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Friday, December 02, 2022

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#Dra. Valderês Antonietta Robinson Achutti (*13/06/1931+15/06/2021)

Ciudad de Mexico 1994 no museu antropológico, durante celebração dos 50 anos do
Instituto de Cardiologia Professor Ignácio Chavez

#Our World in Data

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We’ve just published a major redesign of our work on the Environmental Impacts of Food. Explore all of our data and research in one place.

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The mission of Our World in Data is to make data and research on the world’s largest problems understandable and accessible.

#The British Library


#Quanta Magazine

My Bookmarks



Physicists Create a Holographic Wormhole Using a Quantum Computer


The unprecedented experiment explores the possibility that space-time somehow emerges from quantum information, even as the work’s interpretation remains disputed.

Read the article | Watch the video



Mathematical Trio Advances Centuries-Old Number Theory Problem


The work — the first-ever limit on how many whole numbers can be written as the sum of two cubed fractions — ends “a recurring embarrassment for number theorists.”

Read the article

A Numerical Mystery From
the 19th Century Finally Gets Solved

By Leila Sloman



Computer Program for Particle Physics at Risk of Obsolescence


Maintenance of the software that’s used for the hardest physics calculations rests almost entirely with a retiree. The situation reveals the problematic incentives of academia.

Read the blog

The Algorithm That Lets Particle
Physicists Count Higher Than Two

By Charlie Wood (2021)



Brains Make Quick Stops With Calculus


To hone its control over precise maneuvers, the brain uses comparisons between control signals, not the signals themselves.

Read the blog

Brain Chemical Helps Signal
to Neurons When to Start a Movement

By Allison Whitten



The Math Behind
Wordle Guesses


Wordle is a word game. But you can use math to optimize your chances of winning (without cheating).

Read the puzzle solution

How to Win at Wordle
(Without Cheating)

By Pradeep Mutalik

Around the Web

A Diplomatic Breakthrough
Meta claims that its AI, Cicero, can beat humans at a strategy game called Diplomacy, reports Benj Edwards for Ars Technica. Diplomacy is closer to real-world situations than chess or Go: Players take turns simultaneously and often cooperate with one another. In 2018 Joshua Sokol wrote for Quanta about the difficulties in applying AI’s impressive game-playing capabilities to the real world.

Someone Caught the Leadership Bug
The “mind-controlling” parasite Toxoplasma gondii can seemingly change the behavior of wolves to make them more effective pack leaders, writes Emma Marris for Nature. Parasites are known to alter the behavior of their hosts, often in harmful, reckless ways. But as Elizabeth Svoboda wrote for Quanta in 2017, some parasites can also encourage altruism.

#Hospital Moinhos de Vento 95 anos, Jubilado

(23/11/2022) Cumprimentando e agradecendo à Direção do HMV, colegas e demais funcionários que conosco formam uma grande família, lembrei-me também de tantos colegas que não estão mais conosco, mas que fizeram parte dessa história, e contribuíram para que ela tivesse um curso tão feliz. Não posso deixar de chamar e compartilhar com tantos ausentes, entre os quais encontro a Dra. Valderês Antonietta Robinson Achutti, minha saudosa esposa, também credenciada, e com quem repartia sempre as responsabilidades de minha atividade profissional. Aliás, conforme já tive oportunidade de contar muitas vezes, se não fosse ela, eu nem seria médico, pois em 1951, quando ela apareceu em Santa Maria - e na minha vida -, eu estava me preparando para o vestibular de engenharia, e mudei de rumo quando ela me disse que desde o terceiro ano do curso ginasial havia decidido ser médica, e queria ser dona de um hospital. Ficamos setenta anos juntos, e ela também ficou “dona” do Hospital Moinhos de Vento, assim como eu...

#AEON Magazine

What did the Rosetta Stone’s inscription actually communicate?

Video by the British Museum 29 November 2022

There’s a good chance you know a fact or two about the artefact called the Rosetta Stone – namely that, because it was inscribed with a single message written in three different scripts, its discovery allowed archeologists to decode ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Or you might have heard that the new Grand Egyptian Museum has been calling for the artefact to be returned to its homeland. However, you may not know some of the most basics facts about the object. For instance, what was its purpose, and what did it actually say? In this video, Ilona Regulski, curator of Egyptian written culture at the British Museum in London, walks viewers through the stone and its ‘decree’, issued during the Ptolemaic dynasty in 196 BCE. In doing so, she reveals how this ancient stele, first unearthed in 1799, was just the first of many copies that have been found throughout Egypt, and what its message can tell us about the transitional period in which it was written. The video supports the exhibition ‘Hieroglyphs: Unlocking Ancient Egypt’, which runs at the British Museum through to February 2023.

#Academia SR Medicina

#Nature Briefing

This week in 1915, Albert Einstein completes the general theory of relativity, giving us one of the most beautiful equations ever conceived; Rᵤᵥ - ½gᵤᵥR = 8πG/c⁴•Tᵤᵥ Where;
Rᵤᵥ - ½gᵤᵥR - Describes the curvature of spacetime.
8πG/c⁴•Tᵤᵥ - Describes the matter and energy in spacetime.

1 comment:

Jorge, colega da Valderes said...

Parabéns, Achutti pelo evento. No meu tempo de estudante (1954-1960), algumas vezes auxiliei o Dr. Edgar Diefenthaeler em cirurgias no Moinhos de Vento; sempre me chamou atenção o primoroso atendimento.