Friday, March 31, 2017

Deep breathing and Stress

Mar 30, 2017

When people are anxious before getting surgery, doctors
and nurses often tell them to take slow, deep breaths with
long exhalations. It may seem 
like an inadequate way to quell
anxiety, but in many cases, it actually works.
Now scientists describe why deep breathing, including the
breath-focus of meditation, can induce such calm and
tranquility. In a paper published in Science, researchers
led by Mark Krasnow, a professor of biochemistry at Stanford
University, found that in mice, a group of nerves in the brain

that regulates breathing has a direct connection to the arousal
center of the brain. In other words, breathing can have a direct
effect on the overall activity level of the brain./.../

Lúcia Campos Pellanda: AMICOR toma posse como Reitora da UFCSPA

Exibindo .facebook_1491052939142.jpg

Lúcia Campos Pellanda, AMICOR, Cardiologista Pediátrica, companheira em diversos projetos, filha de Luiz Ernesto Pellanda, um dos colegas de turma da Valderês, ontem tomou posse como Reitora da Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre. Assisti a bela cerimônia acompanhado por nossa neta Júlia Bellardinelli Achutti,
Vice-Reitora Jenifer Saffi
Arte: Ascom UFCSPA
Foto: divulgação

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tau protein

Tau protein—not amyloid—may be key driver of Alzheimer’s symptoms

One of the telltale signs of Alzheimers disease (AD) is sticky plaques of ß-amyloid protein, which form around neurons and are thought by a large number of scientists to bog down information processing and kill cells. For more than a decade, however, other researchers have fingered a second protein called tau, found inside brain cells, as a possible culprit. Now, a new imaging study of 10 people with mild AD suggests that tau deposits—not amyloid—are closely linked to symptoms such as memory loss and dementia. Although this evidence won’t itself resolve the amyloid-tau debate, the finding could spur more research into new, tau-targeting treatments and lead to better diagnostic tools, researchers say.;...;

Unsaturated fatty acids and AD

Alzheimer's linked to unsaturated fatty acids in the brain

[illustration of brain regions]

While it is not yet clear what causes Alzheimer's disease, researchers are examining a variety of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle causes. New research examines some of the key brain regions involved in the development of Alzheimer's and finds several fatty acids to be associated with this form of dementia.

The Alzheimer's Association estimate that every 66 seconds, an adult in the United States develops Alzheimer's disease (AD). Alzheimer's-related mortality has increased by as much as 89 percent since the year 2000./.../

oxybutynin and dementia

Concern over high US prescribing levels of common drug linked to dementia

MNT homePublished: 
A new analysis raises concern over high prescription rates in the USA of a common
drug used to treat overactive bladder. The drug, oxybutynin, when taken orally, is
consistently linked with cognitive impairment and dementia in the elderly. The analysis
shows that oxybutynin, is prescribed in more than a quarter of cases of overactive
bladder (27.3%), even though other more suitable drugs are available. This work is
presented at the European Association of Urology conference in London, where
concerns are also being expressed about the lack of funded alternatives to oxybutynin
in Europe.
Overactive bladder (OAB) is extremely common in persons over 65. Initial treatment
is normally via behavioural modifications, which can then be followed by first-line
medical treatment such as antimuscarinic medications, including oxybutynin. Antimuscarinic
drugs are synthetic compounds, originally derived from mushrooms, which block the
activity of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. They have several uses, including
control of OAB. Oxybutynin is the least expensive antimuscarinic used for OAB, and
so tends to be the drug of choice for health care plans such as Medicare. However,
a body of evidence has shown that oxybutynin is linked to greater cognitive decline
in the elderly1./...

