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Saturday, January 05, 2019

2018/fevereiro - Retrospecto


Doctor Scientist and Activist

Doctors, Revolt!

Dr. Bernard Lown, 96, at home in Newton, Mass. A celebrated pioneer in cardiology, Dr. Lown laments that modern medicine too often disregards the healing aspect. CreditKatherine Taylor for The New York TimesBoston — The 96-year-old patient with pneumonia in Bed 11 was angry. “Do you really need to check my vital signs every four hours?” he asked.
Causes of the structures
Download PDF[image: PDF download for Reducing social inequalities in health: Moving from the ‘causes of the causes’ to the ‘causes of the structures’] Article information [image: Free Access] [image: Free first page]
Médicas Gaúchas
Saiu na ZH de ontem. Lembrei-me de minha Dra. Valderês, homenageada pelo SIMERS profissionais do RS (veja abaixo) 

Dra. Valderês: 1960 - estágio na Maternidade Mário Totta

Ontem *Dr. Valério Garcia*. colega de turma da Dra. *Valderês* *Robinson Achutti* divulgou uma foto no Facebook, onde a minha doutora aparece na primeira fila, ao lado do Diretor da Maternidade *Professor Othon Freitas.*

Serotonin receptor structure

Full Length Serotonin Receptor Structure Seen For First Timeby Neuroscience News Read more of this post [image: Image shows a stick model of serotonin.] The newly revealed structure sets the stage for determining structures of the receptor in the active and drug-bound forms. image is in the public domain. *Summary: Researchers have been able to view the full length of serotonin receptors for the first time, with the help of Nobel prize winning microscope technology. The snapshot of the receptor includes details of molecular binding sites that could help with the... mais »

Influenza e Doença Coronária

*A AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja **está apresentando **em Taos, New Mexico, apresentando minha hipótese sobre Influenza e variações na ocorrência de Doença Isquemica do Coração num Keystone Simposia sobre Aterosclerose chamado Lessons Learned and Concepts Challenged..* *Quinta vou fazer uma apresentação oral.* *A receptividade está sendo legal, especialmente de mais jovens... Ficam surpresos... nunca ouviram nada assim... *

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