This Blog AMICOR is a communication instrument of a group of friends primarily interested in health promotion, with a focus on cardiovascular diseases prevention.
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Em 10/03/2021 ocorrerá um lançamento duplamente inédito: a primeira gravação mundial do Romance op. 40, de L. van Beethoven, na versão para violão arranjada e interpretada por Daniel Wolff, e a estreia nas plataformas de streaming da Orquestra do Instituto de Artes da UFRGS, com regência de Carlos Völker-Fecher. O projeto foi idealizado e gravado durante a pandemia de Covid-19, demonstrando que a força cooperativa dos artistas pode render belos frutos mesmo em condições adversas. No link acima, você pode fazer gratuitamente o pre-save na sua plataforma preferida e, no dia 10, o Romance op. 40 aparecerá automaticamente em sua coleção de músicas.
Beethoven - Romance Op. 40
Escolha sua plataforma preferida
#Hospital de Clínicas - UFRGS Encaminhada pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja
*Mensagem da Dra. Nadine - Presidente do Hospital de Clínicas*
POA está colapsada.
Começam a faltar ventiladores.
A BP decretada e felizmente estendida pelo Estado ainda nos parece conter medidas brandas - isto pode ser insuficiente p conter a ferocidade da doença.
Isto pode, perversamente, dar argumentos a ideias contrárias ao distanciamento, etc
Meu ponto - é preciso clamar por medidas MAIS rígidas! Tipo o que aconteceu em Portugal e tb em BH neste final de semana decretada pelo Prefeito.
Nao sou boa em midias sociais e nao quero pregar aqui p convertidos (frase do Jaderson). - mas é preciso chegar na sociedade toda e no poder público em todos os níveis p termos uma mensagem UNICA e livre de ideologias.
In this NGSS-aligned videoappropriate for grades 3-12, produced by the California Academy of Sciences, botanist Dr. Nathalie Nagalingum explains how, more than 400 million years ago, early plants played a notable role in adjusting Earth's physical surface as well as our planet's climate. She meets with paleobotanist Dr. Cindy Looy to discuss the evidence that scientists currently have to support her story. Access the video here.
Abstract Mnemonic techniques, such as the method of loci, can powerfully boost memory. We compared memory athletes ranked among the world’s top 50 in memory sports to mnemonics-naïve controls. In a second study, participants completed a 6-week memory training, working memory training, or no intervention. Behaviorally, memory training enhanced durable, longer-lasting memories. Functional magnetic resonance imaging during encoding and recognition revealed task-based activation decreases in lateral prefrontal, as well as in parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortices in both memory athletes and participants after memory training, partly associated with better performance after 4 months. This was complemented by hippocampal-neocortical coupling during consolidation, which was stronger the more durable memories participants formed. Our findings advance knowledge on how mnemonic training boosts durable memory formation through decreased task-based activation and increased consolidation thereafter. This is in line with conceptual accounts of neural efficiency and highlights a complex interplay of neural processes critical for extraordinary memory.
A former graduate student reflects on how Isadore Singer, who died on February 11, brought together mathematicians, physicists and anyone else interested in the deeper connections between diverse fields.
Podcast produced by SUSAN VALOT; Story by CHARLIE WOOD
Ancient people perceived the trail of stars and dust in the night sky as the embers of a campfire, a cloud-eating shark and a stream of milk. Astronomers are now telling their own story about the origins and constituents of our Milky Way galaxy.
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