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Thursday, June 09, 2005

Sociedad Sudamericana de Cardiologia

Sociedad Sudamericana de Cardiologia
Dear coleagues of the South-American Society of Cardiology

It is indeed a great pleasure to see the startup of our SSC home page .
I believe it will become an important tool for our better knowledge of our potential and difficulties and , thus, enable us to adjust better to the reality that surround us and in this way , to further enhance our development and opportunities in the field of our professional realms, the practice of Cardiology, to better serve our people, all with our own southamerican stile.

We were built in the midst of a more recent struggle to discover realities of a new world than most part of the remainder world.

These 500 years, nevertheless, are enough for us to have a History that portray us as good honest, progressive, good-natured people, doted with a clear humanitarian notion of the Universe, which leads to understanding, compassion and an in tense energy to achieve our dreams.

This is a reality that makes us proud and clearly full of attributes that are well aligned with those of the profession we are involved with, the Medical profession, and, in this particular regard, as cardiologists.

Therefore lets get it to work!

This homepage has the aim of becoming evermore a place for communication among the distinct Societies that comprise our South-American Society of Cardiology (SSC), and shall be a commonplace for Scientific and Cultural manifestations of all.
For that purpose a window is being prepared for a biweekly publication, under the responsibility of each society, in an alphabetical order, for articles on scientific or societal subjects that they wish to bring to everyone’s attention.

It has been appointed to the Argentinian Society of Cardiology the task of initiating the publications which they did by sending us an interesting article by Drs. Carlos D. Tajer and Hernán C. Doval, on the controversy of Coxibs.
Subsequently we will have themes coming from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Equator, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. According to previous agreements and a calendar already distributed.

In the beginning the homepage will present windows written in Portuguese, but shortly they will be available also in Spanish.

The article can be in Spanish or Portuguese although it would be desirable, considering the current globalization of the scientific world, whenever possible, to have it also translated to the English which will enable us to have in the future a place in the indexation agencies.

Besides this homepage will be make it possible a concection with each Society and thus facilitate communication among the for announcement of their activities.
It would be highly desirable by the same token to have also the homepage of SSC in the homepage of each society.

The SSC homepage will be an editorial responsibility of the President of the Society and will be hosted by his corresponding national society, till the end of his tenure when it will move on to the next president.

A propos I shall thank heartfully to the support that has been provided to this endeavor by the Brazilian Society of Cardiology, under the leadership of Dr. Antonio Felipe Simão and the most efficacious technical support derived from the informatics session of the aforementioned society under the personal supervision of Mr. Orlando Castro, who has been giving invaluable help for this purpose.

Suggestions are quite welcome!

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Gilson S. Feitosa
President of the South-American Society of Cardiology

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