 *From Quanta Magazine (find original story here).* An example of simulated data modeled for the CMS particle detector on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Here, following a collision of two protons, a Higgs boson is produced which decays into two jets of hadrons and two electrons. We can think of the history of physics as an attempt to unify the world around us:... mais »

ACT: Aliança de Controle do Tabagismo

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias [image: PARAR DE FUMAR É POSSÍVEL] A ACT+ é uma organização não governamental focada no controle do tabagismo e no controle das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. São promovidas e executadas ações de advocacy, mobilização, comunicação, pesquisas e acompanhamento da implementação da Convenção Quadro para o Controle do Tabaco e do Plano de Ações para o Enfrentamento das DCNT. As atividades são realizadas com o apoio de uma rede formada por representantes da sociedade civil e cidadãos comprometidos com a promoção da saúde pública. Um quarto dos brasileiro... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
Using 'Heartphone' to Detect Cardiac IrregularityResearchers say smartphone apps can work for atrial fibrillation screening By Robert Preidt Friday, May 15, 2015 [image: HealthDay news image] FRIDAY, May 15, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Smartphones could help improve detection and management of the common heart rhythm problem called atrial fibrillation, researchers say. More than 36 million Americans use wireless body sensors to track their heart rate during physical activity, and that number is expected to grow to 135 million by 2018, according to background notes with the study. Th... mais »

Mass atrocities

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
[image: Democracy Lab logo] Genocide is Going Out of Fashion Though the world seems crueler than ever, a close look at the data about mass killings yields reasons to hope. In a recent *Democracy Lab* piece, editor Christian Caryl laments that genocide and mass atrocities continue to occur, and wonders why. After nodding to arguments that “we’ve made a lot of progress in preventing mass slaughter,” he turns pessimistic: I have to confess that I don’t find the signs of progress he cites quite so encouraging. There are far too many places in the world where people are still being singl... mais »

Transnational corporations

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
*Transnational Corporations and Health* *Frances Elaine Baum and Julia Margaret Anaf* International Journal of Health Services 2015, Vol. 45(2) 353–362 *Abstract* Transnational corporations (TNCs) are part of an economic system of global capitalism that operates under a neoliberal regime underpinned by strong support from international organisations such as the World Trade Organization, World Bank, and most nation states. Although TNCs have grown in power and influence and have had a significant impact on population health over the... mais »

Salt delays puberty

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
High salt intake may delay pubertyDate:May 17, 2015Source:European Society of EndocrinologySummary:High salt diets may delay puberty. As the salt content of Western diets continues to increase these findings could have significant consequences for the reproductive health of future generations.Rats fed a hhigh salt diet (equivalent to 3 or 4 times the recommended daily allowance for humans) had a significant delay in reaching puberty compared to those fed a normal (low) salt diet. Interestingly, rats that had salt completely excluded from their diet also had delayed puberty./.../ ----... mais »

Earth Brasil

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
Wikipédia:Wiki Loves Earth 2015/Brasil - - Vigiar esta página *Bem-vindo*Patrimônios naturaisComo participarPremiaçãoVencedoresExposição Discussão[image: Wiki Loves Earth Logo] Bem vindo ao *Wiki Loves Earth Brasil 2015* Patrimônio Natural [image: Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos] [image: Velejando nas nuvens.jpg] [image: Baía de Guanabara vista do alto do Corcovado.jpg] [image: Brazil Labelled Map.svg] *OceanoAtlântico* *OceanoPacífico* Região Norte Região Nordeste Região Centro-Oeste Região Sudeste Região Sul Acre Amazonas Pará Roraima Amapá Rondônia Tocantins Maranhão ... mais »

Sugar restrictions

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
The latest news from WCRF International View this email in your browser Policy brief launched to curb global sugar consumption Today, World Cancer Research Fund International has launched a policy brief to help reduce the amount of sugar consumed worldwide. The brief -Curbing Global Sugar Consumption – is the first to provide an analysis of the effectiveness of sugar policies that have been implemented around the world. Published to coincide with the World Health Assembly, the policy brief comes at a time when sugar consumption is on the rise and is designed to help countries meet the... mais »

Center for Tobacco Products

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
*FDA Tobacco*Verified account @FDATobaccoFollowed by NCDs/ENT (PAHO/OPS) and others * Follow* **

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