3.121 - AMICOR (25)
#Dra. Valderês Antonietta Robinson Achutti (*13/06/1931+15/06/2021)
Feliz!.. Numa marisqueria em Tavira (PT), 1998. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tavira)
Enquanto alguns equipamentos astronômicos perscrutam os confins do universo, outros observam a nossa vizinhança e o nosso lar.

Imagem: DECaPS2/DOE/FNAL/DECam/CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/E. Slawik/M. Zamani/D. de Martin
Em um mapeamento histórico, astrônomos conseguiram observar, mapear e identificar 3,32 bilhões de corpos celestes, na nossa Via Láctea./.../
#Our World in Data
#Our World in Data
Democracy by Bastian Herre and Max Roser
Democracy is broadly understood to mean ‘rule by the people’.
In practice, it is often defined as people choosing their leaders in free and fair elections.
Other definitions go beyond this. For example, some of them see democracy as people having additional individual rights and being protected from the state.
Democracy gives citizens the right to influence important decisions over their own lives and allows them to hold their leaders accountable.
But it can have other benefits too: democratic countries seem better governed than autocracies, seem to grow faster, and foster more peaceful conduct within and between them.
On this page, you can find data, visualizations, and writing on how democracy has spread across countries, how it differs between them, and whether we are moving towards a more democratic world.
#Scientific America
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#National Geographic
For more than two years, scientists have been trying to understand why millions of people across the world are experiencing lingering symptoms despite recovering from their COVID-19 infection. They’ve proposed several hypotheses including the presence of microclots—tiny blood clots that can block capillaries and potentially affect blood and oxygen flow.
In a 2021 study, physiologist Etheresia Pretorius at the Stellenbosch University in South Africa and her colleagues were the first to suggest that microclots may be linked to this debilitating condition called long COVID. In a follow-up study, she and her colleagues showed that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein triggers the formation of such clots, which the body’s natural clot-busting process doesn’t seem to break down easily.
This finding has led some scientists in the United States, with guidance from Pretorius, to test people with long COVID for microclots. Lisa McCorkell, co-founder of the long COVID-focused Patient-Led Research Collaborative, was thrilled when she heard the news last year.
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