Sunday, February 08, 2015

2692 - AMICOR 17

Bertrand Russell (May 18, 1872–February 2, 1970)

“There are forces making for happiness, and forces making for misery. We do not know which will prevail, but to act wisely we must be aware of both.”

L. F. Veríssimo hoje

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 39 minutos
Da ZH de hoje, para quem ainda não leu. A coluna de hoje é antológica...

Doenças Raras não são Raras...

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 52 minutos
Da ZH de hoje:

Barão de Itararé (1895-1971)

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há uma hora
*Recebi de um estimado colega de turma Antônio Eduardo Ludwig. Compartilho com prazer.* *Barão de Itararé* "O que se leva desta vida é a vida que a gente leva" *"O que se leva desta vida é a vida que a gente leva" uma das frases antológicas de Barão de Itararé* · [image: Barão de Itararé] *Frases impagáveis do Barão de Itararé* Criador do jornal “A Manha”, o Barão ridicularizava ricos, classe média e pobres. Não perdoava ninguém, sobretudo políticos, donos de jornal e intelectuais. Ele não era barão, é claro. Mas deu-se o título de nobre e nobre se tornou. O primeiro nobre do h... mais »

Immortality Singularity

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 17 horas
Immortality via the singularity February 3, 2015 [image: (credit: iStock)] Dear Dr. Kurzweil, Thank you so much for all your help, time, and encouragement throughout my paper and presentation. It was really exciting that you could be in my 7th grade presentation. I realize as a Director of Engineering at Google you are very busy. I would love to visit Google. I really appreciate everything … more…

brain evolution

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 17 horas
How complex environments push brain evolution February 2, 2015 [image: A hypothetical animat "brain," comprising a logic-gate network with 2 sensors, 4 hidden Markov elements, and 2 motors (credit: Larissa Albantakis/PLoS Computational Biology)] A recent study by neuroscientists offers clues about how increasingly difficult tasks have evolved the brain. They created a video game similar to the old video game Tetris, in which programmed artificial adaptive agents (“animats”) have to “catch” moving blocks of different sizes before the blocks reach the bottom (in a game for humans, that... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 18 horas
Resveratrol, found in red grapes, may help prevent memory loss in the elderly February 5, 2015 [image: (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)] Resveratrol, touted for its potential to prevent heart disease, may also help prevent age-related decline in memory, according to new research from Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine. Ashok K. Shetty, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Medicine and Director of Neurosciences at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, has been … more…

SuperAger brains

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 18 horas
SuperAger brains yield new clues to their remarkable memoriesFebruary 5, 2015 Three cingulate ROIs. Medial ROIs of the cingulate cortex in the Desikan-Killiany (Desikan et al., 2006) cortical labeling protocol are color-coded with their corresponding parcellations characterized by Vogt (2009) (credit: Tamar Gefen et al./The Journal of Neuroscience) SuperAgers, aged 80 and above — but with memories that are as sharp as those of healthy persons decades younger — have distinctly different looking brains than those of normal older people, according to new Northwestern Medicine research. ... mais »

Age and meditation

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 18 horas
Meditation associated with slower age-related loss of gray matter in the brain February 6, 2015 [image: Negative correlations between global gray matter and age. The X-axis displays the chronological age (in years); the Y-axis displays the global gray matter volume (in ml). Note the less steep slope of the regression line in meditators (yellow) compared to controls (cyan). (Credit: Frontiers in Psychology)] Results of a new study by UCLA researchers suggest that meditation may help preserve the brain’s gray matter, the tissue that contains neurons. The researchers cautioned, however... mais »

Genome Biology

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 18 horas
New software analyzes human genomes for disease-causing variations in 90 minutes February 6, 2015 [image: Genome with mutation (credit: NIH)] May empower population-scale genomic analysis Investigators at Nationwide Children’s Hospital say they have developed an optimized analysis “pipeline” that slashes the time it takes to search a person’s genome for disease-causing variations from weeks to hours. An open-access preview article describing the ultra-fast, highly scalable software was published in the latest issue of Genome Biology. “It took around 13 years … more…

Alimentos do corpo e da alma

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 23 horas

O MUNDO DOS QUE ESGRIMEM A LUZ E O PÃO, POR LUIZ EDUARDO ROBINSON ACHUTTI[image: facebook] [image: AA8LA0K] Foto: Bortolo Achutti, através da sua luneta. Neste espaço, com o qual este Portal me honrou, vou por vezes falar sobre minha família, pois todos de Santa Maria, eu não, nasci quando meus pais vieram estudar em Porto Alegre. De uma forma ou de outra Santa Maria atravessa a minha vida, atravessou no tempo em que eu era criança e depois pré-adolescente./.../


