Thursday, March 31, 2016


Recomendado pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja

Today's CEM seminar speaker
*Moved to LSE 104*
Ullica Segerstrale
Professor, Department of Sociology
Illinois Institute of Technology
Sociobiology, The Sequel: Conflict about cooperation
In science, the field of evolution seems unusually prone to controversy. A memorable case is the acrimonious, quarter century long academic sociobiology debate around E.O. Wilson’s Sociobiology (1975) and Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene (1976), which were attacked as scientifically wrong as well as politically motivated. As the sociobiologists kept pleading their innocence, the critics moved their assault to more scientific issues while retaining their political suspicions. We had here complete worldviews in conflict (Defenders of the Truth, Segerstrale, 2000). But now it has happened again! There is now a new sociobiology controversy – initiated by E.O. Wilson himself this time. Wilson says it is time for the popular paradigm of ‘kin selection’ to be replaced by group selection when it comes to the evolution of cooperation. Read more

Thursday, March 31, 2016
*LSE 104*, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Next week's seminar 
Brian Smith
Professor, School of Life Sciences
Arizona State University
The roles of social networks in disease transmission and individual decision making using the honey bee as a model
Social insects are highly successful because of the coordination of activities of many individuals. These social networks function in many different contexts, including finding food, defense of a colony and fighting disease. In honey bees, formation of a social network depends on establishing behavioral castes composed of subsets of workers. As workers age they progress through a series of functions for the colony that range from caring for brood and the queen, to cleaning and building the nest, to nest defense and foraging for nectar and pollen. Progression through these tasks is roughly correlated with age and influenced by a worker’s genotype. However, the rate of progression through these tasks is also responsive to signals from the colony’s environment which accelerate or regress behavioral development. Research has therefore revealed a lot about the genotype x environment interactions that regulate how individuals respond to environmental contingencies the colony faces. Read more

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Uncertainty Stress

Here’s Why Uncertainty Makes You So Miserable

Knowing something bad is coming is more bearable than uncertainty

People like to know what’s coming for them, even if it’s bad, a new study suggests. A small study published Tuesday found that people are more stressed out when there is the possibility they will experience discomfort as opposed to when they knew for sure something bad is coming.
In the study, published in the journal Nature Communications, people were shown a bunch of rocks and were asked to guess whether a snake was underneath them. When a snake was under the rock, the men and women received an electric shock on the back of their hand. The researchers measured how stressed the individuals felt and looked at physical markers of stress like pupil dilation and sweat. They found that most of the men and women felt more stressed when they were uncertain, compared to when they knew definitively the shock was coming./.../

Fasting Diet

You Asked: Should I Try a Fasting Diet?

Believe it or not, the gimmick diet has legs—for everything from weight loss to longevity

