Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 minute ago

*Recebi de um afiliado (Leônidas Xausa Fo.) dizendo-me que o dia de hoje seria do abraço. Como estamos com recomendações para limitar nossas expressões físicas de afeto, a imgem dinâmica que me enviou serve para levar meu abraço virtual a todos os AMICOR.
Tucidides ; Reginaldo H. Albuquerque
Reginaldo Albuquerque 24 de março às 11:41 · Folha de S.Paulo · [image: Foto do perfil de Reginaldo Albuquerque, A imagem pode conter: Reginaldo Albuquerque] Sem causa aparente, mas de súbito e enquanto gozavam de boa saúde, as pessoas eram atacadas por intenso calor na cabeça e vermelhidão e inflamação dos olhos, e as partes internas da boca (tanto a garganta quanto a língua) ficavam imediatamente da cor do sangue e passavam a exalar um hálito anormal e fétido. No estágio seguinte apareciam espirros e rouquidão, e pouco tempo depois o mal descia para o peito, seguindo-se tos...precisando...*
Tucidides ; Reginaldo H. Albuquerque

Shadow Cities
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 17 minutes ago
*From NY Review of Books:* “On a late spring morning almost two years ago, while walking on Broadway, I suddenly noticed that something terrible had happened to Straus Park,” André Aciman begins. We published his essay *Shadow Cities* in our December 18th, 1997 issue. It is about all of the tiny griefs city dwellers experience as their environment changes. We've unlocked the essay in full through the end of March. Keep Reading André Aciman DECEMBER 18, 1997 ISSUE On a late spring morning almost two years ago, while walking on Broadway, I suddenly noticed that something terrible ...
el reloj de los pájaros
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 hours ago
*Recomendado por nossa filha Lúcia Helena* En ritmo con la naturaleza: el reloj de los pájaros (escucha sus cantos) (II) Por El Correo del Sol 11 comentarios No solo las flores tienen un reloj diario, también el mundo animal sigue el ritmo de la naturaleza. Los pájaros nos enseñan las horas y las estaciones e incluso nos pueden avisar de peligros. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Telegram No hay un sonido más característicos de la primavera que el canto de los pájaros por las mañanas. Ser despertado por ellos es una manera mucho más agradable de entrar en el día que ser arrancado de las g...
el reloj de las flores
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 hours ago

*Recomendado por nossa filha Lúcia Helena* En ritmo con la naturaleza: el reloj de las flores (I) Por El Correo del Sol 6 comentarios Vivir en armonía con la naturaleza y sus ritmos significa saber leer y entender sus señales. Por ejemplo, nos indican cuándo va a cambiar el tiempo y cuándo es el momento idóneo para cosechar. Las flores son tan precisas que con ellas se puede crear un reloj exacto y además predicen la meteorología. Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Telegram [image: Diseño del reloj floral de Carl von Linné]
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 10 hours ago

4 Cups a Day: 4 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking That Much CoffeeTwo cups aren’t enough, research suggests. Inverse| - Mary von Aue [image: GettyImages-925710052(1).jpg] - *Photo from Morsa Images / Getty Images *. Coffee doesn’t have the best reputation as a healthy beverage, despite several studies that suggest the contrary. The caffeinated drink is more than just a mood-stabilizer and morning savior. Among its many health benefits, researchers have linked it a lowered risk of Alzheimer’s disease and suggest it’s a worthy defender against cirrhosis of the live...
John von Neumann
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 11 hours ago

The Unparalleled Genius of John von Neumann [image: Jørgen Veisdal] Jørgen Veisdal Follow Nov 11, 2019 · 31 min read “Most mathematicians prove what they can, von Neumann proves what he wants” Itis indeed supremely difficult to effectively refute the claim that John von Neumann is likely the most intelligent person who has ever lived. By the time of his death in 1957 at the modest age of 53, the Hungarian polymath had not only revolutionized several subfields of mathematics and physics but also made foundational contributions to pure economics and statistics and taken key parts in th...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 12 hours ago
*TabaCorona* *RONI QUEVƎDO - Médico* *CREMERS 10.178* Tão importante quanto lavar as mãos com água e sabão é parar de fumar. Interromper a dependência ao tabaco é medida de extrema importância para proteção ao coronavírus. O tabaco além de ser potencialmente agressivo para todo o organismo, é especial e potencialmente tóxico para as vias respiratórias, sistema orgânico também escolhido pelo coronavírus. Independente da idade, todos os fumantes estão dentro do Grupo de Risco. Qualquer momento é adequado para largar tabaco, é definitivamente deixar de fumar. Que seja agora, março de 20...
On This Day for March 28
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 14 hours ago

