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Monday, September 30, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Nature of Infinity — and Beyond
An introduction to Georg Cantor and his transfinite paradise
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China Health metrics
*Mortality, morbidity, and risk factors in China and its provinces*, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the *Global Burden of Disease *Study 2017 10 years of health-care reform in China: progress and gaps in Universal Health Coverage - Prof Winnie Yip, PhD - Hongqiao Fu, PhD - Angela T Chen, MA - Tiemin Zhai, PhD - Weiyan Jian, PhD - Prof Roman Xu, PhD - et al. - Show all authors Open Access
Computadores Quanticos

[image: computador quântico] Entenda o que são computadores quânticos e como eles funcionam Renato Santino 24/09/2019 21h20 Compartilhe com seus seguidores Tecnologia mostra potencial para mudar o mundo, mas ainda tem muito a provar Desde o início da história da computação, a premissa básica é sempre a mesma: 0 para falso, 1 para verdadeiro. Essa dualidade lógica simples, interpretada pelas máquinas se tornou a fundação de tudo que é digital: suas imagens, suas músicas, seus vídeos, seus textos... tudo pode ser traduzido em zeros e uns. Todos os algoritmos que formam os programas e ap... mais »
Lia Achutti: por LG Binato de Almeida
Conheça a obra de Lia Achutti, falecida na semana passada25 Setembro 2019 08:30:00*Luiz Gonzaga Binato de Almeida escreve sobre a artista*Colaboração* Foto: acervo de Luiz Gonzaga Binato de Almeida Essa obra participou, inicialmente, de uma bienal de artes na França. Em maio de 2012, foi exposta na mostra "Jardim de Panos e Linhas", na Sala Angelita Stefani, da Universidade Franciscana (UFN) e, foi doada pela artista ao curador da exposição, autor deste artigo Conservo, na sala do meu apartamento, essa obra de Lia Achutti, falecida dia 18 passado. Composto por retalhos têxteis e borda... mais »
to map everything
One man’s plan to map everything Ecologist Thomas Crowther’s goal is nothing less than restoring the planet. He and his colleagues are amassing thousands of individual observations and weaving them into large-scale conclusions: for example, they have counted the world’s trees (3 trillion) and its most abundant animals, nematode worms (0.4 sextillion). His fans say he is part of a new wave in ecological research, using machine learning on vast, scattered data sets to tease out broad patterns about the state of the planet. His critics think he is trampling on nuance and oversimplifying... mais »
theory of everything
Can time travel survive a theory of everything? SEP 20 2019 8:00 AM It's not yet clear whether a theory that unites general relativity and quantum mechanics would permit time travel. READ MORE
Quantum physics
[image: newsletter image] Sean Carroll's new book argues quantum physics leads to many worlds Sep 23 2019 8:03 AM 'Something Deeply Hidden' offers a defense of The Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics. READ MORE
Cure for the common cold
[image: newsletter image] Disabling one protein might one day lead to a cure for the common cold Sep 24 2019 6:00 AM Scientists have identified a protein in humans that some viruses, including those that cause colds, need to spread. READ MORE
Mickey Rooney

[image: Rooney, Mickey]*Mickey Rooney*, original name *Joseph Yule, Jr.*, (born September 23, 1920, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.—died April 6, 2014, North Hollywood, California), American motion-picture, stage, and musical star noted for his energy, charisma, and versatility. A popular child star best known for his portrayal of the wholesome, wisecracking title character in the Andy Hardy series of films, the short-statured puckish performer established himself as a solid character actor as an adult. Famoso em meu tempo de criança eu o chamava de "Meu ArtistO"
Sigmund Freud (09/23/1856 - 1939)
[image: Freud, Sigmund] 1939: Sigmund Freud, the founder of modern psychoanalysis, died in London. (born May 6, 1856, Freiberg, Moravia, Austrian Empire [now Příbor, Czech Republic]—died September 23, 1939, London, England), Austrian neurologist, founder of psychoanalysis.
Cognitive Screening
AAN Recommends Annual Cognitive Screening for Adults 65+— New metrics recommend physicians measure how frequently they complete yearly cognitive screenings by Judy George, Senior Staff Writer, MedPage TodaySeptember 18, 2019
Quantum Computer