Benedict Cumberbatch is doing it. So is Jimmy Kimmel. But unlike most celebrity-sanctioned diets, there’s actually some compelling science to support its purported benefits. It’s sometimes called the 5-2 diet—meaning five days of normal eating followed by two days of severe calorie restriction—though it’s more commonly referred to as intermittent fasting. No matter what you call it, avoiding food for hours or even days at a time appears to be more popular than ever.
“Most people are putting something in their mouths essentially every waking hour,” says Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist and researcher at the National Institute on Aging. “But from an evolutionary perspective that’s not how people or animals are genetically geared to eat.”
The benefits of occasional bouts without food seem to be many. For instance, a 2010 study of obese women found those who fasted two days a week for six months dropped nearly 13 pounds. (The women were allowed about 600 calories of food—vegetables, fruit, and a little skim milk—even on fasting days.) Compared to women who stuck with a more traditional diet that cut calories every day of the week, those who fasted lost more weight and a greater percentage of body fat, the study shows.
Why? The body converts food into glycogen—a form of energy that it can store for later use. Your body then squirrels away that glycogen in both fat cells and in your liver. “If you’re eating all day, the stores of glycogen in your liver are never depleted,” he says. On the other hand, after about 12 hours without food your liver runs out of glycogen, at which point your body starts drawing energy from the glycogen stored in your fat cells.
The plan’s benefits may extend far beyond weight loss, says Mattson. “We’ve found that mice or rats that maintain alternate-day fasting have brain neurons that are resistant to the kind of damage associated with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and even stroke,” Mattson says. He’s in the middle of a study that seeks to confirm these brain benefits in people.
Another proponent of fasting is Dr. Valter Longo, a professor of biological sciences at the University of Southern California. One of Longo’s recent experiments involved a small group of people who fasted for five consecutive days once a month, three months in a row. Among the study participants, markers of cell regeneration increased, while risk factors for diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and aging all dropped, he says.
Other fasting researchers say some of these beneficial metabolic changes may increase the longer you go without food.
“We know that the accumulation of cellular damage is the cause of many diseases,” says Dr. Luigi Fontana, a professor of nutritional science at Washington University in St. Louis and Italy’s University of Brescia. But when you go long periods without food, the resulting metabolic changes appear to stimulate “autophagy,” or a natural cleaning out of your body’s damaged cells. “Cells start to eat dysfunctional proteins, organelles, and mitochondria, and this kind of cleaning of garbage and regeneration may be very beneficial,” he explains.
While a lot of unanswered questions remain, he says he could foresee a time when doctors prescribe two- or three-week fasts every few years to promote the culling and replacement of damaged cells.
On the less-extreme end of the fasting spectrum, so-called “time-restricted feeding”—or limiting food intake to just a few hours each day—also has its benefits. Mattson himself practices this sort of diet; he eats all of his daily calories in a roughly 6-hour window, starting in the afternoon.“At first it’s a big shock to your system to go a day or most of a day without food,” he says. (In his experiments, people who go on fasting diets report anxiety and irritability, and occasional headaches. Basically, they get hangry.) “But after two weeks to a month, you get used to it,” he says.
Both he and Longo are quick to point out that there’s no research to show which form of fasting is “best.” Also, both recommend consulting a doctor before attempting any form of prolonged food restriction. “Especially for people with diabetes or other metabolic diseases, fasting could trigger hypoglycemia or other dangerous reactions,” Longo says.
But, Longo says, it’s equally clear that “eating all day long every day is a very bad idea.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Exercício Físico e Saúde Urbana

Exibindo EventoDiaMundialSaudeDiabetes20160407.JPG
Exibindo EventoDiaMundialSaudeDiabetes20160407.JPGExibindo EventoDiaMundialSaudeDiabetes20160407.JPGDo Roger:
Recebemos a confirmação do Rodrigo Sudatti Delevatti (*) para participar de nossa atividade no Dia Mundial da Saúde. O Rodrigo foi indicado pelo prof. Kruel/ESEFID/UFRGS (por sua vez, sugerido pelo prof. Campani) pois é seu doutorando e tem trabalhado questões vinculadas à prática de exercícios e diabetes.

Conversei diretamente com o Rodrigo e acertamos o enfoque (saúde urbana, promoção de saúde) considerando o público-alvo, inclusive com a participação de integrantes das comunidades em que desenvolvemos atividades.

Demais convites não tiveram confirmação até a presente data. Tendo em vista que temos apenas uma semana para divulgação, entendo que a programação possa centrar-se nesses aspectos – e aproveitarmos também para pensarmos e discutirmos os espaços urbanos em relação à atividade física e seu impacto na saúde das populações.

Convido para a palestra "Diabetes e Exercício Físico””. O evento será realizado em comemoração ao Dia Mundial da Saúde (07/04), data de fundação da OMS que definiu como tema para este ano “Diabetes”.

A epidemia de diabetes tem aumentado rapidamente em muitos países. Uma grande percentagem dos casos de diabetes pode ser prevenida. A diabetes tem tratamento, pode ser controlada e as complicações podem ser evitadas. A atividade física tem um papel fundamental na promoção da saúde. Nossas cidades devem estar preparadas para proporcionar condições adequadas à prática de exercícios como forma de atuar sobre a diabetes.

