AMICOR 3.040
#Dra. Valderês A. R. Achutti (*13/06/1931+15/06/2021) Hidelberg década de 90
#Da: ZH do dia 21/07
Foi um belo encontro que muito nos honrou ao representar tantos colegas numa entidade que nos congrega, defendende nossa profissão e os principios e valores que a caracterizam. Quando estiver disponível, terei o prazer de divulgar o acesso à memória do evento.
Early cancer diagnosis now possible with new blood test |
A promising new diagnostic designed to detect cancer before symptoms appear is considered to be ready for primetime and will be piloted by England’s National Health Service (NHS) in fall of 2021. The non-invasive blood test helps to detect types of cancer that are typically more difficult to diagnose in early stages—among them, head and neck, ovarian, pancreatic, oesophageal, and some blood cancers. The test hinges on recognizing bits of DNA released from tumors that become free-floating in the bloodstream. It was developed using a machine-learning algorithm that was fine-tuned by feeding the system methylation patterns in DNA in blood samples from thousands of patients. The test has a success rate of about 52% across all cancers and a false positive incidence of less than 1%. (Read More) |
Environmental enrichment preserves a young DNA methylation landscape in the aged mouse hippocampus |
Nature Communications , Article number: 123892 (2021)
In a study that involved the genomes of more than half a million people, researchers found that people carrying mutations inactiviting a copy of a certain gene tended to have half the odds of being obese. This gene—GPR75—is one of the 16 tied to body mass index (BMI), a flawed but still generally-accepted measure of obesity. While a mutation on this gene only occurs in about 1 in 3000 people, its protective effects has potential implications for seeking out drugs that could switch it off therapeutically. (Science Magazine)
Borgs seem to be associated with single-celled microorganisms known as archaea, shown in this scanning-electron microscopy image. (Eye of Science/SPL) | |||||||||||||||
Huge DNA ‘Borg’ structures discoveredThe Borg have landed — or, at least, researchers have discovered their China launches largest carbon marketChina, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has launched its first #De:ZH Hospital de Clínicas celebra meio séculoCerimônia com balões dourados e plantio de árvores será realizada hoje no terraço de um dos novos prédios da instituição Do alto de um dos prédios novos do complexo do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), uma revoada de balões dourados e o plantio de mudas de árvores marcarão, às 11h30min de hoje, o aniversário de 50 anos da instituição. Os protagonistas da cerimônia, pensada para simbolizar esperança, serão 50 funcionários escolhidos por sorteio, que também manifestarão seus desejos para o futuro. O palco da celebração, o terraço do Bloco B, representa, justamente, os planos para o que ainda vem pela frente na já consolidada história de cinco décadas que transformou o HCPA em um centro de referência em assistência, ensino e pesquisa, conduzido por uma comunidade de 10,3 mil funcionários, professores, residentes, pesquisadores, estudantes, estagiários e jovens aprendizes. .......História em números Mais de 20 milhões de consultas Atualmente, são 10,3 mil funcionários, professores, residentes, pesquisadores, estudantes, estagiários e jovens aprendizes; 55 serviços médicos, 16 de enfermagem e oito multiprofissionais, entre outras áreas #From Scientific AmericaChina pode estar tomando dianteira na corrida |
What Are the Stages of Sleep?
Written by Kimberly Drake — Updated on May 31, 2021
Have you ever wondered what happens when you sleep? Interestingly, a lot goes
on with your brain and body while you’re catching some Zzz’s.
While you’re snoozing, your mind and body journey through a series of events
designed to reduce your consciousness and awareness, relax your muscles
and alter your brain waves. Some organs get to power down to minimal
functionality to maintain or reset, while others get to work as a cleanup crew
after the main event.
These events play out in stages that repeat in cycles several times throughout
a typical 7- to 8-hour sleep session. Yet you remain blissfully unaware of what
your brain and body are doing throughout all this activity.
So, how many stages of sleep do you go through? And what is a sleep cycle?/.../
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Vol. 11 #11
Picturing Scent: The Tale of a Beached Whale
What can visual art teach us about scent, stench, and the mysterious substance known as ambergris? Lizzie Marx follows a “whale-trail” across history to discover the olfactory paradoxes of the Dutch Golden Age.
Read More »A influência do envelhecimento sobre os exames cardiológicos | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Uma recente enquete publicada no site do American College of Cardiology (ACC) surpreendeu o Dr. Mauricio Wajngarten pela quantidade de respostas erradas a respeito das alterações observadas em exames diagnósticos relacionadas ao envelhecimento "normal". Citando referências atuais sobre o tema, o cardiologista destaca 10 aspectos que devem ser levados em conta na interpretação de exames de idosos. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#From: AEON Magazine
Lembrando publicação no AMCOR 3.037 de 27 de Junho p.p. |
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