Google Says It's Achieved Quantum Supremacy, a World-First: Report Ryan F. Mandelbaum Friday 8:10pm Filed to: QUANTUM COMPUTING 254.7K 904 [image: Bristlecone] BristleconePhoto: Google AI Blog A Google researcher’s paper claiming to have achieved quantum supremacy, a major early milestone in the field of quantum computing, appeared on a NASA website this week before being removed, the Financial Times reports. Google, as well as IBM, Microsoft, Intel, and other large tech companies and startups, have been working to build quantum computers, a new kind of computer based on an entirely dif... mais »
Michael Faraday
[image: Michael Faraday, oil on canvas by Thomas Phillips, 1841–42; in the National Portrait Gallery, London.]FEATURED BIOGRAPHY1791Michael Faraday READ MORE
Art Teacher

Reflections of an Art Teacher It started in kindergarten… Emily Bracale in Spiralbound[image: Member only content]3 min read
Death of a Loved One

How Brains Process the Death of a Loved One That brain fog happens for a reason [image: Heather McLeod] Heather McLeod Follow Nov 9, 2018 · 4 min read Photo: fcscafeine/Getty Images [image: O]Once upon a time, not so long ago, before my husband died of cancer, I was a capable person. I could multitask the heck out of 14-hour workdays and juggle dozens of to-dos with efficiency. I would go to the hardware store for item X and, while there, also remember to get items Y and Z.
Teeth Grinding

What Teeth Grinding Reveals About Your Psyche The underlying causes behind this nighttime menace [image: Ashley Abramson] Ashley Abramson Follow Sep 9 · 6 min read Credit: Jamie Carroll/Getty Images [image: A]According to the American Sleep Association, about 10% of people suffer from teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, and researchers believe the number of patients suffering from it has increased in recent years. While there are a number of medical and lifestyle causes for bruxism, teeth grinding can also be a window into your psyche — and a sign that you may need to reduce stress.... mais »
Quantum Mechanics

The endless struggle of interpreting Quantum Mechanics In my previous article, I looked at What’s so Weird About Quantum Mechanics. Manuel Brenner in The Startup[image: Member only content]8 min read Targeting the spin of individual atoms A new technique enables physicists to measure the states of individual atoms — creating the possibility of… Robert Lea in Predict[image: Member only content]3 min read Stranger Gravity The Upside Down may really exist, according to French physicist Riccardo Di Sipio in The Startup[image: Member only content]9 min read
Black Holes

Black Holes: A theoretical beginning Black holes-the most mysterious and exotic objects in the Universe. Explore the origin of our understanding… Robert Lea in Alexandria Science[image: Member only content]12 min read
Chaos, Time and Everything
Chaos, Time, and the Origin of Everything: Stephen Fry on How Ancient Greek Mythology and Modern Science Meet to Illuminate the Cradle of Being [image: stephenfry_mythos.jpg?fit=320%2C407] “Time is the substance I am made of,” Borges wrote in his sublime meditation on the most elemental and paradoxical dimension of existence. But what was there before there was time, before there was substance? Before, in the lovely words of the poet Marie Howe, “the singularity we once were” — “when sky was earth, and animal was energy, and rock was liquid and stars were space and space was not at al... mais »
Time Travel
Can time travel survive a theory of everything? It’s not yet clear whether a theory that unites general relativity and quantum mechanics would permit time travel. Read More
Gravitational waves
Gravitational waves from a ringing black hole support the no-hair theorem A new study of gravitational waves from merging black holes agrees with the predictions of the general theory of relativity. Read More
World Circling
How circling the globe has evolved in the 500 years since Magellan’s famous trip Humankind has found new and improved ways to circle the globe in the five centuries since Magellan set sail. Read More

Ronaldo BRAZILIAN ATHLETE WRITTEN BY: - The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica LAST UPDATED: Sep 18, 2019 See Article History *Alternative Titles:* Il Fenomeno, Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima *Ronaldo*, in full *Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima*, (born September 22, 1976, Itaguai, Brazil), Brazilian football (soccer) player who led Brazil to a World Cup title in 2002 and who received three Player of the Year awards (1996–97 and 2002) from the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). (Ver em sequência uma série de artigos sobre futebol)
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