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Friday, January 05, 2024

3.170 AMICOR (26)

 3.170 AMICOR (26)  

#com Dra. Valderês A. Robinson Achutti (*13/06/1931+15/06/2021)

Em Santa Cruz em 1995, numa celebração de uma efeméride de Dom Alberto Etges, que de lá foi bispo Quando simples Padre e depois Cônego, nos recebeu criando casas de estudantes - Casas da JUC - propiciando-nos apôio e socialização. Aproveitei esta imagem porque hoje soube do falecimento de um colega de secundário,  companheiro e amigo de longa data Luiz Xavier Pillar, do qual sigo com mais duas imagens:

Na mesma ocasião, em Santa Cruz em 1995. Na primeira fila: meu amigo Luiz Xavier Pillar que faleceu ontem, ao lado de sua esposa. Wanyce Miriam Pizani Robinson - irmã da Valderes e falecida no ano passado. Valderês, falecida em 2021. É muito provael que muitos dos demais, também não estejam mais por aqui, e nos deixaram saudades.

Recuando para 1951, em Santa Maria, como Pioneiros (escoteiros sênior), estamos na primeira fila Luiz Xavier Pillar + e eu. Essa foto já circulou por aí, e retrata uma de nossas aventuras: a excavação de um sáurio fóssil petrificado, do período Triássico/Mezozóico.  Macrocefalosaurio Mariensis. 
Meu amigo foi dos primeiros para quem contei que estava de olho na menina recém chegada em Santa Maria, querendo namorá-la. Ele gostava de usar expressões gauchescas, "de galpão". Lembro-me bem que ele retrucou: "cuidado que tu vais botar os beiços em cardo quente..."



Adocantes artificiais (alteram o microbioma intestinal)


Consuming nonsugar sweeteners (NSS) leads to significant changes in both stool and duodenal microbial diversity and composition and levels of circulating inflammatory markers.

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Mathematicians Identify the Best Versions of Iconic Shapes

Researchers are discovering the shortest knots and fattest Möbius strips, among other “optimal shapes.”

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#Maria Popva - The Marginalian

Elevating Resolutions for the New Year Inspired by Some of Humanity’s Greatest Minds

Elevating Resolutions for the New Year Inspired by Some of Humanity’s Greatest Minds

What if we could augment the bucket-list of typical New Year’s resolutions, dominated by bodily habits and pragmatic daily practices, with higher-order aspirations — habits of mind and spiritual orientations borrowed from some of humanity’s most timelessly rewarding thinkers? After last year’s selection of worthy resolutions inspired by such luminaries as Seneca, Maya Angelou, Bruce Lee, and Virginia Woolf, here is another set for the new year borrowed from a new roster of perennially elevating minds.

by Derek Walcott

The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other’s welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

This reading is part of On Being’s altogether wonderful poetry archive. Complement it with other poetry-lovers’ readings of favorite poems: Amanda Palmer reads Wislawa SzymborskaDavid Whyte reads Mary OliverJoanna Macy reads Rainer Maria Rilke, and my reading of Mark Strand.

 Clues to Life’s Origins

Last spring, scientists retrieved a trove of mantle rocks from underneath the Atlantic seafloor — a bounty that could help write the first chapter of life's story on Earth.

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The ‘Accidental Activist’ Who Changed the Face of Mathematics

Throughout her 60-year career, Lenore Blum has developed new perspectives on logic and computation while championing women in mathematics and computer science. Now consciousness is on her mind.

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