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Friday, August 31, 2012

2565 - AMICOR 15


Drug trials : Ethics

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 44 minutos atrás
Do Post-Market Drug Trials Need a Higher Dose of Ethics? Patients who sign up for trials testing more than one already approved intervention do not always know if one is being tested for harmful side effects By Katherine Harmon 23 inShare [image: medical drug trial post market fda]*UNINFORMED CONSENT?:* Some trials performed after treatments are approved fail to inform participants that one or more of the treatments being tested might have more serious side effects than they realize.Image: iStockphoto/monkeybusinessimages Say you have high blood pressure. There's a new b... mais »

new-found supermassive black holes

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 6 horas atrás
NASA’s WISE survey uncovers millions of black holes August 30, 2012 [image: nasa_many_black_holes] NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission has led to a bonanza of millions of new-found supermassive black holes and extreme galaxies called “hot DOGs” — dust-obscured galaxies that burn brightly with infrared light, thought to be among the brightest galaxies ever found. The latest findings are helping astronomers better understand how galaxies and the behemoth black holes … more…

Sugar molecules around a star

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 6 horas atrás
Sugar molecules — building blocks of RNA — found around young star August 30, 2012 [image: Astronomers have for the first time found glycolaldehyde molecules around a young sun-like star. Glycolaldehyde is a an important pre-biotic species, a simple sugar, consisting of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Through observations with ALMA the researchers have shown that the molecules are located within a region with an extent corresponding to our own solar system - and thus exist in the gas from which planets possibly are formed around the young star later in its evolution. (Credit: ESO)]... mais »

diretiva antecipada de vontade

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 11 horas atrás
Qui, 30 de Agosto de 2012 09:33 *A Resolução 1.995, do Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM), estabelece os critérios para que qualquer pessoa – desde que maior de idade e plenamente consciente – possa definir junto ao seu médico quais os limites de terapêuticos na fase terminal* * * [image: diretivas_grande] Pacientes e médicos contarão, a partir desta sexta-feira (31), com regras que estabelecerão os critérios sobre o uso de tratamentos considerados invasivos ou dolorosos em casos clínicos nos quais não exista qualquer possibilidade de recuperação. Sob o nome formal de diretiva antec... mais »
Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 dia atrás
*Artigo selecionado pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja*Your Scientific Reasoning Is More Flawed Than You Think New concepts don’t replace incorrect ones: they just learn to live together By Jason Castro 18 inShare **It takes longer to accurately recall counterintuitive theories.Image: iStock / Frank Ramspott In one sense, science educators have it easy. The things they describe are so intrinsically odd and interesting — invisible fields, molecular machines, principles explaining the unity of life and origins of the cosmos — that much of the pedagogical attention-gett... mais »

Sem título

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 dia atrás
Há uma semana tivemos o prazer de receber minha turma da hidroginástica que foi conhecer nosso novo consultório, e depois assistir uma palestra de nosso colega Antônio Padula sobre a China, que ele visitou recentemente.

Cláudio Marcos da Silveira: +28/08/2012

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 dia atrás
Transcrevo a nota de falecimento do FOGUINHO, escrita pelo colega, também grande sanitarista, Jair Ferreira, que teve com ele maior contato. Tive também diversos encontros na vida com o Cláudio: no Projeto de Análise Institucional da SSMA, depois quando apresentei meu projeto de Programa de Prevenção da Febre Reumática, posteriormente no IPB na identificação dos Estreptococos e num projeto frustrado para determinação da prevalência de infecção estreptocócicas em escolares de Porto Alegre, ainda, enquanto na OPAS em diversas oportunidades e como cliente até que teve sua valvulopatia r... mais »

Cough : Gabapentin

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 dia atrás
Chronic Cough Responds to Epilepsy Drug, Study Finds But expert contends few patients really need it Tuesday, August 28, 2012 [image: HealthDay news image] Chronic cough affects 11 percent to 16 percent of the population, the researchers report. The exact cause is unknown, but it might relate to a malfunction in a part of the brain that causes coughing. Gabapentin works by suppressing that "cough center," they said.TUESDAY, Aug. 28 (HealthDay News) -- A drug commonly used to control epileptic seizures and pain, gabapentin, also appears to ease hard-to-treat chronic coughs, a new stud... mais »