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Rheumatoid Arthritis and oral care

March 28, 2017

To Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis, Look Past the Joints to the Gums

JAMA. 2017;317(12):1201-1202. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.0764
The mouth may seem like a strange place to search for a culprit in a disease that primarily affects the joints. But a recent collaboration by a group of multidisciplinary researchers suggests that one type of oral bacteria may be an important trigger in about half of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) cases.
Image description not available.
The findings, published in Science Translational Medicine late last year, appear to confirm something that’s been suspected for at least a century: In some cases, gum-disease causing oral bacteria may set off a cascade of events that leads to the autoimmune form of arthritis./.../

Pulmões fabricando plaquetas

O Amigo Gruswzynski em enviou:
São Paulo – Cientistas da Universidade da Califórnia, em São Francisco, descobriram que os pulmões desempenham um papel que vai além da respiração. Em uma série de experimentos feita com ratos, os pesquisadores notaram que os órgãos do animal produziram mais da metade das plaquetas – componentes do sangue necessários para a coagulação – envolvidas na circulação sanguínea.

Segundo Mark Looney, autor principal do estudo, isso significa que os pulmões humanos podem realizar uma função totalmente inesperada: a produção de sangue. “Esse achado definitivamente sugere uma visão mais sofisticada dos pulmões – que eles não são apenas para a respiração, mas também um parceiro fundamental na formação de aspectos cruciais do sangue”, disse o cientista em um comunicado./.../

Monday, March 27, 2017

SGLT-2 inhibitors: Astra's Farxiga, Jardiance Lilly and Boehringer, Invokana J & J

Recomendado pelo AMICOR Reginaldo Hollanda Albuquerque (Brasília), com o comentário de que não sabe se é verdade mas vale a pena observar.
Reuters reported that research suggests SGLT-2 inhibitors, “a newer class of type 2 diabetes” medications, “significantly cut the risk of death and hospitalization for heart failure compared with other medicines for the disease.” The findings were presented at the American College of Cardiology meeting.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Fainting Disorder

Fainting Disorder Mechanism Identified

by Neuroscience News
Researchers have discovered the mechanism behind the fainting disorder, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Read more of this post
Image shows a Queen's Guard laying on the floor after fainting.
Fainting caused by POTS is regulated by switching gene function off. image is adapted from the Monash University press release.
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2807 - AMICOR 19

Astrocytes: Time For Brain and Behavior

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 horas
Astrocytes Keep Time For Brain and Behaviorby Neuroscience News A new study reveals astrocytes play an surprisingly important role in the body's circadian clock. Read more of this post *Neuroscience News* | March 25, 2017 at 1:02 pm | Tags: Baml1, WUSTL | URL:

Exercise x aging

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 13 horas
Mayo Clinic discovers high-intensity aerobic training can reverse aging March 24, 2017 [image: A Mayo Clinic study found high-intensity aerobic exercise may reverse aging (credit: Flickr user Global Panorama via Creative Commons license)] A Mayo Clinic study says the best training for adults is high-intensity aerobic exercise, which they believe can reverse some cellular aspects of aging. Mayo researchers compared 12 weeks of high-intensity interval training (workouts in which you alternate periods of high-intensity exercise with low-intensity recovery periods), resistance training... mais »

André J. Nuyten (+17/março/2017)

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 14 horas
*André, Tatiana, Valderês e eu em Vancouver 1997* *André Nuyten (+2017), Gino Bianchi (+2010), rescém chegados ao Brasil, comigo em 1954. Eram** amigos que conheci maquele ano, enquanto dirigia uma casa de estudantes (Casa da JUC no.4), na rua 24 de outubro 575, em Porto Alegre. Perdemos contato em 1955, mas **nos re-encontrmos 40 anos depois, em 1997. Ambos moravam próximo sem saber, junto à fronteira entre Canadá e USA: André em Belligham no Estado de Washington e Gino em Surrey na região metropolitana de Vancouver (CA). Eu os encontrei pela internet , visitei-os, e a partir de ... mais »

Accelerating Cell Production

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
New Stem Cell Method Produces Millions of Human Brain and Muscle Cells in Days NEUROSCIENCE NEWSMARCH 24, 2017 *Summary: Researchers have developed a new technique that simplifies the production of human brain and muscle cells from stem cells.* *Source: University of Cambridge.* *Scientists at the University of Cambridge and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have created a new technique that simplifies the production of human brain and muscle cells – allowing millions of functional cells to be generated in just a few days. The results published today in Stem Cell Reports open the ... mais »

