Protecting your brain: ‘use it or lose it’
April 25, 2012

Effects on neurons of an active cognitive lifestyle in Brodmann area 9 (mid-prefrontal lobe, involved in memory). A high cognitive lifestyle score was associated with increased neuronal density (A, B) and greater neocortical thickness (C, D). (Credit: M. J. Valenzuela et al./Biol Psychiatry)
Cultivation of an active cognitive lifestyle through lifespan engagement in a rich array of mentally stimulating activities may help reduce dementia risk, according to a major study of more than 13,000 individuals aged over 65 years and followed for 14 years.
An active cognitive lifestyle score (CLS) in men was associated with less cerebrovascular disease, and in women was associated with greater brain weight. In both men and women, a high score was associated with greater neuronal density and cortical thickness in the frontal lobe.
“Overall, our research suggests that multiple complex brain changes may be responsible for the ‘use it or lose it’ effect,” said Associate Professor Michael J. Valenzuela, a brain aging expert at the Brain and Mind Research Institute, University of Sydney, Australia, who led this new study. “This research throws some light on what may be happening at the biological level.”/.../
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