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Monday, December 31, 2018

2902 - AMICOR 21 - Seleção Retrospectiva 2018

Para finalizar o ano tive ideia de fazer uma retrospectiva a partir das 1340 postagens do ano, entretanto estou com dificuldade de fazer uma seleção enxuta. Só do mês de janeiro já separei quatro de 107!?...Selecionei outras de outros meses mas esqueci de salvar a seleção. De qualquer forma estava ficando extenso demais.
Agora temos aí uma listagem que corresponde aos meses de Dezembro e Janeiro de 2018. Penso que pode ser mais uma oportunidade para muitos de meus amigos que não tiveram tempo de olhar com calma o que foi publicado. 
Acho que nas próximas publicações vou continuar com a seleção de outros meses. De qualquer forma o conteúdo das postagens desde 2004 está abeto ao acesso de quem estiver interessado em vascular o que separei.
  • Efemérides de 2018: E. Britânica (250 anos), Bortolo Achutti (meu pai 120), Espanhola (100), Revolução Russa (100), Término da 1a Guerra (100), Medicina de nossa turma (60), Primeira circun-navegação da Lua (50), Alma Ata (40), Pesquisa com Eduardo Costa sobre Pressão Arterial no RS (40)
  • Novas descobertas neuro-psiquiátricas
  • Media Social e seus problemas de controle e Fake News
  • Microbioma
  • Redescoberta de planos de mais de 30 anos...
  • Busca dos arcanos do Universo
  • .......................
Desejo a todos mais uma vez Saúde, Esperança, Coragem e Curiosidade do que vem por aí, assim nos mantemos vivos e participando do que temos em comum (mente que extrapola nossos corpos)e que nos deixa felizes quando percebemos que as conexões que temos dentro de nossos cérebros coincidem com as de nossos companheiros e podem encontrar resposta nessa grande rede cultural!...
Grato pela companhia e um abraço a todos.


New Genetic Clues to Frontotemporal Dementiaby Neuroscience News Study reports a mutation in a single gene that causes hereditary frontotemporal dementia makes it harder for neurons to communicate, leading to neurodegeneration. Read more of this post [image: neurons] The photo shows neurons (red) with a mutation in the MAPT gene — a gene that makes the protein tau. People with this mutation develop frontotemporal dementia. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that cells carrying the MAPT mutation developed abnormalities in genes that control comm... mais »


Há sessenta anos na noite de hoje nossa turma estava recebendo o diploma de médicos. Éramos 88, alguns já haviam ficado pelo caminho. Não consegui saber com segurança quantos estariam em condições de comemorar. Na celebração anual no Salão de Atos (que foi inaugurado com nossa turma) da *Associação dos Antigos Alunos da UFRGS*, só estava mais um além de mim *Eduardo Beck Paglioli*. Três vezes por semana encontro na Piscina do Clube do Comércio (Hidroginástica) com *Nilo Milano Galvão* e pela Internet tenho me correspondido com *José Izidoro Peirano Maciel, Antônio Eduardo Ludwig, Be... mais »

Influenza Cataclysm, 1918

Influenza Cataclysm, 1918D.M. Morens and J.K. Taubenberger[image: publication image] This year marks the centennial of an influenza pandemic that killed 50 million to 100 million people globally — arguably the single deadliest event in recorded human history. Evidence suggests that another pandemic at least as severe may occur one day. [image: Digital Object Thumbnail]Interview with Dr. David Morens on lessons from the 1918 influenza pandemic and the threat of a similar global health disaster. (10:50)Download

Human Development Report 2018

Human Development Today End of Year Roundup *As 2018 comes to a close, we take a moment to reflect on the past year which was a busy one for the Human Development Report Office. We’d also like to thank HDRO's outgoing Director Selim Jahan and Chief Statistician Milorad Kovacevic who will both be retiring at the end of 2018. Pedro Conceição has been appointed the new Director of HDRO to lead the 'next generation' of Human Development Reports. Below are highlights of key events, human development data and knowledge products in 2018.* Release of the 2018 Statistical Update The United Na... mais »

Last hominin

Video / Human Evolution Last hominin standing – charting our rise and the fall of our closest relatives 6 minutes

New nerve cells

The battle over new nerve cells in adult brains intensifies New methods are needed to settle the debate BY LAURA SANDERS 7:00AM, DECEMBER 20, 2018 [image: nerve cells] NO SIGNS In a study of human brains, young nerve cells (green) were visible in the memory-related hippocampus of a newborn (left), but were rare in a sample from a 13-year-old (center). None were seen in adult brains, including this sample from a 35-year-old (right). Just a generation ago, common wisdom held that once a person reaches adulthood, the brain stops producing new nerve cells. Scientists countered that depr... mais »

50 years ago

50 YEARS AGO 50 years ago, astronauts orbited the moon for the first time Dec 27 2018 5:30 AM Fifty years ago, astronauts went to the moon and back for the first time.