IT Health Care

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
*Recomendado pelo AMICOR Reginaldo Hollanda Albuquerque (Brasília)* Promises, promisesBMJ 2017; 356 doi: (Published 23 March 2017)Cite this as: BMJ 2017;356:j1446 - Article - Related content - Metrics - Responses 1. Elizabeth Loder, head of research Author affiliations 1. It’s easy to think that there is no problem facing medicine that information technology can’t solve. Experience in the US gives little reason for optimism. Huge investments have mostly failed to solve old problems and have created new ones. U... mais »

Pleasure brain circuit

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Brain Circuit That Drives Pleasure Inducing Behavior Identified NEUROSCIENCE NEWSMARCH 23, 2017*Summary: Neurons in an area of the brain commonly associated with fear drive pleasure seeking behaviors, a new study reports.* *Source: MIT.* *Surprisingly, the neurons are located in a brain region thought to be linked with fear.* Scientists have long believed that the central amygdala, a structure located deep within the brain, is linked with fear and responses to unpleasant events. However, a team of MIT neuroscientists has now discovered a circuit in this structure that responds to rewa... mais »

To Reverse DNA Aging

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Scientists Can Reverse DNA Aging in Mice Alice Park Mar 23, 2017 Health For more, visit TIME Health. Researchers have found a way to protect a mouse's DNA from the damage that comes with aging, and they’re ready to test it in people. Dr. David Sinclair, from Harvard Medical School, and his colleagues reveal their new findings in the latest issue of *Science.* They focused on an intriguing compound with anti-aging properties called NAD+, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It's been known that younger mice had more of it than older mice and back in 2013, the researchers found ... mais »

Insulinas e Incretinas

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Acessar versão online *Posicionamento Oficial SBD nº 01/2017* *Recomendações Sobre o Tratamento Injetáveldo Diabetes: Insulinas e Incretinas* Os Posicionamentos Oficiais da SBD têm por objetivo divulgar os pareceres oficiais da SBD em relação a aspectos preventivos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos do diabetes e das doenças comumente associadas. Outro objetivo igualmente importante é o de propiciar aos associados o recebimento dos Posicionamentos Oficiais da SBD como mais uma prestação de serviços que visa atualizar continuamente os médicos e os gestores de serviços de atenção às... mais »

Socioeconomic status: premature mortality

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Socioeconomic status and the 25 × 25 risk factors as determinants of premature mortality: a multicohort study and meta-analysis of 1·7 million men and women Dr Silvia Stringhini, PhD*,[image: ']Correspondence information about the author Dr Silvia StringhiniEmail the author Dr Silvia Stringhini , Cristian Carmeli, PhD* , Markus Jokela, PhD* , Mauricio Avendaño, PhD* , Prof Peter Muennig, MD , Florence Guida, PhD , Fulvio Ricceri, PhD , Angelo d'Errico, MD , Prof Henrique Barros, PhD , Prof Murielle Bochud, PhD , Marc Chadeau-Hyam, PhD , Françoise Clavel-Chapelon, PhD , Prof G... mais »

Social rank as a risk factor

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Social rank: a risk factor whose time has come? Martin TobiasEmail the author Martin Tobias Published: 31 January 2017 Open Access[image: Article has an altmetric score of 119] DOI: - Summary - Full Text - References 56 million people died in 2015, many prematurely and most (71%) from non-communicable diseases (NCDs).1 Yet NCDs were absent from the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expired in 2015.2 Recognising this absence, WHO has set member states a goal to reduce premature mortality from the major NCDs by 25%... mais »

Robert Koch

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Resultado de imagem para robert koch tuberculose
*To day1882:* [image: Robert Koch.]Robert Koch announced in Berlin that he had isolated and grown the tubercle bacillus, which he believed to be the cause of all forms of tuberculosis.


