Tuesday, May 31, 2016

lobby cigarettier

Comment le lobby cigarettier a influencé une étude

Alors que plusieurs pays européens réfléchissent à l'introduction du paquet de cigarettes neutre, des experts mettent en garde contre une étude aux conclusions controversées
Le 31 mai prochain aura lieu la «journée mondiale sans tabac». À cette occasion, l’OMS invite les Etats à «se préparer au paquet neutre», comme l’on déjà fait l'Australie en 2012 et la France en ce mois de mai. Bien que certaines études scientifiques nient l’effet d’un paquet de cigarettes neutre sur la population de fumeurs, leCIPRET, centre d’information pour la prévention du tabagisme, rappelle que les cigarettiers peuvent influer sur les résultats scientifiques. Le CIPRET revisite une étude de l’Université de Zürich (UZH) sujette à controverse./.../

Philosophy Encyclopedia

About the IEP

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP) (ISSN 2161-0002) was founded in 1995 as a non-profit organization to provide open access to detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy. The Encyclopedia receives no funding, and operates through the volunteer work of the editors, authors, volunteers, and technical advisers. At present the IEP is visited over 950,000 times per month. The Encyclopedia is free of charge and available to all users of the Internet world-wide. The staff of 30 editors and approximately 300 authors hold doctorate degrees and are professors at colleges and universities around the world, most notably from English-speaking countries.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the IEP is to provide detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy. The Encyclopedia's articles are written with the intention that most of the article can be understood by advanced undergraduates majoring in philosophy and by other scholars who are not working in the field covered by that article. The IEP articles are written by experts but not for experts in analogy to the way the Scientific American magazine is written by scientific experts but not primarily for scientific experts.

Scholarly Standards

The submission and review process of articles is the same as that with printed philosophy journals, books and reference works. The authors are specialists in the areas in which they write, and are frequently leading authorities. Submissions are peer reviewed by specialists according to strict criteria. The peer review process is rigorous and meets high academic standards. More specifically, an author submits an article to a specific IEP area editor, who reads through the article and makes an initial judgment about its overall quality. Many submissions are rejected at this stage. The area editor then sends the promising submission to qualified referees. Usually there are two referees per article. The area editor evaluates the reviews from the referees, makes a decision whether to publish, and sends a recommendation to the author. Most submissions are then revised, in either their form or substance. In some cases more rounds of revision are required, and we sometimes must reject entries because of inadequate revision. More commonly, any problems with entries are fixed with revision – as one might expect when well-qualified people are recruited to write entries. This is a common pattern for scholarly journal articles and reference works.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

2762 - AMICOR 19

AMICORE-Book atualizado em 29/05/2016

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 0 seconds ago
AMICORE-Book: atualizado 29/05/2016 AMICORE-BOOK [image: ISFC logo139.jpg] AMICOR PROJETO DE E-BOOK Aproveito a mensagem de Alerta semanal para convidar para uma visita a um novo Blog onde pretendo reunir artigos meus, muitos já publicados - inclusive esparsos pelo Blog AMICOR - como um projeto de E-Book ou mesmo de um futuro livro. Índice para o AMICORE-BOOK.BLOGSPOT.COM: 1. *Estendendo a opinião* 2. *AMICOR* 3. *Carnaval* 4. *Bôrtolo Achutti* 5. *Histórias que meu pai contava - 1* 6. *Histórias que meu pai contava - 2* 7. *Histórias que meu pai contava - 3* ... mais »

Ageing: WHO Statement

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 0 seconds ago
From: Ilia Stambler Through Claudio Schuftan In response to the MMI/PHM comment on the WHO Global Strategy and Action Plan on Aging and Health, one must fully agree with the MMI and PHM emphasis on the need to improve social protection for the elderly, and against commercialization of aging care. Yet one must regret the statement “Ageing is a normal process in any person’s life. Yet it is approached as if it were a disease, thus unnecessarily medicalising a natural process.” Yes, it is a normal and natural degenerative process that brings about a lot of agi... mais »

the origin of human language

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 0 seconds ago
wolf howling shutterstock 24571180
[image: wolf howling shutterstock 24571180] Wolves’ Calls Provide Clues to Birth of Human Speech They’re not just howling at the moon. Researcher Holly Root-Gutteridge and a group of scientists have created the world’s most comprehensive collection of canine vocalization recordings, culling sounds from the wild, zoos and even YouTube dog videos. The result? They still don’t know the meanings of wolves’ howls, but different breeds have “cultural” characteristics across continents and, like musicians, some are influenced by the sounds of others. Their research may help illuminate what s... mais »