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
AMA Journal of EthicsFormerly *Virtual Mentor*Illuminating the art of medicine February 2015 Volume 17, Number 2 Professionalism and Appropriate Expression of Empathy when Breaking Bad News Commentary by Amy Blair, MD, and Katherine Wasson, PhD, MPH There are at least two considerations here: the patient's perception of a physician's empathic expression and the physician's level of comfort with expressing empathy and attending to patients' emotions. Full Article | [image: pdf] Download

A noite em que toquei na OSPA

José Antonio BrenneremBrenner de Santa Maria - Há um dia
Uma foto encontrada em meus arquivos lembrou-me de minha participação em um concerto da Orquestra Sinfônica de Porto Alegre – a OSPA. A Orquestra Sinfônica de Porto Alegre-OSPA, tendo à frente o maestro Pablo Komlós, realizou, em 24.1.1954, a partir das 20:30 horas, um concerto público no antigo Auditório Araujo Vianna situado na área hoje ocupada pelo Palácio Farroupilha, sede da Assembleia Legislativa. Antigo auditório Araujo Vianna, junto à Praça da Matriz. Com projeto arquitetônico, projeto estrutural e execução pelo engenheiro italiano Armando Boni, radicado em Porto Alegr... mais »

Allergic Rhinitis Guidelines

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Medscape Medical News New Guidelines for Allergic Rhinitis Released Diedtra Henderson February 03, 2015 AR is the fifth most common chronic disease in the United States, affecting one in six of all Americans, and is the most common chronic disease among children, the authors write. Medical treatment in the United States costs $2 to $5 billion, with more than half of that amount devoted to prescription medications. AR also accounts for as much as $2 to $4 billion in lost productivity annually, and an estimated 800,000 to 2 million lost school days, according to the work group led by Mi... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
[image: We bet you didn't know] Medscape Medical News > Oncology Cancer Will Affect One in Two People — New Estimate Liam Davenport February 05, 2015 More than half of all people born in 1960 will develop cancer at some point in their lives, according to new research. "This new estimate replaces the previous figure, calculated using a different method, which predicted that more than one in three people would develop cancer at some point in their lives," notes a press release from Cancer Research UK, which supported the study and publicized the findings. "The increase in lifetime risk i... mais »

Changing the Trajectory of AD

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
[image: Changing the trajectory of Alzheimer's disease. Saving lives, saving dollars.] Without a breakthrough treatment, millions of baby boomers will spend their retirement years either living with Alzheimer's disease or caring for someone who has it. By 2050, nearly one in three Medicare dollars will be spent on people with the disease, crippling our nation. *But what if we can achieve a breakthrough?*[image: Let's make it happen. We're working toward our vision of a world without Alzheimer's disease. Donate Now.]*Changing the Trajectory of Alzheimer's Disease*, a groundbreaking r... mais »

Alzheimer's complex genetic networks

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Uncovering Alzheimer's complex genetic networks *Researchers from the Mayo Clinic use NSF-supported Blue Waters supercomputer to understand gene expression in the brain* [image: Microscopic image of senile plaques seen in the cerebral cortex of a person with Alzheimer's]Microscopic image of senile plaques seen in the cerebral cortex of a person with Alzheimer's disease Credit and Larger Version *February 3, 2015* The release of the film, "Still Alice," in September 2014 shone a much-needed light on Alzheimer's disease, a debilitating neurological disease that affects a growing number ... mais »

Escola Online

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
** Enciclopédia Escolar Dicionário *Buscas sugeridas:* aborígine | cereal | pipa - Artes - Artes da Linguagem - Ciência - Esportes - Estudos Sociais - Geografia - Matemática - Religião - Busca A-Z - Videoteca - Atlas do Mundo - Biografias - Materiais de Aprendizado társio Társio é o nome de um pequeno mamífero com olhos muito grandes. Acesso rápido a informações e dados estatísticos. Aprenda mais [image: Learning Zone] O ornitorrinco macho tem em cada pata traseira uma espora afiada que pode liberar veneno. ... mais »

saving brain

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
saving brain cells -- 2/5/15 Today's *encore* selection -- 'How to Save New Brain Cells' by Tracey J. Shors. The brain can grow new neurons but these disappear unless cognitively challenged: "Fresh neurons arise in the brain every day. ... Recent work, albeit mostly in rats, indicates that learning enhances the survival of new neurons in the adult brain. And the more engaging and challenging the problem, the greater the number of neurons that stick around. These neurons are then presumably available to aid in situations that tax the mind. It seems, then, that a mental workout can buf... mais »

