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Sunday, July 15, 2007

[2360 - AMICOR10 - 15/07/2007]

[2360 - AMICOR10 - 15/07/2007]

This week Highlights/Realces desta semana
Among several references sellected since the last massege the following must be highlightedEntre as várias referencias selecionadas desde a última mensagem as seguintes merecem ser salientadas:

Influenza e Ateroesclerose
Reportagem no Jornal da Universidade sobre artigo em revista internacional da AMICOR Maria Inês Reinert Azambuja

Swedish men with diabetes showed a dramatic drop in their blood sugar after 3 months on a "Paleolithic" diet, according to researchers in Sweden, who found that a diet free of grains and dairy products worked better than the oft-recommended "Mediterranean" diet.
Global Burden of Disease 2005: call for collaborators
Christopher JL Murray a, Alan D Lopez b, Robert Black c, Colin D Mathers d, Kenji Shibuya d, Majid Ezzati e, Joshua A Salomon e, Catherine M Michaud e, Neff Walker c and Theo Vos bThe Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study was commissioned by the World Bank in 1991 to provide a comprehensive assessment of disease burden in 1990 for 107 diseases and injuries and ten selected risk factors for the world and eight major regions. The methods and findings of the original GBD have been widely published and have stimulated numerous national studies of burden of disease

AMICOR - HONcode certificate extended

HONcode, Health On the Net Foundation's initiative to improve the quality of the medical Internet. As part of our subsequent monitoring process, we revisited your Web site and reviewed it for its HONcode compliance. Upon this process we certify its full compliance with all HONcode principles. We are therefore very pleased to herewith inform you that your HONcode certificate has been extended for the following year.

'The Governance Indicators

"'The Governance Indicators put to rest the tired assertion that these issues cannot be robustly measured and the lessons drawn cannot be put to subsequent positive use by governments, the development community, civil society and the media.'

Environmental Burden of Disease: Country profiles
For the first time, WHO presents country data on the burden of disease that is preventable through healthier environments. These estimates provide the stepping stone for informed policy making in disease prevention.
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