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
[image: Cerebellum Granule Cells]Cerebellum Granule Cells Shown To Play Cognitive Role James Anderson March 20, 2017 Neurons within the cerebellum respond to and learn to anticipate rewards, Stanford researchers report. The finding is a first step toward a much more exciting future for the cerebrum’s largely overlooked little brother, and one that could open up new avenues of research for neuroscientists interested in the roots of cognition. Scientists had assumed that the cerebellum helped control muscles mostly because of what happened when it got injured. Senior author Liqun Luo... mais »

Sleep and Consciousness

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Synaptic Homeostasis Hypothesis Gets Visual Supporting Evidence James Anderson February 3, 2017 Our synapses grow strong and large during the stimulation of daytime, then shrink by nearly 20 percent while we sleep, creating room for more growth and learning the next day. This is the implication of recent electron microscope pictures from inside the brains of mice. The four-year research project offers a direct visual proof of the “synaptic homeostasis hypothesis” (SHY) proposed by Drs. Chiara Cirelli and Giulio Tononi of the Wisconsin Center for Sleep and Consciousness. This hypothe... mais »

Spermcount via smartphone

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
Sperm Counts via Your Cellphone By NICHOLAS BAKALARMARCH 22, 2017 Continue reading the main storyShare This Page - Share - Tweet - Pin - Email - More - Save 6 Photo Will getting an accurate sperm count in the privacy of your home one day be as easy as a home pregnancy test?/.../

Subclinical CVD

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 2 dias
*Recomendado pelo AMICOR Reginaldo Hollanda Albuquerque (Brasília)* Diagnostic Technologies for Detecting Subclinical Cardiac Disease in High Risk Patients MARCH 22ND, 2017 EDITORS CARDIOLOGY, EXCLUSIVE, MEDICINE Scientists, at present, are able to detect atherosclerosis and subclinical cardiac disease in high risk patients. Novel technologies are now capable of identifying valvular abnormalities, myocardial inflammation, vascular stenosis, heart failure, and increased tendencies towards arrhythmias in its early stages. The tests include new cardiac MRI machines, CT scanning methods... mais »

Unsaturated Fats and AD

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
Alzheimer’s Disease Linked to the Metabolism of Unsaturated Fatsby Neuroscience News A new study report omega 3 and omega 6 unsaturated fatty acids are significantly decreased in the brains of people with Alzheimer's. Read more of this post *Neuroscience News* | March 22, 2017 at 10:46 am | Tags: amyloid-beta, omega 6, unsaturated fats | URL: Comment See all comments

the richest people 2017

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
These are the richest people in the world in 2017 By James Dennin March 21, 2017 Billionaire BFFs Bill Gates and Warren Buffett topped *Forbes*' annual list of billionaires in 2017, with Gates coming in first place for the fourth year in a row. Buffett also had an exceptionally good year — his fortune climbed nearly $15 billion in the last 12 months — which helped him retake the number two spot. Overall it was a good year for billionaires, with gainers outnumbering losers by three to one. The total number of billionaires climbed 13% to 2,043, and their combined net worth rose 18... mais »

Mammoth Genome

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 3 dias
Mammoth Genome Analysis Points to Pre-Extinction Genome Declines Mar 02, 2017 | staff reporter woolly_mammoth.jpg [image: Woolly mammoths Woolly mammoths] Credit: Mauricio Anton NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – An analysis of available ancient genome sequences suggests that the genome of the woolly mammoth, *Mammuthus primigenius*, began taking on ever more potentially deleterious mutations as populations dwindled and the species got closer to extinction — a finding that may have implications for recognizing species at risk and implementing appropriate conservation measures. "There is a long ... mais »

Health care system

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
*JAMA EDITORIAL* *Vital Directions and National Will * Donald M. Berwick, MD *SPECIAL COMMUNICATION* *Vital Directions for Health and Health Care: Priorities From a National Academy of Medicine Initiative * Victor J. Dzau, MD; Mark B. McClellan, MD, PhD; J. Michael McGinnis, MD, MPP; et al *Vital Directions for Health and Health Care*: An Initiative of the National Academy of Medicine

