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Sunday, July 31, 2022

3.095 AMICOR (25)

#No Teatro São Pedro
Minha irmã Dra. Maria Helena e eu, p
or gentil convite dos amigos Drs. Gilberto e Leonor Schwartsmann, assistimos dia 30/07 a última apresentação, no Teatro São Pedro, da peça de sucesso Gabinete de Curiosidades.

# @PLOSGenetics

#Jacob van Ruisdael - Paisagem com uma vila a distância 1646 (Windows)
Os estudiosos da arte não consideram esta pintura uma obra-prima, nem mesmo uma das melhores obras do artista. Isso não é muito surpreendente, dado quem é o pintor: Jacob van Ruisdael é considerado por muitos como o maior paisagista da história da Holanda. O que pode ser surpreendente é que Van Ruisdael tinha apenas cerca de 18 anos quando terminou esse trabalho ambicioso. Também impressionante? "Paisagem com uma Vila à Distância" é apenas uma das 15 pinturas de paisagens conhecidas que o artista produziu somente em 1646. Seu talento é aparente aqui nesta obra de óleo sobre madeira, com sua grande escala, reprodução detalhada da folhagem exuberante e representação habilidosa de uma aldeia no horizonte. Esse trabalho inicial mostra um gênio em crescimento começando a desenvolver os músculos criativos.

"Paisagem com uma Vila à Distância" está na coleção do Metropolitan Museum of Art na cidade de Nova York.
Saiba mais sobre este artista                                        

#Slide show AMICOR com fotos da Dra. Valderês

(clicar  em Apresentação de Slides)


Who Made That Word and Why?
By Livia Gershon
No matter how many words in a language, it seems that we always need just one more to explain ourselves. Read more...

#Medscape. Cardiology

Amanda Loudin

April 27, 2022\

Air traffic controllers face mandatory retirement at age 56, with exceptions up to 61. Commercial airline pilots must bow out at 65, same for foreign service employees. Physicians, however, have no age limit, regardless of specialty./.../

#NAUTILUSJuly 28, 2022

Assista ao convite do presidente do Simers, Marcos Rovinski


‘The entire protein universe’: AI predicts shape of every known protein

AlphaFold's predicted structure of the Vitellogenin Protein on a black background

The structure of the vitellogenin protein — a precursor of egg yolk — as predicted by the AlphaFold tool.Credit: DeepMind

My Bookmarks



The Webb Space Telescope Is Already Reshaping Astronomy


In the days after the mega-telescope started delivering data, astronomers reported exciting new discoveries about galaxies, stars, exoplanets and even Jupiter.

Read the article



New Number Systems Point Geometry Problem Toward a Real Solution


The Kakeya conjecture predicts how much room you need to point a line in every direction. In one number system after another — with one important exception — mathematicians have been proving it true.

Read the article



Why Do We Get Old, and Can Aging Be Reversed?

Podcast hosted by STEVEN STROGATZ

Everybody gets older, but not everyone ages in the same way. In this episode, Steven Strogatz speaks with Judith Campisi and Dena Dubal, two biomedical researchers who study the aging process.

Listen to the podcast

Read the transcript



Hidden Chaos Found to Lurk in Ecosystems


New modeling research finds that chaos plays a bigger role in population dynamics than decades of ecological data once seemed to suggest.

Read the blog

Biodiversity May Thrive
Through Games of Rock-Paper-Scissors

by Carrie Arnold (2020)



Neuronal Scaffolding Plays a Role in Pain


Perineuronal nets hold neurons in place, but they also affect a surprising amount of brain activity, including some associated with chronic pain.

Read the column

Glial Brain Cells, Long in Neurons’
Shadow, Reveal Hidden Powers

by Elena Renken (2020)



Seeking Mathematical Truth in Counterfeit Coin Puzzles


Readers balanced logical reasoning and mathematical insights to find phony coins with a double-pan balance scale.

Read the puzzle solution

Around the Web

A Massive Observation
According to new observations, the heaviest neutron star is 20,000 light-years away from Earth and weighs 2.35 times as much as our sun. The record-holder owes its success to gas falling from a nearby orbiting star, reports Ken Croswell for Science News. What goes on in the hidden interiors of these dense and massive stars remains a mystery. Physicists have wondered if their cores consist of squishy and exotic “quark” matter, but new data released last year casts doubt on that model, as Jonathan O’Callaghan reported for Quanta.

Look Who’s Talking
In the largest study of its kind, researchers proved that “baby talk” is much the same everywhere. Spanning 18 languages and six continents, the new research confirmed that adults adopt a sing-songy voice called “parentese” when singing or speaking to babies, reports Oliver Whang for The New York Times. Parentese is thought to make it easier for babies to learn language. When babies imitate the sounds they hear, they’re using vocal learning — an ability possessed by only a few species, notably humans and songbirds. In 2018, researcher Erich Jarvis chatted with Jordana Cepelewicz for Quanta about his work on vocal learning in songbirds and why it could help reveal how the human capacity for language evolved.

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