Neurotransmiters circuit

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 0 seconds ago
New Discovery From the Molecular Machinery for Depression and Addiction NEUROSCIENCE NEWSMAY 28, 2016 *Summary: New discovery could provide new opportunities for the treatment of depression and addiction. **Source: Aarhus University.* *When nerve cells have to communicate with each other in our brains, it involves release of small signal molecules, the so-called neurotransmitters, which act as chemical messengers in specific points of contact between nerve cells, called synapses. Here the released neurotransmitter is bound and registered by receptors at the surface of the receiving n... mais »

IUHPE Conference

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 9 horas
*The 22nd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion * Started in 1951, in Paris, the Health Promotion World Conferences promoted by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), have become the main event for professionals, researchers, managers and other stakeholders in this issue, being held in different regions of the world. However, in all this time, only one event was held in South America, in Buenos Aires, in 1969. The current context is appropriate for the debate around the promotion of health. Major international forums have stressed the establishment ...mais »

Cleaning the Brain

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
The Brain Needs Cleaning to Stay Healthy NEUROSCIENCE NEWSMAY 27, 2016 *mechanism that keeps the brain clean during neurodegenerative diseases.* *Source: PLOS.* *Research led by the Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and the Ikerbasque Foundation has revealed the mechanisms that keep the brain clean during neurodegenerative diseases. * When neurons die, their debris need to be quickly removed in order for the surrounding brain tissue to continue to function properly. Elimination of the neuron corpses, in a process called phagoc... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
E-Cigs Are Blowing Up In People’s Faces E-cigs are more popular than ever — but they’re also exploding in vapers’ faces at an alarming rate. Will new regulations be enough? posted on May 26, 2016, at 11:36 a.m. [image: Joseph Bernstein] Joseph Bernstein BuzzFeed News Reporter Aaron Fernandez/BuzzFeed News Until he lost an eye, April 15 was a good day for Joseph Cavins. The 63-year-old Orange, California, family therapist saw a full slate of clients. It was two days before tax day, so he caught up on records from his practice. After work, he hung out with some friends. And he wound his ... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
24 hours of global air traffic in 4 seconds May 18, 2016 On an average day, there are roughly 90,000 commercial flights around the world. This stunning animated map displays them all in 4 seconds. Every plane flight in the world over 24 hours *Credit: Zurich School of Applied Sciences*Youtube version / animated gif This incredible map was made way back in 2008 by Dr. Karl Rege of the Zurich School of Applied Sciences. Using arrival and departure data from the website FlightStats, he and his team simulated the flight path of every commercial flight over a 24 hour period and plotted the... mais »

AD and defence system

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
240 DAILY NEWS 25 May 2016 Alzheimer’s may be caused by brain’s sticky defence against bugs [image: Plaques in the brain are behind Alzheimer's] Plaques in the brain are behind Alzheimer’s Juan Gaertner/Science Photo Library By Anil Ananthaswamy It’s a double-edged sword. The protein plaques in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease could be created as our immune system fights off invading microbes. Alzheimer’s disease has long been linked to the accumulation of sticky plaques of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain, but their function – if any – has remained unclear.

Breaking Habits

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
How the Brain Makes and Breaks Habitsby Neuroscience News Researchers report they have identified a neural pathway involved in switching between habitual behavior and deliberate decision making. Read more of this post *Neuroscience News* | May 26, 2016 at 1:27 pm | Tags: addiction OFC, behavioral neuroscience, endocannabinoids, habits, Neuroscience, OCD, orbitofrontal cortex,Psychology | Categories: Featured, Neuroscience | URL: http://wp.me/p4sXNK-8e8

Prions and dendritic spines

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
How Prions Kill Neuronsby Neuroscience News A new study reports on a newly discovered system that shows early toxicity to dendrtic spines. Read more of this post *Neuroscience News* | May 26, 2016 at 3:21 pm | Tags: ALS, apoptosis, dendritic spines,hippocampus, neurodegenerative diseases, Neurology, neurons, Neuroscience, prions, PrPC| Categories: Featured, Neurology, Open Neuroscience Articles | URL: http://wp.me/p4sXNK-8ei Comment See all comments

