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Saturday, February 18, 2023

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  3.124 - AMICOR (25)

#Dra. Valderês Antonietta Robinson Achutti (*13/06/1931+15/06/2021)

Barcelona, junho 1995, durante a 2a Conferência Internacional de Saúde do Coração, frente ao cartaz de uma  apresentação, da qual ela foi coautora.

#Slideshow: 92 fotos de abertura Clicar em apresentação de slides

#Luiza Cechella Achutti (*15/02/1911 +05/12/1999) estaria com 112 anos

Em Santa Maria, em1927, fotografada pelo Bôrtolo, com quem casou aos 16 anos.

Os 112 anos, lembraram-me a cliente mais longeva que tivemos, e que viveu até quase essa idade,
a saudosa Da Laurita Pereira Donadio (*22/04/1905 +24/01/2016)


#Vera Elisabeth Verissimo (15/02/1934+29/06/2022) Amiga da Dra. Valderês e minha, se viva ainda estivesse, estaria completando 89 anos. Professora, poeta e psicóloga

Banner with the IHME logo and tagline, "Measuring what matters"
#Latest insights

Line graph of the trend in overall development assistance for health from 1990 to 2021. DAH increased steadily from $8.5 billion in 1990 to $42.6 billion in 2013. DAH experienced a small dip and stagnation through 2019, where DAH hit $43.1 billion. DAH experienced major increases in the next two years, arriving at $67.4 billion in 2021.

Building upon their recently published, peer-reviewed research, IHME’s health financing team wrote about the positive impacts due to COVID-19 on development assistance for health (DAH) for Think Global Health.
  • DAH for other health areas besides COVID-19 – such as child and newborn health, HIV/AIDS, and health systems strengthening – also saw increases during the 2019-2021 period.
  • In the same time frame, donors like Germany and Japan increased their development spending by over 50%.
  • “The enormous increase in DAH observed during the COVID period inspires hope. But investing in more effective ways to protect against a range of diseases and conditions is just as important as defending the world against the next pandemic,” wrote the authors.
Read in Think Global Health
New Data Sets:

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Coronary angiography has historically served as the gold standard for diagnosis of coronary artery disease and guidance of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Adjunctive use of contemporary intravascular imaging (IVI) technologies has emerged as a complement to conventional angiography—to further characterize plaque morphology and optimize the performance of PCI. IVI has utility for preintervention lesion and vessel assessment, periprocedural guidance of lesion preparation and stent deployment, and postintervention assessment of optimal endpoints and exclusion of complications. The role of IVI in reducing major adverse cardiac events in complex lesion subsets is emerging, and further studies evaluating broader use are underway or in development. This paper provides an overview of currently available IVI technologies, reviews data supporting their utilization for PCI guidance and optimization across a variety of lesion subsets, proposes best practices, and advocates for broader use of these technologies as a part of contemporary practice.

#Vera Fabrício Carvalho (+16/02/2023), Arquiteta
Foi responsável pelo projeto e construção de nossa casa da Avenida Bastian 212, juntamente com seu colega Ary Mazzini Canarin, no início da década de 70. Tornando realidade um dos sonhos de minha querida esposa Valderês que aqui conseguiu viver mais de 45 anos, falecendo em sua casa em 2021.
Um colega de turma da Dra. Valderês, Dr. Jorge da Rocha Gomes, sugeriu que fosse acrescentada uma foto de nossa casa.

My Bookmarks



Gene Expression in Neurons Solves a Brain Evolution Puzzle


The neocortex of our brain is the seat of our intellect. New data suggests that mammals created it with new types of cells that they developed only after their evolutionary split from reptiles.

Read the article



To Teach Computers Math, Researchers Merge AI Approaches


Large language models still struggle with basic reasoning tasks. Two new papers that apply machine learning to math provide a blueprint for how that could change.

Read the article

Building the Mathematical
Library of the Future

By Kevin Hartnett (2020)



Quantum Field Theory Pries Open Mathematical Puzzle


Mathematicians have struggled to understand the moduli space of graphs. A new paper uses tools from physics to peek inside.

Read the blog

He Dropped Out to Become a Poet.
Now He’s Won a Fields Medal.

By Jordana Cepelewicz (2022)



She Studies Growing Arteries to Aid Heart Attack Recovery


Regenerative medicine researcher Kristy Red Horse’s discoveries may someday help damaged hearts heal better. Her stewardship of her Native American heritage may advance science in other ways too.

Read the interview

The Contrarian Who Cures Cancers

By Claudia Dreifus (2020)



Inside the Proton, the ‘Most Complicated Thing You Could Possibly Imagine’

Podcast hosted by SUSAN VALOT;

The positively charged particle at the heart of the atom is an object of unspeakable complexity, one that changes its appearance depending on how it is probed.

Listen to the podcast

Read the story


Around the Web

Ripples of Information
Gravitational waves produced by neutron star collisions provide invaluable clues about the life cycle and contents of these stellar corpses, Sophia Chen writes for WIRED. In 2020, one gravitational wave signal had properties so unexpected that it forced astronomers to radically revise their models of how neutron stars are born. Dana Najjar wrote about it for Quanta.

Defining Life
Our cells are made of complicated micromachines driven by electric potentials. Precisely where that complexity shades into “life” is difficult to define. Kurzgesagt explains how life is an emergent phenomenon in a new video. There are many different definitions of life, and all come with exceptions. For The Joy of Why podcast, Steven Strogatz spoke with astrobiologist Robert Hazen and chemist Sheref Mansy about the dividing line between the living and non-living on a “continuum of chemical complexity.”

#Popular Mechanics

#Science Times

Webb Telescope Spots a Distant Spiral Galaxy Like Our Own

Article Image

ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Martel


LEDA 2046648 has an eerie resemblance to our Milky Way galaxy, but it lies a billion light-years away.

By Dennis Overbye


Main Image
O declínio da memória é uma das principais preocupações associadas ao envelhecimento. Estudos recentes que examinaram possíveis fatores modificáveis passíveis de retardar esse processo geraram o tema clínico mais buscado da semana.
Saiba mais

1 comment:

Jorge, colega da Valderes said...

Bom dia! Seria interessante, para podermos apreciar o trabalho da dupla de arquitetos que construiu a sua casa, que Você tivesse condições de publicar fotos. Isto sem comprometer a sua segurança, claro!