Data: 07/04, quinta-feira.
Horário: 19h-21h.
Local: Auditório da Faculdade de Medicina da UFRGS (Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2400 – 4º andar).

O palestrante será Rodrigo Sudatti Delevatti, doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Movimento/UFRGS.

Conheça as atividades do Programa Saúde Urbana, Ambiente e Desigualdades em:

(*) Graduado em Educação Física pela Faculdade Metodista de Santa Maria, especialista em Fisiologia do Exercício - Prescrição de Exercícios pela Universidade Gama Filho, mestre em Ciências do Movimento Humano pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e atualmente é doutorando em Ciências do Movimento Humano pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
Atua principalmente nas áreas de fisiologia do exercício, fisiologia aquática, avaliação e prescrição de exercícios no meio aquático e meio terrestre e treinamento físico para populações especiais.

Drug Problem

How America's Drug Problem Has Grown
It's not just opioids and heroin. As TIME's analysis shows, fatal overdoses of other drugs are also steeply on the rise

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Neurons involved in working memory fire in bursts, not continuously
March 21, 2016

Pictured is an artist’s interpretation of neurons firing in sporadic, coordinated bursts. “By having these different bursts coming at different moments in time, you can keep different items in memory separate from one another,” Earl Miller says. (credit: Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT)
How we are able to keep several things simultaneously in working memory
Think of a sentence you just read. Like that one. You’re now using your working memory, a critical brain system that’s roughly analogous to RAM memory in a computer. Neuroscientists have believed that as information is held in working memory, brain cells associated with that information must be firing continuously. Not so — they fire … more…

We need to forget things to make space to learn new things, scientists discover
March 21, 2016

The three routes into the hippocampus seem to be linked to different aspects of learning: forming memories (green), recalling them (yellow) and forgetting (red). (credit: John Wood)
Mice study, if confirmed in people, might help forget traumatic experiences
While you’re reading this (and learning about this new study), your brain is actively trying to forget something. We apologize, but that’s what scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the University Pablo Olavide in Sevilla, Spain, found in a new study published Friday (March 18) in an open-access paper in Nature Communications. “This … more…

immunetreatment for Alzheimer D

Transdermal implant releases antibodies to trigger immune system to clear Alzheimer’s plaques
March 21, 2016

Test with mice over 39 weeks showed dramatic reduction of amyloid beta plaque load in the brain and reduced phosphorylation of the protein tau, two signs of Alzheimer's
EPFL scientists have developed an implantable capsule containing genetically engineered cells that can recruit a patient’s immune system to combat Alzheimer’s disease. Placed under the skin, the capsule releases antibody proteins that make their way to the brain and “tag” amyloid beta proteins, signalling the patient’s own immune system to attack and clear the amyloid … more…

brain communication

Exploring long-range communications in the brain
March 23, 2016

Red and green dots reveal a region in the brain that that is very dense with synapses. A special fluorescent protein allows Dr. Ofer Yizhar and his group to record the activity of the synapses. (credit: Weizmann Institute of Science) Weizmann Institute of Science researchers have devised a new way to track long-distance communications between nerve cells in different areas of the brain. They used optogenetic techniques (using genetic engineering of neurons and laser light in thin optical fibers to temporarily silence long-range axons, effectively leading to a sustained “disconnect” between two distant brain nodes. … more…

reverting developed stem cells

Scientists time-reverse developed stem cells to make them ‘embryonic’ again
March 24, 2016

May help avoid ethically controversial use of human embryos for research and support other research goals
University of Michigan Medical School researchers have discovered a way to convert mouse stem cells (taken from an embryo) that have  become “primed” (reached the stage where they can  differentiate, or develop into every specialized cell in the body) to a “naïve” (unspecialized) state by simply adding a drug. This breakthrough has the potential to … more…

