Sunday, March 25, 2012

2542 - AMICOR 14



Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 34 segundos atrás
*(Artigo enviado para ZH há uma semana e não publicado)* *INDIVIDUO, CONSUMIDOR, CIDADÃO E MARGINAL.* * Aloyzio Achutti. Médico.* Para todos os efeitos é essencial a distinção entre indivíduos isolados ou inseridos em seu contexto. A humanidade caminhou neste sentido: de predominantemente rural, passou a urbana (na ocupação do espaço físico), e agora vem quebrando as últimas barreiras de isolamento através da comunicação global. Não nos preocupemos em comparar o rural com o urbano, pois mesmo no ambiente rural os indivíduos não estão isolados, mas apenas se organizam em comunidades... mais »

Felicidade Interna Bruta (FIB & PIB)

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 3 minutos atrás
Por ROBERTA SCRIVANO,, Atualizado: 24/3/2012 3:08 Índice vai medir felicidade do brasileiro A riqueza do País pode começar a ser medida de outra forma. No lugar do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), a Felicidade Interna Bruta (FIB). A Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo (FGV-SP) está empenhada na elaboração da metodologia do novo índice. A intenção é fornecer os resultados ao governo federal para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de políticas públicas. O FIB já existe no Butão, um pequeno reino incrustado nas cordilheiras do Himalaia. Lá, o contentamento da população é mais import... mais »

Spread of Dementia

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 41 minutos atrás
Computer model of spread of dementia can predict future disease patterns years before they occur in a patientMarch 22, 2012 *[+]*[image: brainfibersimage] Brain fiber tracts shown in this image are used to obtain connectivity networks, whose diffusion dynamics model dementias. Colors represent the orientation of fibers. (Credit: Ashish Raj et al./Neuron) Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College have developed a computer program that has tracked the manner in which different forms of dementia spread within a human brain. They say their mathematical model can be used to predict wher... mais »

Allen Institute for Brain Science

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 46 minutos atrás
* Multimedia* * * Paul G. Allen commits $300M to expand the Allen Institute for Brain Science to drive toward a complete understanding of how the brain worksMarch 22, 2012 *[+]* Connections from the primary somatosensory cortex to the brain's other hemisphere (credit: Allen Institute for Brain Science) Paul G. Allen has committed an additional $300 million to the Allen Institute for Brain Science to significantly expand its scientific programs, the Institute announced Wednesday March 21. Bringing his total commitment to da... mais »

Digital Teaching

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 hora atrás
*Harvard researchers discuss new personalized-curriculum system* March 22, 2012 [image: digitalteachingplatforms1] Finally, an alternative to cookie-cutter education: the personalized curriculum. That’s the promise of Digital Teaching Platforms: Customizing Classroom Learning for Each Student, a book by Harvard educational technology researchers Chris Dede and John Richards, who say they have identified a new learning technology called digital teaching platforms (DTPs). DTPs represent the culmination of several evolving technology trends … more…

Street View

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 hora atrás
*Visit the Amazon with Street View* March 22, 2012 [image: street-view-amazon-river-shot] Google is making ground-level images of the rivers, forest and communities in the Rio Negro Reserve in the Amazon Basin available through the Street View feature on Google Maps. Now anyone can experience the beauty and diversity of the Amazon. Take a virtual boat ride down the main section of the Rio Negro, and float up into …more…

hospital care

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 hora atrás
** *Patient safety, satisfaction, and quality of hospital care: cross sectional surveys of nurses and patients in 12 countries in Europe and the United States* *Objective* To determine whether hospitals with a good organisation of care (such as improved nurse staffing and work environments) can affect patient care and nurse workforce stability in European countries. *Design* Cross sectional surveys of patients and nurses. *Setting* Nurses were surveyed in general acute care hospitals (488 in 12 European countries; 617 in the United States); patients were surveyed in 210 European hosp... mais »

Memory location

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 dia atrás
Researchers prove that memories reside in specific brain cellsMarch 23, 2012 [image: Mouse Hippocampus] An image of a transgenic mouse hippocampus (credit: Nikon Small World Gallery) In a new MIT study, researchers used optogenetics to show that memories reside in very specific brain cells, and that simply activating a tiny fraction of brain cells can recall an entire memory — explaining, for example, how Marcel Proust could recapitulate his childhood from the aroma of a once-beloved madeleine cookie. “We demonstrate that behavior based on high-level cognition, such as the expression... mais »