Early Alzheimer Diagnose

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
PET Imaging With Special Tracer Can Detect and Diagnose Early Alzheimer’sby Neuroscience News A new study reports PiB, a small molecular compound, binds to amyloid plaque. The PET system detects pairs of gamma rays emitted indirectly by a tracer that is introduced into the body on a biologically active molecule. PET scan of the human brain. NeuroscienceNews.com image is for illustrative purposes only. Credit: Jens Maus. Read more of this post


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Qmed | The future of medical technology according to Ray KurzweilMay 16, 2016 Qmed — January 26, 2016 | Brian Buntz This is a summary. Read original article in full here. Ray Kurzweil has made a name for himself for making outlandish technology forecasts, many of which have proven accurate. Here, we summarize some of his predictions that could have the largest implications on medicine. Ray Kurzweil’s initial claim to fame was his inventions — including the flatbed scanner, the first print-to-speech converter for the blind, and a groundbreaking music synthesizer . But he has received mo... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Rapid eye movement sleep (dreaming) shown necessary for memory formation May 16, 2016 [image: optogenetically silenced medial septum-ft] A study published in the journal Science by researchers at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute at McGill University and the University of Bern provides the first evidence that rapid eye movement (REM) sleep — the phase where dreams appear — is directly involved in memory formation (at least in mice). “We already knew that … more…

modular mobile devices

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
British researchers, Google design modular shape-shifting mobile devices May 20, 2016 [image: Cubimorph & ARA ft] British researchers and Google have independently developed revolutionary concepts for Lego-like modular interactive mobile devices. The British team’s design, called Cubimorph, is constructed of a chain of cubes. It has touchscreens on each of the six module faces and uses a hinge-mounted turntable mechanism to self-reconfigure in the user’s hand. One example: a mobile phone …more…


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Gene helps prevent heart attack, stroke; may also block effects of aging May 20, 2016 [image: This is an atherosclerotic lesion. Such lesions can rupture and cause heart attacks and strokes. (credit: UVA School of Medicine)] May turn out to be the "fountain-of-youth gene," say researchers University of Virginia School of Medicine have discovered that a gene called *Oct4 *— which scientific dogma insists is inactive in adults — actually plays a vital role in preventing ruptured atherosclerotic plaques inside blood vessels, the underlying cause of most heart attacks and strokes. The r... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
How to Protect Yourself From Listeria - Alexandra Sifferlin @acsifferlin May 23, 2016 Amid an outbreak of food contamination, here's how to keep yourself safe Outbreaks of listeria, a bacteria that grows well in cooler temperatures, have caused a frozen-food company to recall close to 360 frozen-food products sold under 42 different brand names — and that’s just the latest recall of popular foods people keep in the fridge. Brands of sunflower seeds, salad dressings and trail mix are also recalled due to a separate listeria contamination. The bacteria was also behind the 2015 Blue... mais »

Quantum Mechanics

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
- DAN FALK SCIENCE - DATE OF PUBLICATION: - TIME OF PUBLICATION: 7:00 AM.7:00 AM *NEW EVIDENCE COULD OVERTHROW THE STANDARD VIEW OF QUANTUM MECHANICS*[image: Waves_BM.gif] OF THE MANY counterintuitive features of quantum mechanics, perhaps the most challenging to our notions of common sense is that particles do not have locations until they are observed. This is exactly what the standard view of quantum mechanics, often called the Copenhagen interpretation, asks us to believe. Instead of the clear-cut positions and movements of Newtonian physics, w... mais »

Brain Aging

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
Your Brain Will Age Better If You Do This - Alexandra Sifferlin @acsifferlin May 19, 2016 [image: TIME.com stock health brain] Illustration by Sydney Rae Hass for TIMEKeeping a busy schedule may benefit the brain One of the best ways to keep yourbrain sharp as you get older may be to stay busy, according to new research. While scientists have previously recommended engaging in mentally challenging activities, anew study suggests that keeping a packed schedule may offer similar benefits. In a survey of over 300 people participating in the Dallas Lifespan Brain Study, study au... mais »

AMICORE-Book atualizado em 29/05/2016

AMICORE-Book: atualizado 29/05/2016

ISFC logo139.jpg
Aproveito a mensagem de Alerta semanal para convidar para uma visita a um novo Blog onde pretendo reunir artigos meus, muitos já publicados - inclusive esparsos pelo Blog AMICOR - como um projeto de E-Book ou mesmo de um futuro livro.