Alzheimer’s D. Vascular Trigger

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Changes in the Vascular System May Trigger Alzheimer’s Diseaseby Neuroscience News Researchers report a plasma component that is usually involved in blood clotting and inflammation may also play a role in the development of Alzheimer's disease.Read more of this post *Neuroscience News* | March 21, 2017 at 12:51 pm | Tags: amyloid-beta, Factor XII | URL: Comment See all comments
Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
Duas celebrações: 1. O Prof. Roger comunicou ter acrescentado na página da Saúde Urbana a apresentação da AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja na ABES/SENGE em dez/2016 sobre Saúde Urbana e Desenvolvimento Sustentável... link 2. Seminário sobre Orçamento Participativo

Gramado Declaration: 20 years

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
*Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia* *Gramado Declaration: The Impact of 20 Years of Cardiovascular Prevention * *Aloyzio Achutti, Ricardo Stein, Lúcia Pellanda, Bruce B. Duncan * Soc. Brasileira de Cardiologia • ISSN-0066-782X • Volume 108, Nº 3, March 2017.*pages 193-194* [image: Link para Arquivos On Line] *English version:* Em Português: Veja também: Aos 10 anos: *Lista dos participantes e foto:*

Rethinking the Brain

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
The brain: a radical rethink is needed to understand it March 17, 2017 [image: Has neuroscience been on the wrong track for centuries? (credit: Justin Pickard/Flickr, CC BY-SA)] By Henrik Jörntell, Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience, Lund University Understanding the human brain is arguably the greatest challenge of modern science. The leading approach for most of the past 200 years has been to link its functions to different brain regions or even individual neurons (brain cells). But recent research increasingly suggests that we may be taking completely the wrong path …more…

Exercise and vibration

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
Whole-body vibration may be as effective as regular exercise March 16, 2017 [image: Hate treadmills? The Tranquility Pod uses “pleasant sound, gentle vibration, and soothing light to transport the body, mind, and spirit to a tranquil state of relaxation” --- and maybe lose weight (and $30,000). (credit: Hammacher Schlemmer)] If you’re overweight and find it challenging to exercise regularly, now there’s good news: A less strenuous form of exercise known as whole-body vibration (WBV) can mimic the muscle and bone health benefits of regular exercise — at least in mice — according to ... mais »

Dementia Care: Flowers

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 5 dias
[image: Please Download Pictures] *ThinkstockPhotos* Dementia Care: Flowers that Can Sicken Many common plants pose poisoning risks to people with dementia if they are eaten, so great care should be taken in displaying flowers and plants in the home. Flowering plants can lure people with dementia to them as easily as a honeybee. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for cognitively impaired people to rip off a leaf or bloom and eat it—and the consequences can be lethal. If you have doubts about what plants are possibly poisonous, contact a local nursery or your... mais »

100 Filling Foods

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
1100 Super Healthy and Filling Foods Alexandra Sifferlin Mar 17, 2017 TIME Health For more, visit TIME Health. [image: 100-foods] You know the basics of a healthy diet: lots of fruit and vegetables, some nuts and seeds, full-fat dairy, and a few servings of fish and lean meat. Of course, most of us don't always abide by those rules, our food choices guided by cravings or hunger instead of proper planning./.../ That's why we compiled a list of 100 of the most satisfying, hunger-quelling foods that are also easy to find at a grocery store (and taste great, of course). We’ve also provide... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Meu amigo, o *Professor Alexandre Henrique Gruszynski*, por ser de origem Polonesa, eu lhe envio todas as referências correspondentes que me passam pelos olhos. Hoje, em reação a um artigo da Britannica, ele me deu uma explicação histórica que pode interessar a mais algum AMICOR: *1920:* [image: Jozef Pilsudski]*Józef Piłsudski was named marshal of Poland.* *Pilsudzki foi até certo ponto o inspirador do regime getuliano...* *Por isso a Constituição que ele outorgou ao Brasil em 1937 é chamada de polaca...*