MRI 10,000 times more sensitive

New type of molecular tag makes MRI 10,000 times more sensitive
March 25, 2016

Duke scientists have discovered a new class of inexpensive and long-lived molecular tags that enhance MRI signals by 10,000-fold. To activate the tags, the researchers mix them with a newly developed catalyst (center) and a special form of hydrogen (gray), converting them into long-lived magnetic resonance “lightbulbs” that might be used to track disease metabolism in real time. Credit: Thomas Theis, Duke University 
Could detect biochemical processes in opaque tissue without requiring PET radiation or CT x-rays
Duke University researchers have discovered a new form of MRI that’s 10,000 times more sensitive and could record actual biochemical reactions, such as those involved in cancer and heart disease, and in real time. Let’s review how MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) works: MRI takes advantage of a property called spin, which makes the nuclei in … more…

2752 - AMICOR 18

AMICORE-Book: atualizado em 27/03/2016

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 0 seconds ago
*FELIZ Páscoa a todos os AMICOR e demais visitantes. Parabéns aos Porto-alegrenses pelo aniversário de 244 anos da cidade!* AMICORE-Book AMICORE-BOOK [image: ISFC logo139.jpg] AMICOR PROJETO DE E-BOOK Aproveito a mensagem de Alerta semanal para convidar para uma visita a um novo Blog onde pretendo reunir artigos meus, muitos já publicados - inclusive esparsos pelo Blog AMICOR - como um projeto de E-Book ou mesmo de um futuro livro. Índice para o AMICORE-BOOK.BLOGSPOT.COM: *Estendendo a opinião* *AMICOR* *Carnaval* *Bôrtolo Achutti* *Histórias que meu pai contava - 1* *Histórias q... mais »

Reading the world

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 9 horas
Your guide to reading the worldNov 23, 2015 / Dan Kedmey + Chelsea Catlett [image: Maya Sariahmed for TED] *Author Ann Morgan invites book lovers to follow her on a literary journey through 196 countries.* “I’d always thought that I was well-traveled,” says writer Ann Morgan (TED Talk:My year reading a book from every country in the world), but “actually, when I looked at my bookshelves, they told a very different story about me.” Her shelves were crowded with English-language books, mainly from English-speaking countries. From the rest of the world? “Hardly anything,” she says. So in... mais »

Meta 2 augmented-reality

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 9 horas
TED releases Meta 2 augmented-reality presentation video March 18, 2016 [image: Gribetz @ TED] TED just released the full video of Meta CEO Meron Gribetz’s preview of Meta’s next-generation augmented reality (AR) technology at the TED 2016 conference on Feb. 17. It can be found online at and The presentation, which Forbes said “dazzles TED crowd” and received a standing ovation from TED attendees, dramatically showcases the … more…

Fiction and Reality

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 9 horas
Model Zero: Why You Are Obsolete at Almost Every Level and Live Largely in FictionMarch 18, 2016 author | Ari Heljakkayear published | 2014 What is real? You are inclined to drift deeper and deeper into fictional thinking and obsolescence. You keep constructing and sticking with increasingly obsolete ideas about the world, even though many of them were rather fictional to begin with. Model Zero shows how these forces emerge. Some very basic operating principles of your mind, mental models and language pull you towards fiction. The way you interact with the world through mediating stru... mais »

Artificial Inteligence Consciousness

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 9 horas
The Problem of AI Consciousness March 18, 2016 [image: (credit: Susan Schneider)] Some things in life cannot be offset by a mere net gain in intelligence. The last few years have seen the widespread recognition that sophisticated AI is under development. Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, and others warn of the rise of “superintelligent” machines: AIs that outthink the smartest humans in every domain, including common sense reasoning … more…

BBC: Our Life on Earth

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 21 horas
Your Life On Earth Science 496,369 Views View Page

Music Therapy

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 21 horas
Music Therapy: Study Music, Self-help, New Age Music With... Music 171,045 Views View Page

50 Cool Websites

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 21 horas
50 Cool Websites We Recommend Ploomy - A Blog For Guys Internet 294,304 Views View Page