  1. Estendendo a opinião
  3. Carnaval
  4. Bôrtolo Achutti
  5. Histórias que meu pai contava - 1
  6. Histórias que meu pai contava - 2
  7. Histórias que meu pai contava - 3
  8. Bairro Itararé - SM
  9. O Trem
  10. VFRGS
  11. O Último Trem
  12. O Trem da História
  13. Luiza Cechella Achutti *15/02/1911 + 05/12/1999
  14. Henriette Katherine Böbion Adami *30/12/1802 + 1886
  15. Moacyr Scliar
  16. Paz
  17. Um lá e quarenta aqui
  18. Violência
  19. Medicina URGS 1958
  20. Retorno à Casa de Sarmento
  21. Sobrevivendo ao assalto
  22. Agudo (na época distrito de Cachoeira do Sul)
  23. Minha primeira Escola
  24. Cleptomania
  25. Nexo Causal
  26. Certeza, Probabilidade, Confiança e Ilusão
  27. O segredo é a alma do negócio
  28. Risco e Limite
  29. Cadeia Contraprodutiva
  30. Degradação
  31. Corrupção
  32. Pelé & Jatene
  33. Engana-me
  34. Socializando as perdas
  35. Terrorismo
  36. Império do medo
  37. Summum jus summa injuria
  38. Dia do Médico
  39. Porque comigo?
  40. Porto Alegre 244 anos
  41. A Saúde de Porto Alegre
  42. Policiais, Juizes e Médicos
  43. Certeza Probabilidade, Confiança e Ilusão
  44. Onde está a verdade?
  45. Transação Econômica
  46. Rede Básica
  47. Treinados para ilusão
  48. O Discurso Médico
  49. Desigualdade, Política e Poder
  50. Espaço-Tempo
  51. História de meu primo
  52. Porque escrevo?
  53. Escoteiros
  57. O Medo
  58. A Passeata dos Bichos
  59. A República de Platão
  60. Doenças novas (artigo de 2009)
  61. Hildebrando Westphalen
  62. Silva
  63. Amigos
Incluidos na última semana:

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Ageing: WHO Statement

From: Ilia Stambler <ilia.stambler@gmail.com>
Through Claudio Schuftan

In response to the MMI/PHM comment on the WHO Global Strategy and Action Plan on Aging and Health, one must fully agree with the MMI and PHM emphasis on the need to improve social protection for the elderly, and against commercialization of aging care. Yet one must regret the statement “Ageing is a normal process in any person’s life. Yet it is approached as if it were a disease, thus unnecessarily medicalising a natural process.” Yes, it is a normal and natural degenerative process that brings about a lot of aging-related diseases, suffering and loss of social participation of the elderly. The statement above appears really derogatory about the efforts of medical science and science-based health care to alleviate the grievances of aging, to achieve healthy and productive longevity for the elderly population, to help them enjoy their human rights, the right to health in the first place. The socially conscious and egalitarian health movement should really support the development of science and medical technology for the elderly and the universal and egalitarian distribution of resulting therapies, and make this support one of the chief points of advocacy also in front of the WHO. 

the origin of human language

wolf howling shutterstock 24571180

Wolves’ Calls Provide Clues to Birth of Human Speech

They’re not just howling at the moon. Researcher Holly Root-Gutteridge and a group of scientists have created the world’s most comprehensive collection of canine vocalization recordings, culling sounds from the wild, zoos and even YouTube dog videos. The result? They still don’t know the meanings of wolves’ howls, but different breeds have “cultural” characteristics across continents and, like musicians, some are influenced by the sounds of others. Their research may help illuminate what some call the “hardest question in science” — the origin of human language.

