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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Kellogg Foundation


(Em 1960-61 Fui Residente Chefe da 2a. Residência Médica implantada em nosso país, no Serviço da Cátedra de Terapêutica Clínica do Professor Eduardo Zaccaro Faraco, com Bolsa concedida através de um convênio da UFRGS e Kellogg Foundation. Em 1961 minha esposa Dra. Valderês Robinson Achutti, também foi Residente no mesmo Serviço, com a mesma bolsa)
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation was established in 1930 by breakfast cereal pioneer W.K. Kellogg, who defined its purpose as “…administering funds for the promotion of the welfare, comfort, health, education, feeding, clothing, sheltering and safeguarding of children and youth, directly or indirectly, without regard to sex, race, creed or nationality.…” To guide current and future trustees and staff, he said, “Use the money as you please so long as it promotes the health, happiness and well-being of children.”
The foundation receives its income primarily from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Trust, which was set up by Mr. Kellogg. In addition to its diversified portfolio, the trust continues to own substantial equity in the Kellogg Company. While the company and the foundation have enjoyed a long-standing relationship, the foundation is governed by its own independent board of trustees. The foundation receives its income primarily from the trust’s investments.
Over the years, the Kellogg Foundation’s programming has continued to evolve, striving to remain innovative and responsive to the ever-changing needs of society. Today, the organization ranks among the world’s largest private foundations, awarding grants in the United States, Mexico, Haiti, northeastern Brazil and southern Africa.

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