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 21 horas

Brocken Heart

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Brain Scans Give Clues to Stress-Heart Attack LinkFear appears to increase inflammation in the arteries, researchers say [image: Email this page to a friend] [image: Print] [image: Facebook] [image: Twitter] [image: Bookmark & Share] [image: Subscribe to RSS] Thursday, March 24, 2016 [image: HealthDay news image] THURSDAY, March 24, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- A new brain study might help explain why a high level of stress is linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Increased activity in the amygdala -- the fear center of the brain -- appears to create an immune system reac... mais »

Trap of Fear

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
After Brussels, We Must Not Fall Into the Trap of Fear - Chams Eddine ZaouguiTunisian Belgian author; scholar of Arab studies - ASSOCIATED PRESS BRUSSELS — For some time, a sword had been hanging over Brussels, the capital of Belgium and Europe. This ominous intuition became clear when it turned out that the attacks in Paris on Nov. 13 had been partially organized from Belgium. After the Paris attacks, suspect Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old Moroccan Frenchman, went into hiding in Molenbeek, a Brussels neighborhood. For months, Belgian security officers searched for him./.... mais »

Qualidade em Saúde

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias

Insulina Genérica?

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
POR QUE NÃO TEREMOS UMA INSULINA GENÉRICA? Quarta, 23 Março 2016 Número de Acessos: 30 Informações do Autor *(referência enviada por ele mesmo, também um AMICOR)* Dr. Reginaldo Albuquerque Professor da UnB (1967-1981) Superintendente de Ciências da Saúde CnPq (1982-1991) Editor do site da Sociedade Brasileira de Diabetes (2005-2011) Consultor em Educação da UnaSus/Fiocruz Em outubro de 2014, a convite da FGV, realizei uma palestra sobre diabetes. O público era de executivos de planos de saúde e representantes da indústria. Um grupo fechado, mas muito participativo. Entusiastas do debat... mais »

Memory retrieval

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Memory retrieval by activating engram cells in mouse models of early Alzheimer’s disease - Dheeraj S. Roy, - Autumn Arons, - Teryn I. Mitchell, - Michele Pignatelli, - Tomás J. Ryan - &Susumu Tonegawa - Affiliations - Contributions - Corresponding author Nature 531, 508–512 (24 March 2016) doi:10.1038/nature17172Received 06 August 2015 Accepted 28 January 2016 Published online 16 March 2016Corrected online 23 March 2016 Article tools - Citation - Reprints - Rights & permissions - Article metrics Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurode... mais »

Public Squares

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
The Craving for Public Squares Michael Kimmelman APRIL 7, 2016 ISSUE [image: Ludwigkirchplatz, Berlin, 1997]Joachim Schulz/ullstein bild/Getty Images Ludwigkirchplatz, Berlin, 1997 The twenty-first century is the first urban century in human history, the first time more people on the planet live in cities than don’t. Experts project that some 75 percent of the booming global population will be city dwellers by 2050. Dozens of new cities are springing up in Asia, their growth hastened by political unrest, climate change, and mass relocation programs that have cleared vast swaths of the... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
Is Amyloid-β Harmful to the Brain? Insights From Human Imaging Studies William Jagust Disclosures Brain. 2016;139(1):23-30. - Abstract and Introduction - Is Amyloid-β Associated With Brain Atrophy in Normal Older People? - Is Amyloid-β Associated With Altered Neural Function in Normal Older People? - Is Amyloid-β Associated With Cognitive Dysfunction in Normal Older People? - Summary - References [image: Click to zoom] (Enlarge Image) Summary Is amyloid-β harmful to the brain? The literature is replete with evidence that individuals who harbour amy... mais »

Subjective Memory Complaints

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
Medscape Medical News > Conference News Subjective Memory Complaints: Trouble Ahead Alicia Ault March 22, 2016 EDITORS' RECOMMENDATIONS - Memory Complaints Could Signal Dementia Decades Later - Memory Complaints Predict Future Cognitive Impairment - Subjective Cognitive Impairment Early Indicator of Further Cognitive Deficits WASHINGTON ― Evidence is mounting that complaints of subjective memory loss, also known as subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), are indeed indicators of future cognitive impairment and should be addressed, Alzheimer's disease experts say. In a sess...mais »