*On This Day for March 28* READ MOREVirginia Woolf[image: Virginia Woolf.][image: Eisenhower, Dwight D.][image: Lady Gaga][image: Sergey Rachmaninoff.][image: Marc Chagall, photograph by Arnold Newman, 1956.][image: Sir Peter Ustinov, 1991.][image: Max Weber, 1918][image: Teresa of Ávila, St.] [image: Francisco Franco][image: Eugène Ionesco, 1959.][image: Modest Mussorgsky, portrait by Ilya Repin, 1881; in the Gosudarstvennaya Tretyakovskaya Galereya, Moscow.][image: Mario Vargas Llosa, c. 1990.] [image: William Byrd of Westover, detail of an oil painting by Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1704;...
BP Sex Differences
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago
January 15, 2020 Sex Differences in Blood Pressure Trajectories Over the Life Course Hongwei Ji, MD1,2,3; Andy Kim, BA1,2,4; Joseph E. Ebinger, MD5; et alTeemu J. Niiranen, MD6,7; Brian L. Claggett, PhD1; C. Noel Bairey Merz, MD4; Susan Cheng, MD, MPH, MMSc1,2,4 Author Affiliations Article Information JAMA Cardiol. 2020;5(3):19-26. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2019.5306 Download PDF - - Audio Interview (17:16) Sex Differences in Blood Pressure Trajectories Over the Life Course Key Points *Question* How do patterns of blood pressure (BP) change over the life course and diffe...
Viral Load
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago

Does a high viral load or infectious dose make covid-19 worse? HEALTH 27 March 2020 By Linda Geddes [image: An illustration of coronavirus particles] An illustration of coronavirus particles MAURIZIO DE ANGELIS/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Does being exposed to more coronavirus particles mean you will develop a more severe illness? Rumours circulating on social media suggest that hospital workers or their household members exposed to a higher “viral load” become sicker than the general population. But emerging research indicates the relationship between infection and covid-19 severity may be ...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago

171 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: MARCH 27[image: Quentin Tarantino.][image: Mariah Carey, 2006.][image: Yuri Gagarin][image: Escher, M.C.] [image: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen.][image: Sarah Vaughan.][image: Margaret of Valois, painting by François Clouet, c. 1572; in the Sabauda Gallery, Turin, Italy.][image: Rostropovich, Mstislav][image: Kirov, Sergei][image: Mary of Burgundy.][image: James Dewar.][image: Pierce, John Robinson] [image: Viagra] 1998: The drug Viagra from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in treating erec...
US is new pandemic epicenter
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 1 day ago

