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Monday, October 07, 2019

Theory of Family Relativity

Introducing The Theory of Family Relativity™ — a Genealogy Game-Changer

We’re excited to introduce a new feature, which is a total game-changer in genetic genealogy — the Theory of Family Relativity™. This unprecedented feature helps you make the most of your DNA Matches by incorporating genealogical information from all our collections of nearly 10 billion historical records and family tree profiles, to offer theories on how you and your DNA Matches might be related. If you’ve taken a MyHeritage DNA test or uploaded your DNA results to MyHeritage, this revolutionary technology may offer astounding new information on your family connections.
Powerful Theory of Family Relativity™ example suggesting a relationship path for a DNA Match, traversing trees from MyHeritage, Geni and FamilySearch, and a Canadian Census record! (Click to zoom)
Until now, family history enthusiasts used two distinct domains for making discoveries: the paper-trail world of historical records and family trees, and the biological world of DNA connections. When you received DNA Matches, it was often not clear how exactly the match is related to you and who your common ancestor may be. The “holy grail” of genetic genealogy is receiving DNA Matches where you know the full relationship path between you and each DNA Match and can add new information to your tree based on that./.../

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