SCIAM: the first issue 1845

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 3 dias atrás
First Issue of *Scientific American* Magazine Is Published (1845)In 1845, Rufus Porter—an eccentric inventor, painter, and editor—published the first issue of *Scientific American*, a weekly newspaper about new inventions. By 1853, its circulation had reached 30,000 and it was reporting on various sciences, such as astronomy and medicine. In 1921, it became a monthly. Its solidly-researched, well-written articles, accompanied by illustrations and explanations, have made it a highly regarded publication. How much did the first subscriptions cost? More...

Neutrons escaping to a parallel world?

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 3 dias atrás
Neutrons escaping to a parallel world? *Researchers hypothesize the existence of mirror particles to explain the anomalous loss of neutrons observed experimentally. (Credit: © Pix by Marti / Fotolia)*

Most mutations come from dad: New insights into age, height and sex reshape views of human evolution

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 3 dias atrás
Most mutations come from dad: New insights into age, height and sex reshape views of human evolution *Humans inherit more than three times as many mutations from their fathers as from their mothers, and mutation rates increase with the father's age but not the mother's, researchers have found in the largest study of human genetic mutations to date. (Credit: © yanlev / Fotolia)*

Stable CD: Invasive x Non-Invasive treatment

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 3 dias atrás
Fractional Flow Reserve–Guided PCI versus Medical Therapy in Stable Coronary Disease Bernard De Bruyne, M.D., Ph.D., et al. August 28, 2012 (10.1056/NEJMoa1205361) The preferred initial treatment for patients with stable coronary artery disease is the best available medical therapy. We hypothesized that in patients with functionally significant stenoses, as determined by measurement of fractional flow reserve (FFR), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) plus the best available medical therapy would be superior to the best available medical therapy alone. CONCLUSIONS In patients wi... mais »

Gut Bugs

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
How Gut Bugs Make You Sick — or Well By TARA THEAN | August 27, 2012 | 11 SIMKO Once inside the gut, clostridium bacteria may play a role in the development of autism You are not alone – ever. All day, every day, you’re in the company of millions of other creatures, even when there’s not another soul in sight. More unsettling still, those unseen others live inside you. The invisible population that calls you home is known as your microbiome — the millions of nonhuman cells that populate your body, particularly your intestines and other parts of your digestive system. If you could extr... mais »

antibiotics and obesity

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 4 dias atrás
Could antibiotics be causing the obesity epidemic? By Laura Shin | August 27, 2012, 3:00 AM PDT Yikes. The very medicines we turn to for a cure may be causing us harm. Two new studies show that antibiotics could be harming the bacteria in our guts, causing us to pack on the pounds. And the hypothesis isn’t so far-fetched, considering that the cattle and pigs we raise as meat are fed a steady stream of antibiotics that have been shown to help them gain weight. In the first study, which was conducted in mice, exposure to antibiotics disrupted the mice’s internal microbe communities, re... mais »

Autism: Immune Disorder

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 5 dias atrás
*Selecionado pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinart Azambuja* An Immune Disorder at the Root of AutismBy MOISES VELASQUEZ-MANOFF IN recent years, scientists have made extraordinary advances in understanding the causes of autism, now estimated to afflict 1 in 88 children. But remarkably little of this understanding has percolated into popular awareness, which often remains fixated on vaccines. So here’s the short of it: At least a subset of autism — perhaps one-third, and very likely more — looks like a type of inflammatory disease. And it begins in the womb. It starts with what scientists c... mais »

Faleceu Jorge Pinto Ribeiro

Aloyzio AchuttiemAMICOR - 1 semana atrás
*Estamos de Luto!* *Jorge Pinto Ribeiro *pertenceu ao grupo AMICOR, foi um grande amigo, colega exemplar, professor excepcional, exímio profissional, pesquisador respeitado em todo o mundo. Faleceu ontem, dia 23 de agosto. Cerimonias fúnebres hoje às 19 horas no Crematório Municipal. Vamos preservar seu sorriso, seu entusiasmo e sua capacidade de

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