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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Heart Attacks Risk

Artigo selecionado pelo AMICOR Jorge Ossanai

Alguma semelhança com a estratégia de invadir o Irak em busca de armas de destruição em massa? Da invasão do Afeganistão em busca de um único culpado? Ou de incentivar a indústria automobilística e dar suporte aos bancos para aquecer a economia em recessão?...(o comentário em verde vai por minha conta, AAchutti)

U.S. Panel Backs Broader Steps To Reduce Risk of Heart Attacks

Published: May 16, 2001

Impressed by mounting evidence that deaths from heart disease could be significantly reduced with aggressive treatments, a national panel recommended yesterday that millions more Americans take powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs or immediately alter their diets.
The group, sponsored by the federal government, proposes nearly tripling the number of adults who should be taking cholesterol-lowering drugs and raising by 25 percent the number who should be on a cholesterol-lowering diet.
''We want to recommend more aggressive treatment to people who are at very high risk,'' said Dr. James I. Cleeman, the coordinator of the group that issued the guidelines, the National Cholesterol Education Program of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
''And,'' he added, paraphrasing Shakespeare, ''there are more of them out there than are dreamt of in your philosophy.''
The recommendations increase the number of Americans who are candidates for cholesterol-lowering drugs to about 36 million from the 13 million under the old guidelines. The number who should be on cholesterol-lowering diets is raised to 65 million from the current 52 million./.../

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