US is new epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic By Rachael Rettner - Senior Writer 4 hours ago - - - - - - Comments (0) [image: The U.S. is now the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic.] The U.S. is now the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. (Image: © Anton Petrus via Getty Images) The coronavirus outbreak reached a somber milestone in the U.S. on Thursday (March 26) — the nation now has more coronavirus cases than any other country in the world.
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
[image: cover-image][image: cover-image-two] In another week dominated by the pandemic, we have two covers. In Britain and America we examine how the role of governments has expanded to deal with the virus. It is the most dramatic extension of the state since the second world war and it has taken place with almost no time for debate. But it is no accident. Only the state can enforce isolation and business closures to stop the virus; it alone can help offset the resulting economic collapse. Yet for believers in limited government and open markets, covid-19 poses a problem. The stat...
copper’s antimicrobial properties
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
Copper Kills Coronavirus. Why Aren’t Our Surfaces Covered in It? Civilizations have recognized copper’s antimicrobial properties for centuries. It’s time to bring the material back. [image: Fast Company] Fast Company Follow Mar 16 · 5 min readphoto: Alex Plesovskich *By Mark Wilson* In China, it was called “qi,” the symbol for health. In Egypt it was called “ankh,” the symbol for eternal life. For the Phoenicians, the reference was synonymous with Aphrodite — the goddess of love and beauty. These ancient civilizations were referring to copper, a material that cultures across the globe h...
The World Without Us
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
The Journalist Who Predicted a Pandemic Eerily Similar to Our Own An interview with the author of a 2007 bestseller that imagined nature’s triumph in the aftermath of human extinction [image: Amy Wallace] Amy Wallace Follow Mar 26 · 6 min read Thirteen years ago, Alan Weisman wrote *The World Without Us*, an international bestseller that described in painstaking detail how our planet would repair itself were humankind suddenly absent. Heralded by the *New York Times* as “a morbidly fascinating nonfiction eco-thriller,” the exhaustively reported thought experiment predicted, for example...
half UK caught COVID-19?
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago

Has half the UK already caught COVID-19? Probably not. By Nicoletta Lanese - Staff Writer 3 hours ago A new study rests on several big assumptions, but highlights the desperate need for antibody testing. - - - - - - Comments (0) [image: Crowded Oxford Circus Station] Oxford Circus Station in April 2015 (Image: © Shutterstock) On March 24, a headline in the *Financial Times* proclaimed that "Coronavirus may have infected half of UK population," suggesting that many people in the region may have already recovered from and developed some immunity to COV...
On this day
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago

157 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: MARCH 26[image: Ludwig van Beethoven][image: Nimoy, Leonard][image: Whitman, Walt] [image: Dawkins, Richard][image: Tennessee Williams.][image: Nancy Pelosi][image: Lin Yutang]
Aretha Louise Franklin
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 2 days ago
[image: Aretha Franklin, 1993.] Today's *encore* selection - from *Aretha Franklin: The Queen of Soul* by Mark Bego. The black neighborhoods of Detroit in the 1950s and 1960s were teeming with teenaged musical talent—Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson, Otis Williams and others. Most passed through the doors of the 4,500 seat New Bethel Baptist Church, pastored by the "flashy bon vivant" Reverend C.L. Franklin—so high-profile that he merited mention in *Time* magazine. In the decades leading up to the 1950s, more blacks from the South had poured into Detroit—filling churches like Reverend F...
Telehackathons Collaboration
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago

Telehackathons, Bacteria, and Poverty: A Homeostatic Argument for Collaboration Ajay Dave | March 24, 2020 | 1 CommentDownload as PDF Pixabay According to the UN, just .7% of the global gross national product (GNP) is all it would take to eradicate extreme poverty, defined by the World Bank as living on less than $1.25 daily. Jeffrey Sachs, the former head economist for the Millennium Development Project and University Professor at Columbia, affirmed this finding in his bestseller “The End of Poverty”, arguing that these funds should be used to help communities create their own mar...
Ancestral de TODOS os animais
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago

Ancestral de TODOS os animais é encontrado em fóssil australianoPor Juliana Blume, em 24.03.2020 Uma criatura recém-descoberta que parece uma mini-jujuba é o parente em comum mais distante dos humanos e da grande maioria dos outros animais já encontrado. O fóssil de pelo menos 555 milhões de anos foi encontrado em rochas no estado da Austrália Meridional (Austrália) pela equipe liderada por Scott Evans, do Museu Nacional de história Natural Smithsonian (EUA). “A principal descoberta desse artigo é que este é possivelmente o bilateral mais antigo e reconhecível registrado. Como huma...
Coronavirus = Chimera ?
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 3 days ago