500 million years older

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
Scientists discover organism that hasn't evolved in more than 2 billion years Feb 03, 2015 45 A section of 1.8 billion-year-old fossil-bearing rock. The fossils (dark areas) are essentially identical to fossils 500 million years older and to modern microorganisms. Credit: UCLA Center for the Study of Evolution and the Origin of Life (—An international team of scientists has discovered the greatest absence of evolution ever reported—a type of deep-sea microorganism that appears not to have evolved over more than 2 billion years. But the researchers say that the organisms' l... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Effort to Analyze DNA from 1 Million People By Toni Clarke and Sharon Begley WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has proposed analyzing genetic information from more than 1 million American volunteers as part of a new initiative to understand human disease and develop medicines targeted to an individual's genetic make-up. January 30, 2015 By Toni Clarke and Sharon Begley WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has proposed analyzing genetic information from more than 1 million American volunteers as part of a new initiative to understand human disease and develop medicines targe... mais »

Too much exercise

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
When Exercise Does More Harm than Good - Alice Park @aliceparkny Feb. 2, 2015 [image: Runner Exercise]Getty ImagesA new study shows that running too much can be just as unhealthy as not being active at all Americans as a whole don’t exercise enough—at least that’s what the latest studies show—and so the message is clear: get more active, take walks, Let’s Move! Basically anything is better than sitting on the couch. But how much exercise is enough? That’s a hotly debated question for which experts still don’t have a satisfactory answer. But given that most of us are starting fro... mais »

Black holes

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Black holes do not exist where space and time do not exist, says new theoryJan 30, 2015 by Lisa Zyga [image: feature] [image: black hole] This artist's concept depicts a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy. The blue color here represents radiation pouring out from material very close to the black hole. The grayish structure surrounding the black hole, called a …more ( —The quintessential feature of a black hole is its "point of no return," or what is more technically called its event horizon. When anything—a star, a particle, or wayward human—crosses this horizo... mais »

Y-chromosome lineage

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Genghis Khan's Genetic Legacy Has Competition The Mongolian leader left a strong footprint in the Y chromosomes of his modern descendants, but he was not the only one January 29, 2015 |By Ewen Callaway and Nature magazine In addition to Genghis Khan and his male descendants, researchers have previously identified the founders of two other highly successful Y-chromosome lineages. *Credit: Wikipedia* Millions of men bear the genetic legacy of Genghis Khan, the famously fertile Mongolian ruler who died in 1227. Researchers have now recognized ten other men whose fecundity has left a la... mais »

"Integrative Medicine"

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
[image: David L. Katz, MD, MPH] David L. Katz, MD, MPHInfluencer President, American College of Lifestyle Medicine Seguir Holism, Holes, and Poles 28 de jan de 2015 - 1.840visualizações - 89pessoas gostaram - 13comentários - Compartilhar no LinkedIn - Compartilhar no Facebook - Compartilhar no Google Plus - Compartilhar no Twitter Integrative Medicine, now itself officially integrated into the name of its home at the NIH, the newly dubbed *National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health*, is a rhetorical lightning rod under any of its potential aliases. ... mais »

Pricise Medicine

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
David L. Katz, MD, MPHInfluencer President, American College of Lifestyle Medicine [image: David L. Katz, MD, MPH] David L. Katz, MD, MPHInfluencer President, American College of Lifestyle Medicine Modern Medicine, Mired at the Line of Scrimmage 29 de jan de 2015 - 1.140visualizações - 42pessoas gostaram - 10comentários - Compartilhar no LinkedIn - Compartilhar no Facebook - Compartilhar no Google Plus - Compartilhar no Twitter Modern medicine has some things in common with football- or maybe I just have theSuper Bowl on the brain. Both, it seems to me, tend to fos... mais »

"Giving up"

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
*Recomendado pela AMICOR Laura Barcellos* The Fallacy of 'Giving Up' The importance of talking with a doctor about values and priorities in life—at any age JAMES HAMBLINJAN 25 2015, 8:34 AM ET - - - - - - - - AlexanderZam/Pupes/Shutterstock/The AtlanticAt 30 years old, a person's brain weighs about three pounds. In its capaciousness it wears the skull like a well-tailored suit. So notes Harvard professor and surgeon Atul Gawande in his most recent book *Being Mortal*—only to contrast that with the fact that by age 70, there is usually about an inch of ... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Dying Shouldn’t Be So Brutal By IRA BYOCK JANUARY 31, 2015 2:30 PM January 31, 2015 2:30 pm 284 Comments Photo CreditAngie Wang [image: The End] The End is a series about end-of-life issues. - “Travel safe!” It has become a nearly reflexive wish I give to friends who are coming or going. This fall, I noticed myself holding back from saying it to Michael, a dear friend who was wrestling with incurable cancer. The journey metaphor was too poignant. I also avoided “Stay safe.” After all, dying is inherently precarious./.../

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