Why Amartya Sen remains the century’s great critic of capitalism Tim Rogan is a fellow of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, where he teaches history. He is the author of *The Moral Economists: R H Tawney, Karl Polanyi, E P Thompson and the Critique of Capitalism *(2017 Edited by Sam Haselby *Recomendado pela AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja* [image: Amartya Sen photographed in New Delhi, 2017. Photo by Priyanka Parashar/Mint/Getty] Amartya Sen photographed in New Delhi, 2017. *Photo by Priyanka Parashar/Mint/Getty* Critiques of capitalism come in two varieties. First, ther... mais »

Visions of a Better World

Visions of a Better World Noam Chomsky, Richard Dawkins, Martin Rees and others answer the question: What’s your utopia? - By John Horgan on December 19, 2018 - 4 [image: Visions of a Better World] Credit: Kiratsinh Jadeja *Getty Images* Unless you are too stoned or enlightened to care, you are probably dissatisfied with the world as it is. In that case, you should have a vision of the world as you would like it to be. This better world is your utopia. That, at any rate, is the premise of a question I’ve been asking scientists and other thinkers lately: What’s your utopia? I pr... mais »

How Memory Works

New Insight on How Memory Worksby Neuroscience News Study reports declarative memory depends upon conscious knowledge of what has been previously learned. Researchers discovered conscious knowledge is compromised in those with damage to the hippocampus. The findings shed new light on how the hippocampus controls the process of memory. Read more of this post [image: the hippocampus] The finding helps explain how the hippocampus controls the process of memory. image is in the public domain.

The theory of all

The most beautiful theory of allA century ago Albert Einstein changed the way humans saw the universe. His work is still offering new insights today [image: Go to the profile of The Economist] The EconomistFollow Aug 8, 2017 “ALFRED, it’s spinning.” Roy Kerr, a New Zealand-born physicist in his late 20s, had, for half an hour, been chain-smoking his way through some fiendish mathematics. Alfred Schild, his boss at the newly built Centre for Relativity at the University of Texas, had sat and watched. Now, having broken the silence, Kerr put down his pencil. He had been searching for a ... mais »

2018 - Janeiro (107 postagens) 
Anxiety cells
Researchers Discover 'Anxiety Cells' In The Brain

'We Heard the Bells: The Influenza of 1918' (Centenário da "Espanhola")By Ashley Halsey III


Social Media 

From: The New York TimesThe Follower FactoryThe Follower Factory
Everyone wants to be popular online. Some even pay for it. Inside social media’s black market.

"Social media is a virtual world that is filled with half bots, half real people. You can’t take any tweet at face value. And not everything is what it seems."

Baby's microbioma

Microbioma esteve na ordem do dia encontrando-se as relações mais variadas desde neuro-psiquiátricas como até genéticas
Baby’s first bacteria may take root before birth [image: A baby gestures minutes after he was born]The fetus, placenta and womb were thought to be sterile, but some scientists argue that a baby’s microbiome begins to 
develop long before birth. Nature | 17 min read


Saúde do Idoso - 1984

*Saúde do Idoso 1984 Protocolo de intensões SSMA/MS/OPAS* Encontrei hoje esta proposta de época um próxima a que me aposentei na Secretaria da Saúde, onde nossos objetivos eram ações relacionadas com o controle de Doenças Crônicas, Promoção da Saúde e pretendíamos desenvolver ações mais específicas relacionadas com os idosos. Em seguida, quando retornei para a Faculdade de Medicina propuz a criação das Disciplinas de Promoção e Proteção da Saúde em substituição às de Acompanhamento de Família que estavam fadadas a serem extintas. A minha PPSIII dedicava-se ao Adulto, incluíndo o Idoso... mais »

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