[image: main article image] (xia yuan/Getty Images) HEALTH Coronavirus Could Be a 'Chimera' of Two Different Viruses, Genome Analysis Suggests ALEXANDRE HASSANIN, THE CONVERSATION 24 MARCH 2020 In the space of a few weeks, we have all learned a lot about COVID-19 and the virus that causes it: SARS-CoV-2. But there have also been a lot of rumours. And while the number of scientific articles on this virus is increasing, there are still many grey areas as to its origins.
Diagnostic tests
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago
PCR, serological, CRISPR: the diagnostic tests - Most testing for COVID-19 is currently done on viral genetic material from nose and throat swabs, using a workhorse tool of molecular biology called reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The next big goal is to develop a serological test — one that can detect antibodies in someone who has already recovered. Prominent CRISPR researchers are also working on using the gene-editing technique to make faster, more accurate tests. Of course, the impact of tests depends on how authorities use them —...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago
[image: Article Image]Yosef Adest Abel Prize in Mathematics Shared by 2 Trailblazers of Probability and Dynamics Hillel Furstenberg, 84, and Gregory Margulis, 74, both retired professors, share the mathematics equivalent of a Nobel Prize. By Kenneth Chang
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago
[image: Article Image]Sean McSorley Welcome to the Virosphere SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the pandemic, belongs to one of 6,828 named species of virus. Hundreds of thousands more species are known, with perhaps trillions waiting to be found. By Carl Zimmer
on this day
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago

171 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: MARCH 24[image: Elizabeth I][image: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth][image: Steve McQueen in Bullitt (1968).][image: Harry Houdini.][image: Jules Verne.][image: Dewey, Thomas E.][image: Bernard Law Montgomery.][image: Auguste Piccard, 1961]
Past Pandemics
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 4 days ago

Lessons from Past Outbreaks Could Help Fight the Coronavirus Pandemic The 1918 influenza pandemic and 2002–2003 SARS outbreak suggest social distancing measures, communication and international cooperation are the most effective methods to slow COVID-19 - By Sara Goudarzi on March 23, 2020 [image: Lessons from Past Outbreaks Could Help Fight the Coronavirus Pandemic] Emergency flu hospital, staffed by U.S. Navy hospital corpsmen, that was set up in San Francisco to help care for those stricken by the influenza outbreak in 1918. Credit: Getty ImagesOn March 11 the World Health Org...
COV-19 Test
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
*Iceland has tested a huge number of people* per capita for COVID-19 compared with other nations: as of today, more than 10,000 out of its population of 364,000. And, unlike in many other places, that includes many people who show no symptoms. The effort would be difficult to reproduce for more populous nations, but the resulting data reveals much about the disease — including *“that about half of those who tested positive are non-symptomatic”*, says Thorolfur Guðnason, Iceland’s chief epidemiologist. (BuzzFeed News | 8 min read)
Drugs for COVID-19
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago

Treatments for COVID-19: Drugs being tested against the coronavirus By Live Science Staff 29 minutes ago - - - - - - Comments (0) [image: Several drugs are in various stages of being tested as treatments for the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.] Several drugs are in various stages of being tested as treatments for the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. (Image: © Shutterstock) The world is now desperate to find ways to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus and to find effective treatments. As of Friday (March 20), 86 *clinical trials of...
sex chromosomes
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
The weird history of the "sex chromosomes" 13:34 minutes · TED@NAS The common thinking on biological sex goes like this: females have two X chromosomes in their cells, while males have one X and one Y. In this myth-busting talk, science writer and podcaster Molly Webster shows why the so-called "sex chromosomes" are more complicated than this simple definition -- and reveals why we should think about them differently. Watch now »
Amiloidose cardíaca
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
Prezado (a) Dr.(a), É com imenso prazer que anunciamos mais uma conquista para pacientes com amiloidose, dessa vez para pacientes com amiloidose cardíaca por transtirretina. *Se fosse hoje quem sabe Prof. Rigatto teria sobrevivido..*
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
Benjamin Hardy, PhD Cancelar inscrição 09:06 (há 59 minutos) para mim Hey, Charles Darwin said, *“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; **it is the one most adaptable to change.”* Evolution is about adaptation. Change is inevitable, especially as a system becomes increasingly complex—like our global world. Those who know how to adapt to change are the ones who thrive in any condition. Adaptation is all about mindfulness to context, learning, and psychological flexibility. You can't adapt well if you're too caught-up in...
Benjamin Hardy, PhD Cancelar inscrição 09:06 (há 59 minutos) para mim Hey, Charles Darwin said, *“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; **it is the one most adaptable to change.”* Evolution is about adaptation. Change is inevitable, especially as a system becomes increasingly complex—like our global world. Those who know how to adapt to change are the ones who thrive in any condition. Adaptation is all about mindfulness to context, learning, and psychological flexibility. You can't adapt well if you're too caught-up in...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago

157 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: MARCH 23[image: Elizabeth Taylor, 1953.][image: Kurosawa Akira][image: Wernher von Braun, 1962][image: Joan Crawford, c. 1934.] [image: Margaret of Anjou][image: Erich Fromm][image: Emmy Noether.][image: Julius III, Italian commemorative medallion]
Back to work
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago

A Plan to Get America Back to Work Some experts say it can be done in weeks, not months — and the economy and public health are at stake. [image: Thomas L. Friedman] By Thomas L. Friedman Opinion Columnist - March 22, 2020 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/22/opinion/coronavirus-economy.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share
Domingo Marcolino Braile
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 5 days ago
[image: SBC Informa Adeus a Domingo Braile][image: SBC Informa Adeus a Domingo Braile] http://www.cardiol.br/sbcinforma/2020/20200322-nota-adeus-domingo-braile.html
Maya kingdom
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

Ancient Maya kingdom with pyramid discovered in southern Mexico By Grant Currin - Live Science Contributor 2 days ago This newly discovered Maya kingdom wasn't powerful, but its allies may have kept it safe. - - - - - - Comments (0) [image: A drawing (left) and a digital 3D model (right) of a stone slab found at the newly discovered kingdom.] A drawing (left) and a digital 3D model (right) of a stone slab found at the newly discovered kingdom. (Image: © Stephen Houston/Brown University; Charles Golden/Brandeis) After searching for more than a quarter ...
Review of the Eighties
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

A Cultural Review of the Eighties Decades can be difficult to define, in part because the culture and mores of a period often transcend any single expansive theme or subject. In the collective imagination, the eighties are bold and animated; they represent a riotous recalibration of everything from pop music to mainstream cinema. This week, we’re bringing you a selection of pieces about the art and culture that helped define the era. In “A Girl of the Zeitgeist,” Janet Malcolm profiles Ingrid Sischy, the savvy *Artforum* editor who helped transform Manhattan’s art scene during the ea...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

Against Aloneness in the Web of Life: Ernst Haeckel, Charles Darwin, and the Art of Turning Personal Tragedy into a Portal to TranscendenceAn antidote to isolation by way of tiny marine creatures and a broken Romantic heart.BY MARIA POPOVA In the waning winter of 1864, Charles Darwin opened a package that stopped his breath. “It is one of the most magnificent works which I have ever seen,” he exulted in his response to the sender — a young, still obscure German marine biologist by the name of Ernst Haeckel (February 16, 1834–August 9, 1919), who would go on to coin the word *ecology*...
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago

144 BIOGRAPHIES ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY: MARCH 22 [image: Hughes, Thomas][image: Doumer, c. 1930] [image: William I, detail from a portrait by Gustav Richter in the Nationalgalerie, Berlin][image: Hans Grimm][image: Fátima visionaries] [image: Kusama, Yayoi] [image: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, engraving by James Posselwhite, 19th century.]
the world after coronavirus
Aloyzio Achutti, AMICOR - 6 days ago
*Texto recomendado pela AMICOR Cristianne Famer Rocha* Yuval Noah Harari: *the world after coronavirus *. The Financial Times . [image: Yuval Noah Harari on what the world could look like after coronavirus]This storm will pass. But the choices we make now could change our lives for by Yuval Noah Harari Humankind is now facing a global crisis. Perhaps the biggest crisis of our generation. The decisions people and governments take in the next few weeks will probably shape the world for years to come. They will shape not just our healthcare systems but also our economy, politics and c...
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