The songs of the wolves

Wolves’ howls are eerie, beautiful and wild. But what are they actually saying to each other?

by Holly Root-Gutteridge
As the heroes fled the dark castle for the darker woods, Count Dracula’s ‘children of the night’ began to make their ‘music’: a distant chorus of lupine howls, echoing through the Transylvanian night. I paused the movie. ‘That’s not a European wolf, the howl’s all wrong!’ I told my long-suffering companion. ‘That wolf belongs in the backwoods of California!’
After hundreds of hours listening to thousands of wolves for my PhD, the difference between howls was obvious. The voice of a Russian wolf was nothing like that of a Canadian, and a jackal was so utterly different again that it was like listening to Farsi and French. I believed that there must be geographic and subspecies distinctions. Other researchers had made this proposition before, but no one had put together a large enough collection of howls to test it properly. A few years later, my degree finished, I told my Dracula story to the zoologist Arik Kershenbaum at the University of Cambridge. He promptly suggested we explore how attuned to wolves I really am. Are there differences between canid species and subspecies and, if so, could these reflect diverging cultures?
When animals call to each other, they are communica/.../

Neurotransmiters circuit

New Discovery From the Molecular Machinery for Depression and Addiction

Summary: New discovery could provide new opportunities for the treatment of depression and addiction. Source: Aarhus University.

When nerve cells have to communicate with each other in our brains, it involves release of small signal molecules, the so-called neurotransmitters, which act as chemical messengers in specific points of contact between nerve cells, called synapses. Here the released neurotransmitter is bound and registered by receptors at the surface of the receiving nerve cell. This will, in turn, trigger a signal which is sent on to other nerve cells. The circuits in the brain using the neurotransmitters noradrenaline, dopamine, GABA and serotonin are known to play an important role in mood, reward and mental well-being, and they also have a key role to in mental disorders such as addiction and depression.

Artigo Original: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160525/ncomms11673/full/ncomms11673.html

IUHPE Conference

The 22nd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion 
Started in 1951, in Paris, the Health Promotion World Conferences promoted by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), have become the main event for professionals, researchers, managers and other stakeholders in this issue, being held in different regions of the world. However, in all this time, only one event was held in South America, in Buenos Aires, in 1969.
The current context is appropriate for the debate around the promotion of health. Major international forums have stressed the establishment of links between health and other aspects related to human development in contemporary societies. In addition, changes in health and diseases distribution profiles, together with the acknowledgement of the limitations of a bio-medical model of attention and care, highlight the need for new approaches targeting at broad health determinants, and integrated public and inter-sectorial policies for health promotion.
In Brazil, the National Health Promotion Policy, which completes 10 years in 2016, targets promoting equity and quality of life, reducing vulnerability and health risks stemming from social, economic, political, cultural and environmental determinants that influence the health of individuals and groups. ThePolicy stresses the importance of intra and inter-sectorial cooperation, of large-scale social participation and of territorializing practices for the purpose of recognizing and addressing particularities and diversity in defining priorities of health promotion actions. From this standpoint, Brazilian states and cities, like Curitiba, have formulated local health promotion policies, reinforcing strategies in driving intra and inter-sectorial approaches in order to promote sustainable changes on health of their populations.
The Municipal Secretariat of Health of Curitiba, Brazil, is the local promoter of the Conference, with support from the Brazilian Collective Health Association (Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva – ABRASCO) and a large number of stakeholder institutions. Located in the Southern Region of Brazil, Curitiba is recognized as one of the country’s best-organized and most prosperous metropolis. Its innovative approach to the integration of public policies targeted at sustainable human development, with impact on health and equity, has received worldwide recognition. The city is a reference in urban administration, public transportation, environment and health.
Brazil and Latin America’s social, cultural and political diversity will be explored during the Conference as aninput for the discussion of new ideas. Curitiba’s experience in running integrated health promotion policies will provide a background for the exchange of experiences from a local perspective that can later be deployed in different international settings.
This context, and supported by the diversity of perspectives promoted by the participation of specialists from a wide range of sectors of international society, will enable attendees of the 22nd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion to discuss innovative and effective actions in responding to the challenges raised by the international agenda in promoting health and equity.

- 18:30
Chair: Morgana Thaís Carollo Fernandes (Brasil)
Speaker: Aloyzio Cechella Achutti (Brasil)
Speaker: Morgana Thaís Carollo Fernandes (Brasil)
Speaker: Roger dos Santos Rosa (Brasil)
Speaker: Maria Ines Azambuja (Brasil)
Speaker: Fátima Ali (Brasil)
Speaker: Paulo Fernando Piza Teixeira (Brasil)
Room 2