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Saturday, June 10, 2017

2819 - AMICOR 20

Corrupção ou Transparência

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 50 segundos
*Mais um artigo no Jornal Mente/Corpo do mês de Maio: "Corrupção ou Transparência"*

Early humans symbols

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 20 minutos
What the mysterious symbols made by early humans can teach us about how we evolvedJun 7, 2017 / Patrick D'Arcy The 32 signs that von Petzinger has catalogued in Ice Age cave art across Europe. They account for the vast majority of non-figurative imagery found across the continent during this 30,000-year time span, suggesting that they were used with purpose and were meaningful to their creators. Each of the 32 signs has their own distinct pattern of use. Courtesy Genevieve von Petzinger.\ After examining dozens of Ice Age cave sites across Europe, paleoarchaeologist Genevieve von Pe... mais »

Smoking in the Americas: 1992

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 9 horas
*A 1992 Report of the Surgeon General, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization* Em 12 de março passado completou 25 anos o lançamento de dois volumes sobre a situação do Tabagismo nas Américas, projeto com o qual tive o prazer de colaborar, junto com Neil E. Collishow, Silvia C. Robles e Margarita Ronderos Torres, como Editores Senior, de fora dos EEUU. Foi a primeira vez desde 1964 que o Surgeon General se ocupou do tema olhando para fora do país. Ronald M Davis que liderava o projeto infelizmente faleceu precocemente. Participaram também Thomas Novotny, Eric |Nic... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 23 horas
Entropy: Why Life Always Seems to Get More Complicated By James Clear | Mental Models Murphy's Law states, “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” This pithy statement references the annoying tendency of life to cause trouble and make things difficult. Problems seem to arise naturally on their own, while solutions always require our attention, energy, and effort. Life never seems to just work itself out for us. If anything, our lives become more complicated and gradually decline into disorder rather than remaining simple and structured. Why is that? Murphy's Law is just a co... mais »


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
Tabagismo recuou, mas ainda causa prejuízo anual de R$56,9 bilhões ao Brasil Teresa Santos (colaborou Dra. Ilana Polistchuck) NOTIFICAÇÃO |2 de junho de 2017 Despesas médicas e perda de produtividade devido ao tabagismo causam um prejuízo anual para o Brasil de R$ 56,9 bilhões[1]. Como a arrecadação de impostos com os cigarros gera cerca de R$ 13 bilhões ao ano, apenas 23% das perdas acabam sendo cobertas. Os dados são do estudo Carga de doença atribuível ao uso do tabaco no Brasil e potencial impacto do aumento de preços por meio de impostos, um documento técnico elaborado pelo *Insti... mais »

Homo Sapiens 300,000 years old

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há um dia
[image: Scientific American] THE WEEKLY REVIEW June 08, 2017 FEATURED THIS WEEK Ancient Fossils from Morocco Mess Up Modern Human Origins

Robots x human jobs

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
This chart spells out in black and white just how many jobs will be lost to robots Robots will take over half of today’s jobs in 10-20 years. Henrik Lindberg/Visual Capitalist How job predictions apply to 2016 U.S. employment statistics. Black fields are jobs likely to be automated and white fields are jobs that are likely to remain.

Wiey: Healthy Aging

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 4 dias
[image: Main Banner] Get FREE access to hundreds of latest articles on healthy aging. Read/Share/Cite new articles. [image: Wiley] Download Free Articles ➣ Neuroprotective Diets Are Associated with Better Cognitive Function: The Health and Retirement Study *Journal of the American Geriatrics Society* ➣ Nonpharmacological Therapy for the Management of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease: Linking Evidence to Practice *Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing* ➣ Why didn't I know? Perspectives from adult children of elderly parents with dementia *Journal of the American Asso... mais »

1963 - JFK - NAS

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias *NatlAcad of Sciences*‏Verified account @theNASciences May 31 More NatlAcad of Sciences Retweeted Brown Physics Hear the full speech #JFK100 NatlAcad of Sciences added, *Brown Physics* @brown_physics #JFK100 @theNASciences @JFKLibrary 0 replies1 retweet1 like Reply Retweet 1 Pocket Like 1 Direct message


Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
*Quality-By-Design Gets Mixed Reception From Industry* A cursory look at the current status of the FDA’s quality-by-design (QbD) initiative reveals a mixed picture. By mid-2009, early adopters had successfully employed QbD tools to file FDA applications. Other companies cherry-picked the tools while contemplating if and how to expand their piecemeal approaches.

Tabagismo no Brasil

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
*Da AMICOR Márcia Pinto:* Segue em anexo os* resultados do último estudo* sobre a carga do tabagismo que eu (Fiocruz) e Andres Pichon (IECS) conduzimos no Brasil É para ser divulgado, *Caso houver interesse, neste site tem mais dados de 12 países da América Latina que aplicaram a mesma metodologia: * **

Novo diretor da OMS

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - Há 6 dias
Novo diretor da OMS é um etíope da etnia tigray Este ano a escolha de um novo Diretor Geral pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para substituir pelos próximos cinco [...] *Enviado pelo AMICOR Vitor Gomes Pìnto*

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