3;059 - AMICOR (24)
#Dra. Valderês A. R. Achutti (*13/06/1931+15/06/2021)
Para o próximo dia 01 de dezembro: Valderês, Ana Lúcia e Luiz Eduardo
Há 60 anos, Dra. Valderês chegando em casa - com novidade...
#Sciencenews - NGM
Frank Drake stands in front of a whiteboard with his eponymous equation, which estimates the number of detectable alien civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy.
COURTESY OF SETI INSITUTE Why alien hunters have spent 60 years finding new solutions for the Drake Equation Astronomer Frank Drake came up with the famous formula as he prepared for a last-minute meeting in 1961. It still guides the search for intelligent life beyond Earth. BY NADIA DRAKE PUBLISHED NOVEMBER 30, 2021 SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA “Dad, did you ever imagine that your formula would become so famous?” I ask the kind-eyed, 91-year-old person next to me on the patio. My dad, Frank Drake, is quiet for a moment. Perhaps he’s thinking back to the November day 60 years ago when he unceremoniously drafted a formula that went on to shape humankind’s hunt for extraterrestrial civilizations. Or maybe he’s listening to the shrieking scrub jays and chattering woodpeckers in the yard, confirmation that noisy lifeforms are thriving in at least one part of the cosmos./.../ #The NY Review of Books “Our schoolhouse is the universe.” Henry David Thoreau, Journal , October 15, 1859 #NATURE
Knot theorists proved the validity of a mathematical formula about knots after using machine learning to guess what the formula should be. (DeepMind) Artificial-intelligence (AI) powerhouse DeepMind has teamed up with mathematicians to spot previously unseen patterns and seek new discoveries. Researchers trained a machine-learning algorithm on vast amounts of data about knots and revealed a formula linking two properties of knots — which the mathematicians then proved rigorously. In a separate test, the team found a potential pattern related to symmetries, which had been sought for decades. “I was very struck at just how useful the machine-learning tools could be as a guide for intuition,” says knot theorist Marc Lackenby.
Nature | 6 min read Reference: Nature paper #MEDIUM Bryan Dijkh UMuizen in Lessons from History · 6 min read Charles Darwin’s book ‘The Origin of Species was released in 1859, and it is often considered the book that changed the world The Beagle in the waters (Wikipedia)
The way people saw the world, and particularly how it came into existence, was irrevocably altered as a result. Darwin’s theory of evolution was the first to be proposed, and it was a direct challenge to the Christian idea that the planet was created in six days. His assertions were based on the findings he had made during his five-year voyage abroad aboard his ship, the Beagle./.../
Era um domingo quando ouvimos a notícia no carro, dirigindo em direção a Novo Hamburgo, onde provavelmemte iríamos almoçar. Estávamos Valderês e eu com os filhos
Prezado(a) médico(a), Neste sábado (4), a Comissão Estadual de Honorários Médicos do Rio Grande do Sul (CEHMRS) convida a classe médica para acompanhar o III Fórum Gaúcho de Saúde Suplementar e o I Fórum sobre Precarização das Relações do Trabalho Médico no SUS . O evento será realizado on-line via Sympla Streaming, em duas etapas, das 8h às 12h30 e das 13h30 às 17h, com debates sobre as perspectivas da remuneração do trabalho médico em 2022. As inscrições são gratuitas e podem ser realizadas on-line :
O conselheiro do Cremers, Eduardo Machado, será um dos mediadores dos fóruns e participa também como representante da Comissão, que é composta por Cremers, Amrigs e Simers. Graduado pela Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (FURG), o médico anestesiologista é mestre pelo programa Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) e atua nos principais hospitais privados da Capital. Junto a Machado, o diretor de Exercício Profissional da Associação Médica do RS, Ricardo Moreira Martins, fará também a mediação dos assuntos na presença de representantes da Secretaria da Saúde do Estado, da Federação dos Hospitais e Estabelecimentos de Saúde do RS, da Federação das Associações de Município do Rio Grande do Sul, do Ministério Público, da Agência Nacional de Saúde, entre outros.
#Psychiatric Times Is "Death with Dignity" Really Possible? This slogan may have crowded out the importance of life with dignity. One doctor shares his thoughts. #Quanta Magazine The Webb Space Telescope Will Rewrite Cosmic History. If It Works. By NATALIE WOLCHOVER
The James Webb Space Telescope, a $10 billion project decades in the making, has been designed to find answers to the core questions that have animated astronomers over the past half century. It is one of the most ambitious engineering projects ever attempted. But for it to achieve its potential — nothing less than to rewrite the history of the cosmos and reshape humanity’s position within it — a lot of things have to work just right. Read the article
Quantum Simulators Create a Totally New Phase of Matter By CHARLIE WOOD
One of the first goals of quantum computing has been to recreate bizarre quantum systems that can’t be studied in an ordinary computer. A dark-horse quantum simulator has now done just that. Read the blog
Will We Ever Get Rid of COVID-19? By TARA C. SMITH
No matter how much we’d like to eradicate SARS-CoV-2, it may be better to settle for other forms of control. Read the column Related: The Animal Origins of Coronavirus and Flu by Tara C. Smith (2020)
All Eyes on Omicron The new SARS-CoV-2 variant, omicron, has many mutations. As Ewen Callaway reports for Nature , scientists are racing to understand what those mutations imply about the variant virus’s transmissibility and the severity of its infections, as well as about the efficacy of vaccines. Thankfully, work is progressing rapidly, in part because of South Africa’s large genome monitoring effort. In June, Puja Changoiwala reported for Quanta about the necessity of genomic surveillance for curbing the pandemic.The New Neutrino Factory In a first, the Forward Search (FASER) experiment at the LHC has detected signs of neutrinos produced by a particle collider, Chelsea Gohd reports for Space.com . The new ability to detect and study neutrinos produced by the LHC may help scientists finally understand these strange subatomic particles. In October, Thomas Lewton wrote for Quanta about the confounding neutrino mysteries yet to be solved.
#Mona Lisa
# Advento - Primeira semana Valderês costumava comemorar o Advento. Ela que adquiriu há mais de vinte anos a coroa simbólica que sempre colocávamos na porta de nossa casa. A escultura da porta foi ela que escolheu, feita por um artesão de Caxias do Sul (terra onde ela nasceu) #Arquiteto Emil Achutti Bered
Meu primo famoso, trouxe-me um livro de presente, fiquei muito feliz
#Pop Mechanics
You never know what you'll find at the Large Hadron Collider.
1 comment:
Salve Achutti! Que lindas suas postagens sobre a nossa colega Vaderês, coisas que já são tão raras de se ver. Quanto ao Barnard, li algures, nem sei onde , que na equipe do Barnard havia um afrodescendente local que era um membro extremamente habilidoso em ciruurgia, embora não fosse médico. E, nas fotos oficiais da equipe, ele não era inserido. Coisas da época triste do apartheid
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