Hive Mind

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 2 dias atrás
The New Groupthink: Does The Hive Mind Work Offline? Posted by Cheryl Lowry on Thursday, March 22nd, 2012 at 9:38 am If “social media” describes the act of creating information as a virtual collective effort, why don’t we label the places we work and study “social” too? It would make sense. After all, much of the work we do academically and professionally is done as part of a team. Knowledge workers –people ostensibly hired to individually produce creative ideas– routinely spend hours a day in meetings and conference calls and sit in noisy open office plans to maximize interaction wi... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 2 dias atrás
Science 23 March 2012: Vol. 335 no. 6075 pp. 1503-1506 DOI: 10.1126/science.1217697 - REPORT ApoE-Directed Therapeutics Rapidly Clear β-Amyloid and Reverse Deficits in AD Mouse Models 1. Paige E. Cramer1, 2. John R. Cirrito2, 3. Daniel W. Wesson1,3, 4. C. Y. Daniel Lee1, 5. J. Colleen Karlo1, 6. Adriana E. Zinn1, 7. Brad T. Casali1, 8. Jessica L. Restivo2, 9. Whitney D. Goebel2, 10. Michael J. James4, 11. Kurt R. Brunden4, 12. Donald A. Wilson3, 13. Gary E. Landreth1,* +Author Affiliations 1. 1Department of Neurosciences, Case ... mais »

TED Talks on Your Health

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 2 dias atrás
From: Christine Seivers: * * Hi Aloyzio, My work managing content at means I spend a lot of time online. (All day, actually.) I was happy to find your blog while researching health articles. I think you’ve got a lot of great, informative content. I’m writing because our interests overlap, and because I think I’ve found something that could interest you and your readers. We recently published an article, "*12 Incredible TED Talks on Your Health*", that’s right in line with your areas of expertise. Take a look: ( mais »

Mental Processes and Priorities

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
A Wandering Mind Reveals Mental Processes and Priorities ScienceDaily (Mar. 15, 2012) — Odds are, you're not going to make it all the way through this article without thinking about something else. In fact, studies have found that our minds are wandering half the time, drifting off to thoughts unrelated to what we're doing -- did I remember to turn off the light? What should I have for dinner? ------------------------------ *Odds are, you're not going to make it all the way through this article without thinking about something else. In fact, studies have found that our minds are wa... mais »

Bias in Antipsychotic Trials

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
Publication Bias in AntipsychoticTrials: An Analysis of Efficacy Comparing the Published Literature to the US Food and Drug Administration Database Background People assume that, when they are ill, health-care professionals will ensure that they get the best available treatment. But how do clinicians know which treatment is likely to be most effective? In the past, clinicians used their own experience to make such decisions. Nowadays, they rely on evidence-based medicine—the systematic review and appraisal of trials, studies that investigate the efficacy and safety of medical interv... mais »

Alzheimer & Antioxidants

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
Antioxidant Study in Alzheimer’s Raises Red Flag Megan Brooks Authors and Disclosures March 19, 2012 — The antioxidant combination of vitamin E, vitamin C, and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) did not alter cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers related to amyloid and tau pathology in a 16-week study of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD). The antioxidant combination led to a relatively small reduction in CSF F2-isoprostane level, suggesting a decrease in oxidative stress in the brain, but it was also associated with accelerated cognitive decline on the Mini-Mental State Ex...mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 5 dias atrás
Successful strategies to safeguard medications [image: A hand holding drugs] WHO/S. Hollyman 8 March 2012 -- *The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance - options for action*, is a new book launched today by the WHO. It showcases examples of actions taken to slow down drug resistance and preserve the ability of medicine to effectively treat many diseases. - Read more on the book launch - Download the book

Seed endurance

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 5 dias atrás
Ancient flower blooms again Fruit frozen underground for more than 31,000 years produce plants [image: Print Friendly] By Roberta Kwok / March 16, 2012 Scientists grew this flower from fruit that had been frozen underground for more than 31,000 years. Credit: PNAS Permission granted from PNAS Imagine putting a seed in a freezer, waiting 30,000 years, and then taking the seed out and planting it. Do you think a flower would grow? Amazingly, scientists have just managed to do something very similar. They found the fruit of an ancient plant that had been frozen underground in Siberia — a ... mais »

Boas Idéias

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 5 dias atrás
*De onde vêm as Boas Idéias* Referência enviada pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja

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