Medicina 2016

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
The Future of Medicine 2016 Beyond chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, doctors are uncovering new ways to harness the power of the patient’s immune system to combat cancer

Autism spectrum

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Clinical and Practical Psychopharmacology Use of Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) During Pregnancy and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Offspring [FREE] Chittaranjan Andrade, MD Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is widely considered to be a safe drug to use during pregnancy. But it may not be so safe after all. In fact, some studies have associated acetaminophen with neuropsychiatric risks. Here, Dr Andrade looks at the existing data to see whether they implicate acetaminophen as a risk factor for autism spectrum disorders.

Nicolo Maquiavel

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Nicolau Maquiavel Itália 3 Mai 1469 // 21 Jun 1527 Historiador/Poeta/Diplomata Vale Mais Ser Amado ou Temido? Vale mais ser amado ou temido (na chefia)? O ideal é ser as duas coisas, mas como é difícil reunir as duas coisas, é muito mais seguro - quando uma delas tiver que faltar - ser temido do que amado. Porque, dos homens em geral, se pode dizer o seguinte: que são ingratos, volúveis, fingidos e dissimulados, fugidios ao perigo, ávidos do ganho. E enquanto lhes fazeis bem, são todos vossos e oferecem-vos a família, os bens pessoais, a vida, os descendentes, desde que a nece... mais »

Helping Stroke victims

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
New synthesized molecule could reduce brain damage in stroke victims March 14, 2016 [image: This graphic depicts a new inhibitor, 6S, locking up an enzyme (red) to block the production of hydrogen sulfide (yellow and white). Hydrogen sulfide concentrations have been shown to climb after the onset of a stroke, leaving to brain damage. (credit: Matthew Beio, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)] A new molecule known as 6S has reduced the death of brain tissue from ischemic stroke by up to 66 percent in rats while reducing the accompaning inflammation, researchers at the University of Nebr... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
A neurofeedback technique for self-motivation March 15, 2016 [image: thermometer] fMRI visual feedback reinforces pleasurable brain sensations Duke University scientists have developed a “neurofeedback” technique to improve self motivation by manipulating specific neural circuits using thoughts and imagery. (Neurofeedback is a specialized form of biofeedback that can help generate strategies to overcome anxiety and stress or to cope with other medical conditions.) “These methods show a direct route for manipulating brain networks …more…

bacteria motor parts

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Electron microscope reveals bacteria motor parts in incredible unprecedented detail March 16, 2016 [image: three bacterial motors-ft] May make it possible to design specific drugs to attack targeted bacterial species A new study of the exotic “motors” that bacteria use to swim reveals details of how they “swim” that may make it possible to design specific drugs that sabotage the flagella (tails) in targeted bacterial species. Using a newly installed high-powered electron microscope, researchers at Imperial College London, led by Morgan Beeby, PhD from the … more…

2016 Int. Conf. Urban Health

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
*Enviado pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja* The 2016 International Conference on Urban Health Gathers Global Stakeholders to Improve Health in Cities WorldwideWith the theme “Place & Health,” ICUH 2016 will highlight release of new WHO/UN Habitat Global Report on Urban Health. [image: Carlos Dora] *• Carlos Dora, MD, PhD, Coordinator, Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health Department, WHO * *Released:* 21-Mar-2016 5:00 AM EDT *Source Newsroom:* International Society for Urban Health and the American Association of Geographers and the New York Academy of M... mais »

Most Influential Physicians

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Related Content on Medscape The 50 Most Influential Physicians in History, Part 1 The 50 Most Influential Physicians in History, Part 2 The 50 Most Influential Physicians in History, Part 3 Who Are the Most Influential Physicians in History? Make Your Nomination Physicians of the Year 2015: Best and Worst More Slideshows . - - - - - - - ABOUT - About Medscape - Privacy Policy - Terms of Use - Help Center - MEMBERSHIP - Email Newsletters - Manage My Account - APPS