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Saturday, December 12, 2020

3.005 AMICOR 23

3.005 - AMICOR 23

#UNIVERSE: from nothing?

Ask Ethan: How Did The Entire Universe Come From Nothing?

And can scientists even agree on what ‘nothing’ means?

Ethan SiegelMember only content10 min read

#WEALTH DISTRIBUTION from Claudia Chaufan

The top 1% of households own 43% of global wealth, 10% owns 81%, while the bottom 50% have just 1%.The top 1% of households globally own 43% of all personal wealth while the bottom 50% have only 1%.  The 1% are all millionaires in net wealth (after debt) and there are 52m of them.

# Heart Surgery

Association Between Cardiac Surgeons’ Number of Years in Practice and Surgical Outcomes in New York Cardiac Centers

Gabe Weininger, BS; Makoto Mori, MD; Cornell Brooks II, BA; et al.


#EDGE: A Very Bumpy Ride: Life in the Time of COVID, Part 2

A Conversation with Larry Brilliant, MD [12.7.20]


[EDITOR'S NOTE: At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, I called on Larry Brilliant, a leading epidemiologist and pandemic expert with unique experience and expertise, to ask him to talk about how we could begin to think about COVID-19 and what was in store for us. Now, eight months later, in this Thanksgiving Day talk, he provides an update from the field. —JB]

#HINO NACIONAL BRASILEIROCConversando sobre o Hino Nacional, lembrei que há alguns anos (no século passado),k estando com a Valderês em Moscow, fomos assistir uma audição de um grupo jovem que fazia pesquisas tentando redescobrir peças musicais de valor que haviam sido esquecidas. Durante a audição,eu estava com o gravador ligado, ouvi um trecho que me pareceu conhecido de nosso Hino. Conversei com um dos artistas do grupo, mas ele não sabia nada dessa história. Aqui chegado mostrei para nosso genro que é músico Prof. Sérgio Olivé, ele copiou a peça em NP4 e confirmou haver vários compassos que eram idênticos. Disse que não é infrequente, especialmente em que certos trechos podem ficar na memória de compositores e reproduzirem em suas criações, sem nenhuma ma fé.O compositor russo havia morado em Paris, na mesma época de autor da música de nosso Hino. Vou colocar a seguir referências dos dois que podem ser encontradas na Internet.
Alexander Alyabyev

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Alexander Alyabyev (date unknown)

Alexander Aleksandrovich Alyabyev (Russian: Алекса́ндр Алекса́ндрович Аля́бьев; 15 August [O.S. 4 August] 1787 – 6 March [O.S. 22 February] 1851), also rendered as Alabiev or Alabieff, was a Russian composer known as one of the fathers of the Russian art song. He wrote seven operas, twenty musical comedies, a symphony, three string quartets, more than 200 songs, and many other pieces.

ust] 1787 – 6 March [O.S. 22 February] 1851), also rendered as Alabiev or Alabieff, was a Russian composer known as one of the fathers of the Russian art song.

Biography · ‎The Nightingale and other ... · ‎Compositions

Francisco Manuel da Silva

Francisco Manuel da Silva (21 February 1795 – 18 December 1865) was a songwriter and music professor. He was born and died in Rio de Janeiro. He had great prominence in the musical life of Rio de Janeiro in the period between the death of José Maurício Nunes Garcia and Antônio Carlos Gomes. He was a singer of Capela Real since 1809, and later a cello player. He was one of the founders of Imperial Academia de Música e Ópera Nacional (National Imperial Music and Opera Academy), of Sociedade Beneficência Musical e Conservatório Imperial de Música, which became Instituto Nacional de Música (Nacional Music Institute) and is called Escola de Música da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro University Music School).


# Britannica: Year in Review

#Quanta Magazine

 After Centuries, a Seemingly Simple Math Problem Gets an Exact Solution. By STEVE NADIS

 #AEON/PSICHE Magazine


 #FLÁVIO JOSÉ KANTER - publicação. Tive o prazer de receber um exemplar do livro de meu querido amigo e médico. Parabéns!

# Revolução de 30 e Viação Férrea
Artigo de hoje no Diário de Santa Maria de Luiz Gonzaga Binato, com foto de meu pai Bortholo Achutti. (Clicando na imagem pode ficar legível)

1 comment:

Jorge, colega da Valderes said...

Bom dia ! Achutti! Que bom que a sua página retorna !!!